Just thought that I would open up a thread that dealt with how THEY perceive US. And its not just Russian women. You will find this perception all over the FSU. Its why cab driver, even those who use the meter, will unfailingly ask a price that is higher than the meter. It is why hotels unapologetically charge more to westerners for the the same room as a matter of policy. And it is why so many scammers will tug at our heartstrings and make promises that they never intend to keep. It seems to be almost the responsibility of the young and beautiful ones who spend time flattering us and to whom the gullable western man will almost throw money. But the quote "Rich but naive" was a quote given to me by a very lovely Russian woman. It bears keeping in mind when we deal with anyone form the FSU.
Well this says a lot jet, makes sense, in perspective it is logical from their view. I used to sell cars I always gave the best price to old people, young people, students, then if you had money you paid for the discounts I gave the others. It was logical to me.
I've heard that from my lady. She told me because I was an
American, I was considered wealthy. Really????? That's an interesting concept. I wish it was true. We get hammered on
airfare the same way. She told me what it cost's her to fly to
Kiev I almost Sh*t. When we leave Kiev I will pay almost
triple to fly to her hometown. Oh well hello my love, pay this
window Please!!!!!!!!!
The American thing is really highlighted by the money thing, When I met my wife she mentioned some friends having ' rich American boyriends ( Maybe sponsors ) " I said but how do you quantify if they are are rich or not? she said 'they are just American!'
When I stressed her sometimes on monetary issues I even joked with her and said about not being rich, she said ' well you are only British so just normal'
Some women in FSU have really got a perception that American equals more money or higher financial status, this can create a higher level of attraction to scammers.
I think this is maybe caused by the readiness of some people to send more money more easily, or just readily support after a short first meeting.
The concept of Sponsors is something not recently brought up that some should be aware of. Unemployment is quite high is some of the FSU countries. Many women do not have jobs and still others just don't want to work. (Happens in evey culture.)
It is a very viable - and in some circles prestigious - option to have one or a few "rich" (simply meaning foreign, American or others) "Sponsors" who send you a few hundred dollars per month. These sponsors may visit a few times a year - and when they do of course they get heaped with "affection" which surprisingly might not even include sex (after all she will tell you she doesn't want to be considered a prostitute). The ulitmate goal of course for many of these women from the poorer countries is to get a fiance-visa from a Sponsor and leave. Still others truly love their countries, and see it as simply an income generating scheme.
"Rich" foreigners do tend to fall "in love" very quickly on meeting an attractive younger girl for a brief time. And they can be easily swayed, by constant contact via email and telephone into sending a monthly stipend.
A few hundred dollars might not seem like much at all to a foreigner - equal perhaps to a car payment. But to a woman living in a FSU country it is often as much or more than an educated professional would make. So much the better if there is more than one.
I have met three FSU women who had sort of "Sponsors" within her own country. These very attractive young single women often received "help" from much older, much richer, married guys, who likewise received benefits in return (of course).
As has already been noted in other posts, there is a much greater disparity between rich and poor within most of these countires. While docors and teachers might make $150 per month you will see many more BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus and all types of expensive luxury cars on the road than you will ever see in your own home country. Since buying a car on credit (fiancing) is a relatively new concept there - and the typical manner of purchase is to pay in cash - it doesn't ake much math to figure that the many expensive cars on the street are owned by people making a lot more than $150 per months.
With such an income gap between rich and poor - its not surprising that among the toys kept by rich men are pretty young benefactors. And its not surprising that this concept gets modified slightly as she looks to a western man to do the same thing.
The advantage of course to having foreign "Sponsors" is that you can have more than one - and of course they don't know about each other.
I have also met three FSU women who mentioned losing their virginity to much older (around twice as old), richer, married men. The each instance the woman mentioned truly being "in love with" (they mention first love with) these married guys. They seem to be getting something for their money and power.
Im just interested why all girls you met in so called FSU are like some kind of amateur prostitutes? I personally dont know such people you describe here.
that is because Jet is a pimp. Do you know that kind of people?
In turn I am interested why you always, invariably, without exception and as per riguer leave comments which are percieved as negative, sour, pms-laden and in general not very pleasant.
Do you ever have fun?
Yes, I agree, but then, instead of reacting as per your habit, try some humour or sarcasm (~ same)?
Your use of 'usually' is a bit suspect however - you're such a bright spark yourself? Then show it by baring your teeth - in a grin! Humour sinks in deeper than a monotonous ramble, and ('s true) is remembered lots longer.
You do like the English? Try some of their humour, toungue in cheek, without the stiff upper lip ;-)
Im not bright star of course and english is only my 4.language. Did you tried to make jokes in some foreign language? Stupid people and hypocrates dont make you angry? You must admit I write only about things what I know a bit...Im not specialist of cheap flats in Kiev and "tours". But Im really suprised why person called "jetmba" still looking FSU when he have so low opinion of everything, what happened to "traditional values"?
Hell what Jet is talking about is a relative economic situation.
Annika I don't think he is being directly negative. What jet describes is very common in the states. I know a few men, who have women set up in apartments, provide them with cars and money here in the states. I don't agree with this, but this is nothing new. Also the FSU is struggling with the concept of capitalism. Also the exchange rate of money and what it can purchase. When I told my little lady what kind of income she could make here in the States she thought I was crazy. With her education and background and experience, she would earn as much as I do yearly and work only half the hours. It's a strange world that's for sure. I told her a friend of mine has a wife in the same occupational health field as her, home schools her children has
about 20 clients montly and see's her clients in the comfort of her home and grosses 2000USD a month. Well speech therapists don't make that kind of money in the FSU. Not a bad wage for
a part time job and stay at home Mom. You figure 100USD is over 500 Ukrainian dollars. I don't agree with the sponsorship idea, but 100USD a month I can blow in an evening going out to dinner and drinks a day at a nascar race or football game. I also don't have a problem if you have met the girl and the relationship is honest and serious of helping her financially until she comes to your country. Hell my attorney ended up with about 6 times the amount you would spend if you sent her 100 a month for 12 months handling my divorce 6 years ago.
Also Annika, hypocrisy makes any rational human being angry, but get over it, the world is full of it and I don't want to waste positive energy on hypocrites, there are more wonderful things and important things to get passionate about.
Also I don't think Jet has a low opinion, these are just observations he's made. And the observations he has made is not
just happening in the FSU, it just cost's a little less there.
I'm not being negative about the FSU. I'm being honest. I understand that being a proud Russian you would like the people of the FSU described constantly in glowing terms. There certainly glowing things about the culture (and I'm not talking about Chernobyl here - okay couldn't resist). The women are beautiful and intelligent. I have gone on and on adnausium is other posts talking about the wonderful aspects of the FSU - that is why I have been there three times.
But when I see pimples and warts I describe those too. Its only fair to the readers of this forum. Observations and advice have to be accurate and balanced. And everything I said is the truth.
And these are things that males looking for a possible wife in the FSU need to know and watch out for.
I don't see the problem at all. The idea of sponsorship is not that new. There are men who support young girls, there are women who support young boys...what is so new about this idea?:) Each person chooses what he wants, and what pleases him. Well, you see for me it is very clear from the first view, from the first 30 minutes of communicating what a person wants from me...I don't want to boast, but such intentions are rather clear. Of course it is easier to see what the intentions are in real life and not in letters, but I assume that some things are seen in letters as well, right or wrong?:)
Of course a person may hide his thoughts, but I see that some girls who seek a sponsorship don't hide their feelings and thoughts away. They say it straight forward, and not shy or ashamed of their thoughts. Personally I don't understand a sponsorship idea, but I will never say that a person does wrong. I think that each of us does things that he likes, if a girl wants and a man wants this, then they can have this kind of a relationship...
Annika77 has a myopic view of the FSU. If its bad don't say it. Sweep it under the rug and ignore it. She wants to control what other people say and nothing negative is allowed.
Sweet Ptichka can ackowledge that all is not right all the time and that's just the way it is.
She is positive but also honest in direct contradiction to Annika77.
Good Lord Jet,
pleeeeez don't mention that old habit of "Sweep it under the rug and ignore it", that is dis-gus-ting!!
Btw, how high is your rug? ;-)))
Not quite as high as a certain female member's nose is up in the air recently. And I'm not talking about Ptichka.
Perhaps Annika77 was sightly perceptive - a little - that my tone above was a bit negative. I have a serious decision to make in my own situation very soon. Quite frankly I'm feeling a little disillusioned right now. But I gues that isn't an all together ba thing.
Details may or may not be forthcoming. It depends.
nasfan6 - $100 US is 500 Ukrainian "dollars"
$100 US is 1200 Moldovan "dollars"
but $100 US is only 55 Latvian "dollars"
And its amazing how fast those dollars (Lats) add up compared with the money units in Moldova or Ukraine. Of course, being american, they always think its okay to round up - so in every transaction its like you add a dollar or two premium.