No amount of fiddling with the language can ever change the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.
During the German occupation (WW2) several countries had freedom fighters, and as a general rule they tried to minimise civil casualties - even to people working for the Germans - when they blew up factories, trains, etc.
SS on the other hand deliberately killed innocent civilians.
Oradour (France), Lidice (Czechoslovakia) are examples.
Terrorism is used to terrorise by targetting the innocent.
I donīt understand the reason, why you publish this thread here, but I feel free to answer to you:
During all history back probably every nation has its socalled black point regarding human treatment towards other people. You can include the killing of innocent vietnamese civilists by US forces, the establishing of the first concentration camps by the brithish in South Africa, the massacres done by Japanese in China, the genocide of the indian population in the Caribics and South America by Espania and also the cruelties done by the soviets during Stalinism towards the russian/ukrainian population.
Me, being a german, agree completely regarding the SS - despite the fact, that a good portion of the members of SS came from non-german nations like the Baltics, Dutch, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and even Ukrainians. Anyway, it was done in german name, so we have to be responsible for it.
But: it is simply wrong from your side to say, that the freedom fighters in that countries being occupated by german forces, were "human" to those people of their own nation, who cooperated more or less with Germany! You need only to be an interpreter to have the guarantee to be shot by partisans. Even the knowledge of german language was a reason to be killed. After the WWII finished thousands of russian soldiers refused to go back to Russia, because many were sent to Siberia. The reason? The communists considered them to be influenced from western athmosphere. Especially Ukrainians tried to keep staying in Germany. In my childhood I knew personally several of them.
I want to please you to fresh up your knowledge about the treatment of the Soviet population, who got in contact with german military, by their freedomfighters.
You do not have to feel personal guilt for acts perpetrated by your country before you were born. Or after. Only for your own actions.
When I said 'working for the Germans' above I was thinking of people working on roads, buildings, in factories, etc. -not the people who worked more 'closely' with the Germans during the war. Perhaps it could have been expressed differently.
Interpreters were not routinely shot in Western Europe.
In countries where German language was part of the school curriculum before, during, and after the war, obviously the knowledge of the German language was not a reason for killing people.
Stalin's treatment of his people is a different matter.
Some people who called themselves freedomfighters were perpetrating terrorist acts.
History is no justification for terrorism.
And, what 'the others' do is no justification for terrorism.
You cannot fight for freedom by using terrorism - the most it can do is introducing a different terror-regime!
geriatrix you said "In countries where German language was part of the school curriculum before, during, and after the war, obviously the knowledge of the German language was not a reason for killing people", well you're wrong. During the war and after it, if the authorities would found out that you have given some bread or anything else to the German soldier, who would be very hungry, you would be sent to Syberia or killed. Being an interpreter for Germans was a great crime. Even saying a word to the German soldier could be your one way ticket to death. All these I say, judging from the memories my grandparents have, and what my great grandmother told me when she was still alive.
Worldtraveller said it very correctly, that many many soldiers were afraid to return, as they would be killed or sent to Syberia, and those who returned suffered from that.
The freedom fighters mentioned in the first post were in western Europe.
My knowledge of USSR is somewhat limited.
The original post stated that freedom fighters (in western Europe) most often tried to avoid civil casualties when they sabotaged factories, etc. working for the German war effort.
Terrorists target innocent civilians.
The fact that terrorist acts continued in the USSR after 1945 (done by a different administration) did not change the fact that the acts were acts of terrorism.
An act of terrorism is an act of terrorism - irrespective of the nationality of the terrorists.
Thanks to Ptichka and Worldtraveller for drawing attention to the big differences between west- and eastern-Europe in my WW2 example.
However, in a way your information does actually support my view.
People who call themselves 'freedom fighters' but act as 'terrorists' are not very likely to introduce freedom.
They would continue to act with terrorism when they get into power.
Killing innocent civilians has become a habit for them.
The world should stop believing that there are 'good' terrorists (because they have 'a good cause').
ALL terrorists are evil.
And they will govern with terror if they get into government.
Some comedian on the radio today had the greatest idea I've heard to solve many of the neverending iraq kidnappings and insurgent chasing.
Everyone who wants to work in or is sent as a soldier to iraq should agree to have a "LowJack" tracking device implanted somewhere in his/her body.
If they get kidnapped, special forces would be able to track them and summarily dispose of the perpetrators without much cost of life and or expense.
"He may be a son of a bitch, but he is *our* son of a bitch".
(quoted from memory).
This quote, and the attitude that goes with it (including "A repressed people is always right") has been used as an excuse for supplying moral and economic support to terrorists for years.
So called 'intellectuals' in the west have for a long time sent the wrong signals to terrorists.
And terrorist have 'learnt' to 'say the right thing' to gain support from demented 'intellectuals' in the west.
Now we need learn to distinguish between Good and Evil.
Before it is too late.
what good could it possibly do you or anybody else among us if 'ranj' 'came out of the closet'?
And what has his orientation got to do with this topic?
Why don't you stick with Sancho! I liked him the best. He was the sanest of your schizophrenic personalities. As for as "Eeyore" goes, Please do not bring him out as he was a real "terror".lol
How do you spell dweeb is it sanchodweeb, or ranjidweeb, or eyeodweeb, hoenissendweeb or geriatridweeb, or is it just bigdweeb. Just passing through, been here a bit, kinda observing trying to find a couple of new characters and must say there are a few here. See ya in the funnie papers.