What are some good ways to meet ladies once in the FSU? Can you find computers in english in the FSU? Can you search agencies in the city you are in? I hope I don't need a back up plan, but it is a good idea to have one. Ya'll Have taught me that much. I wiil appreciate any imput. Have a good day!!!
yes you can find computers in english, but maybe it depends what city you go to. my advice is if your going for one woman, make sure she doesn't find out about a backup plan.
Just in case, Ditto? In case of what? You dumping her on sight, or she you? If there's agencies in the town/city you go to there's women as well - ever tried to speak to one?
"Hi I'm Ditto, come from Thero, am Hero now, and maybe you want to join me for some Funno?" Works a charm normally, lots better than leaving with a backup plan which invariably will influence your attitude.
Regarding the latter, surely you don't expect to get married in a week do you? Have fun instead, see it as a holiday and relax. Such just may owrk wonders.
No paper work for me. I really don't want a back up plan but it is always possible something could happen or change her mind. I hope not because I really dig her. OH!! the good old days!!! Only some ideas if things go south, I may do absolutly nothing. That would be good for me too.
I know its not anyones intent to have a disconnect,but if it happens just wander in daytime the city, you never know..... find out where english lessons are being given and go there and see if you can just answer local culture questions for the classes.... Buy a lady an ice cream or soft drink you see standing at a kisok. Got a hobby or sport you are into go find the store that sells the stuff.... its the same there as here networking... with a twist....
Leave the big city and head to asmaller town for the day.... unearthed treasures are out there...
Every major city will have local agencies you can visit. It works best if you contact them in advance. Local papers will likely have advertisements for them. By that, I mean they have an English edition of the St. Petersburg paper, and I suspect all the other major cities do as well.
Depending on what hotel you use, they will likely have internet access you can use for checking your mail and web access. In my case, I'm doing that right now from my hotel.
South, email fiance.com for the email address of the local agencies in whatever city you are going to. Of coase your girl is at one of these agencies but the people there are usualy fairly discreate. Just get them to eamail you some contact numbers, you can say that it is in case of and emergency for a translator as agencies can always contact them quickly. Where are you going, maybe someone here can help. I have nubers for Kiev and gorlovka, amybe even yekaterienburg
ID, We are going from Simferopol to Yalta for 12 days. We both liked the idea of a romantic setting. So here we go to Yalta. It will be very exciting for me just to see this place. Have a good day and thanks!!!
Thunder, the plan is just to fill out the vacation should something go south early. That would be totally unexpected from my point of view. We are getting along well on the phone and in the letters, but face to face can be a different story.
I would contact the agency and see if any ladies would enjoy a relaxed evening out with no expectations. Maybe someone just wants to practice their English.
There will definately be no proposal after one trip. I'm thinking more like 4 or 5, depending on how they go. My Russian can't even be called basic, so I have no yet figured out how to judge her personality through a translator. I like to listen to what a person is not saying to help understand them. Difficult to do without the language skills.
I am not going with a take it or leave it attitude. I really want this to work and am prepared to put forth whatever effort is required, but it's not all in my hands.
You are there and she is there, you meet with no pre-arrangment other than you new the agency. She is not a back up plan, if things go well for you it is fate.
fjaeril- It is official, my detector has finaly gone off after ready you posts, you are an idiot!
Fjaeril, again you are her only to cause trouble we would like to hear your input not your putdowns. These are ligitimate conserns. Some of us are not made of money as they would want you to believe. If it does not work out with someone there is no shame in trying again. You have a valid point and that is what is being discussed here. Instead of your insults and cocky banter share with us some meaningful input about your feelings and you would find you are welcome continue your insults and bad manners and you will get more of the same.