What's up everyone!
This is totally outrageous!I used a copuple of other dating sites already,
I have corresponded with two women and they both turned out to be scammers. I sent one of them some money and then all of a sudden - she simply vanished. Can youprovide guarantees that this won't be the case with ladies from your company?
Hello Frankie!
I can understand your concerns about it after having those negatiove experiences.I am not going to reassure you that our site is the best in the net but the case is: we try to protect the safety of our customers' wallets. We have a rule according to which we prohibit the agencies send messages from their ladies, requesting money.As soon as we notice something suspicious in the behaviour of the lady( for example if she writes to
several man and asks each one to send her money) we immediately delete her profile from the site and notify our customers about it. We try to make the address verification in the cases when our customers are not sure that they are sending messages and gifts to the same person she is supposed to be.We try to avoid all possible mistakes and we always warn customers not to send money to ladies unless they are not 100% sure that she is serious and it is not the next scammer.We always appreciate when pur customers report us about their experience, it helps us to make timerly updates on the site.
Well, that does make sense.
So what do I do now? I mean can I trust anyone? If I am seriously involved with a girl and she is serious about our relationship would it be safe to send her money? or at which stage of the relatioship's delelopment is it safe to send money without the risk of getting ripped off?
You can trust, but check everything before that. Ask for her passport info, snail mail address and phone number. If you will communicate for a long time and you know this person well enough-then you can send her money.At what stage of your correspondence-you should decide yourself, but usually if you are aksed for money in the very first messages it looks a bit suspicious ;-)))
if your relationship are serious enough that you are ready to help her financially, ask her to remove her profile from dating agencies and web sites. try to help her by sending money directly paying for something... anyway: you can be married, give money to your wife, than she divorces you.. is it a scam too.. the same happens in any relationships. she can be seriously involved with you today, but will find somebody tomorrow and will have to disappear from your life.. is it a scam.. these are circumstances in my opinion..
scam when somebody collect money intentionally, under different identity, or several identities. as Olga said, make sure that you are sure who is she , and if she is real.
Just to add, there are truly a few ladies that are scammers, but most are not. I have experienced this once or twice, but it only strengthens my resolve. Beware of any lady who falls in love after the first few letters, since most Russian ladies are shy to show these emotions quickly. There are some URL's that have black lists, and here is one of them: http://www.womenrussia.com/blacklist.htm.
Hope this helps, and always trust your instincts.
Lucky there isn't a similar dating agency here in australia, because if I was in it and if the RWs on this site are anything to go by I would be in love with them all!!! Words can be cheap but in this case, sending money could prove bankruptcy is delivered by a kiss.