I have run into some strange problems on Fiancee.com
I wrote to a lady who is older than my self. I found her attractive and exiting, and would like to know more about her.
Then i get a reply from Director of Amenity Intl. Marriage Agency, Viktor Korelchuk
With the folloowing text:
Dear Sir!
When you to whom write that you in general look at age of lady? Or to you all the same? In each questionnaire there is a mark where lady specifies age of the prospective partner. Please be close, خت?
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask us for an answer.
Best regards,
Viktor Korelchuk
I wrote back, that i couldn't understand why i was corrected - because the lady, had written Age Dosen't matter in both of her age fields.
Then i got this one!
Dear Sir,
خت, I have made corrections in Inna's questionnaire. Next time more closely to whom you please look write. People seriously want to find for themselves the partner in life and it is not necessary to be played, خت?
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask us for an answer.
Best regards,
Viktor Korelchuk
What is the meaning of this. He admits that she has not given any limits to age, but instead of just excusing for hees error - he continues to blame me????
My question is:
When i write to a girl through Fiance.com - can i not be assured that its only the girl who recieves my answer, or is there som "Big Brother" sitting and read private letters?
Well, I am not an admin or moderator or anything from Fiance.com but having been here for a while I may be able to clarify some things. If you look closely at the profiles it will say "Is this girl independent? No, with agency e-mail." That means that they do not have their own public email address and in most cases do not have internet access at all. All letters & emails sent to them are then picked up by their local agency. The agency will translate the letters if needed and forward them on to the girl. This can be done by either simply printing the translated letters out and waiting for the girl to pick them up, reading the letters out loud to the girl over the phone then dictating a reply from her over the phone then forward this to you via email or waiting for the girl to come in to the agency so that she can read the email and reply herself. So to answer your question - yes there is "Big Brother". When you write your letters someone else besides just the girl is in fact reading every one of the letters and forwarding them on if they are listed with an agency.
In this particular case it sounds like the girl saw the letter, looked at your profile and then requested that the agency respond due to the issue with your age that she had. I do agree that the guy from the agency could have been a little more tactful about it, but the girl may in fact never considered anyone younger than her ever writing. In the FSU older women generally never date or marry younger men. So that is why she may not have specified an age. The thought may never have entered her mind that a younger man would have written her. When it did happen it sounds like the agency immediately responded and corrected her profile.
I know that probably isn't any consolation to you and you may feel it was an invasion of privacy by having someone else read your private email letters to her, but that is how it is usually done. In cases where the girls cannot directly access the internet, cannot read and understand the language of the writer well enough themselves and require translation or may live too far out of the city to get letters themselves - agencies will often do this as a service to the girl at her request.
If the girl was not intersted I think she would have just written a decline letter or written nothing at all. Al of what brian said is true but in my opinion the agency has stepped in without her concent, maybe thinking that you had made a mistake or maybe thinking that you are realy just wasting everyones time. If you are truely intersted, write back and state your inentions and see what happens.
Well in this situation I would say that a girl could be asked if she wants to correspond with a man who is younger...or not, she may have said something "no way, I don't want to correspond with a younger man, I find them to be...(and then she could give her ideas)". I agree that the man who wrote back could be a little bit more polite, but I guess he has much work to do and such things may irritate people.
Actually many girls here think that if a man is younger then a woman, then he seeks nothing but finanicial support, or just playing games. And usually have to admit that it seams very strange, when a woman is older, when she developed to some degree, and the younger man is much more "lower" her in that aspect...and they not always have many topics to talk about...at least from cases I saw...
I have been researcing a bit now - and i show up - as you say its some kind of second part agency - who wrote me back - as you all describes.
I must say i was rather surpriced of getting letters from a "third-person". I realy dont like that, when i am folding out all of my romantic abillities. :-) I sure dont mean to do that just to entertain the world. :-)
Now i know how things are put togheter - so i can take my precautions. Wow, there is a lot to figure out here. :-) I think it's a god idea with this forum and i apreeciate your answers.
One thing i feel i better say is. I am not 18 and looking for a girl more than 50. :-) The girl i wrote was 52, and i am 44 (almost 45 - i feel i have to say. :-) ) - so the difference in age was not that big - and i sure could support her good. She look's very god to me, but she is not interested - so i have to find an other beautifull girl, maybee this time somehow younger. :-)
Thank yuo again for your answers - it has been a great help.
you seem to have everyone's attention so why don't you contribute something......nothing magical or earth shattering........some common sense would be a good beginning!!!
Fight for your rights to date the elderly, my brother!!!!
I strongly encourage you and everyone else to date women over 45 years of age while I plow the field among the 28 to 26 year old group, lol.....
dear jokan
I contacted Viktor Korelchuk about this situation. He said that he didn't mean to offend you, that was spontaneous reaction. Viktor brings his sincere appologies and offers you assistance in searching for soul mate. His local agency is doing good job for long time as our partner and we trust him. So please don't be affraid and continue to correspond with that lady.