Are we the walking wounded?
Are we the blind leading the blind?
(considering that our past is our reason to be here).
Are we looking for women who no longer exist?
Or, is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Stop selling the false notion that western men are 'walking wounded'.
Nothing can be farther from the truth.
Previous failures or dissapointments in relationships with western women or women in general does not translate to the state of vulnerability and weakness that you're trying to project.
Quite the contrary.
Having lived through those experiences serves us to be aware of the kind of women we do not want to repeat the same experiences with. That's all.
The vast majority of us here are seasoned, capable, respectable men already happy with ourselves and out positions in each of our own lives.
Same here. I'm gonna stay long enough to see how this thing I have with at least one of the ladies I'm writing to pans out. this Miss Wow things has me secong guessing my choice but hey....
We are merely the result of a social overlap that has selfcorrective propeties.
What I mean in that in our culture there is a disparity between the sexes. Nature gives the best and most attractive feature to younger women. Men, on the other hand, are required to "pay their dues" and it takes some additional time to acquire the assets, experience and knowledge required to reach our optimal level of social attractiveness.
Unfortunately, traditional association between the sexes (fornmal education traditions, ages of "majority" and other aspects of modern life) cause many of us to seek ill-fated relationships where our ages are very similar. Men who choose in this way often short-change themselves choosing woemn at the pinacle of their social power while we are not near that point. When these relationships fail - it doesn't matter how successful we are or what other qualities we possess, we have traditionally been forced to choose from a depleted population of females - who have already been rejected in relationships (for one reason or another deserved or not) by other males.
This is where the the social overlap comes in. We are no longer forced to choose from just the immediate populations that we are members of. We can now (at least for a time) reach out to other long removed cultures where desirable women have been just as frustrated over the lack of MEN with acceptable qualities.
All of this is done with the most vehement objection from out population of available ladies who resent all "the good ones" and their newfound ability to find appealing ladies, and the population of men from the other culture who are likewise resentfull that "all the good ones are leaving the country" (both comments I have heard often).
In short we are NOT the walking wounded. We have merely developed our social ability (economic etc.) to the point that we have acceptable options. We've been lucky enough to take advantage of the social overlap and a few of us are much more than willing. And to those who think we upset the natural (but really defective) order of things: tough....cookies.
I'm not turned off my my local werstern womem. I am still activily dating women here. Unlike many men here it seems I have not painted all western women with the same broad brush. Sure I have found more than my fair share of wacked out women but you will find those wherever you go. I am here thanks to a russian woman that peaked my interest. I am not so foolish as to refuse to see local womem. If was was strking out with women consistently I would have to take a step back and do a self evaluation. It's kinda moronic to think, "hmmm... I'm not doing so hot with women here. It must be them not me!" Let's get realistic. A whole city full of women, not to mention a whole nation, can't be wrong. If you are not having any luck then most likely it's a problem with you. Plain and simple. When you find and marry that russian lady and bring her to your country she WILL change. She will adapt and become wersterized. It's silly to think she will stay the same. So you have to keep this in mind.
So yes to a degree many of the men I have seen post here do seem "wounded."
"....she WILL change. She will adapt and become westernized. It's silly to think she will stay the same. So you have to keep this in mind...."
Groon, what you warn everyone is easily discussed and prevented in advance long before you put your hearts and souls (and income) into a relationship that may turn out to be nothing more than a westerm 'marriage with an accent'.
It is up to each men to provide the proper family environment to help his new foreign bride develop in a manner that will make both of you proud and satisfied of what you're building together.
It does not happen all by its pretty self.
There is plenty of room in any pre-nup to establish the guidelines and parameters of your marriage.
Without using these same words, of course, you can easily and effectively document that:
'If you decide to become a western bitch like the kind I'm sick and tired of dealing with I reserve the right to bail out and send you packing to your native homeland'
Groon, I believe most western men who seek a partner to build a family with traditional values do not have a problem meeting, dating and getting sex from western women.
I'm no Casanova, and the line of women waiting for my call does not go all the way around the block...BUT....when I pick up the phone, I do get what I want on a regular basis.
Perhaps a different sort of analogy is in order. Compare it to fishing. Two lakes one enirely "fished out". That is not to say that there is not a single decent fish still swimming it is to say that if your time is limited - perhaps you should spend your time fishing lake number two where the fish are practically jumping into your boat.
If you spend your entire day on lake number one - without catching anything it does not say that you are a bad fisherman - it says (unless you care to beat yourself up that way) it says they simply are not there. Get yourself to the other lake and apply the same skills. Your results will be much better.
Damn, I wish the lake full of fish wasn't so damn far away..!!!!
On the other hand, if it was close I'd be 'gone fishing' all week long, lol....:)
We've beat the 'prenup horse' to 1000+ deaths already, lol....
(let's beat it one more time for morbid pleasure.)
Like all legally binding contracts between consenting adults it's up to the parties to list what the hell it is they're agreeing on.
I've seen odd entries in prenups, but I admit they're only odd looking to me, not the people who put them there.
If you're grown up enough to know what you're getting into when you go fishing for a pretty bride in FSU lakes, you're also expected to have a clear concise mental picture of what you want to achieve through marriage (also when, how and what if). Putting it in writing should be easy.
If on the other hand, one has no clue whatsoever of where his new marriage will lead him to after signing the marriage certificate, I understand why discussing a prenup would sound like too much trouble or something best left untouched.
It does not make the prenup less important or effective.
" 'If you decide to become a western bitch like the kind I'm sick and tired of dealing with I reserve the right to bail out and send you packing to your native homeland' "
Most western countries have legislation in place , that makes this slightly complicated.
There is another serious question:
Some of the Russian women are divorced. Are they "walking wounded"? And what happens when two people who both have some emotional "baggage" meet?
Geriatrix revived this thread on the 2nd, then he (fjaeril) did it again in the 11th. Now he (tordenskjold_fan) persist again.
You have not blacklisted any of his names used so far, which are:
ranjitsingh iperedruk
hence has no reason to change them, and blocking them would also not help.
What MAY help is you checking the various IP-addresses, and answering my question with a simple Yes or No: