I discovered this mooching around on the internet. It is an online translator and it seems to work quite well. I can't vouch for the accuracy of it because I can't read Russian, but I guess time will tell.
I registered and it gave me 7 free days of full service. If not then you can only do a small chunk of text at one go.
I translated a letter I had written, then cut and pasted the cyrillic characters into my regular Outlook email. I sent both the Russian (1st) then the English in the body of the same email. Hope she understands it! Still it is better than nothing. I am still waiting for the course to arrive. I am toying with buying the full software, could be real handy for me learning. I am notoriously bad with grammar and it would be a good way to correct myself. Anyway I hope you fellahs
Hey Iz, That translator is available here at Fiance.com. If you want to see how useless a translator is, try writing a letter in English, translate to Russian and then translate it back to English. You won't even recognize your letter.
by the looks of things you should familiarize yourself with a SE - that's short for 'Search Engine'.
Google & Yahoo are very well known one's, and you will not believe what kind of things they will come up with entries like: online translator
There's plenty of them, plenty free one's also, and all work more or less mediocre although some seem better than others.
http://babelfish.altavista.com/ is a quick one, suited for use whilst chatting. Prompt seems best (to me) but is slow.
Have fun!
Beer commercial what on earth are you talking about?
TD I am quite familiar with using a search engine and babelfish. Use it at work all the time. Only for literally one or two words at a time though not a complete text.
Verdict here seems forget it - so I will.
TD is right about prompt translation being one of the best.........but what he doesn't mention is that there is also a subscription option too,that give a much wider choice of usuable dictionaries for you to use.......for romantic letters and conversations for example,most of the relevant details on the home page.