Ok time for some practical advice from someone who's done it, so to speak. I am getting to the point that I want to make phone calls. It is really cheap I have found phone calls to the Ukraine for 3.5c. That's fantastic but I'm worried about language. I think I just lost one of the ladies I was writing to because Mr Cockup came to visit.
How do you handle translators? It looks really expensive, looks like 10 minutes is almost an arm. Like $5 per minute or something. There has to be a cheaper way to do this. I don't want to the impression that I am destitute but I'm not wealty either, or even wealthy. I would like to take things beyond emails. Anyone have any advice.
Also my Russian course came. I popped in DVD 1 and now I think I am really screwed. I don't think this is going to happen. I am going to keep trying but I have a bad feeling about this. I am going to get a dictionary at the first opportunity. Just not sure of its physical dimensions. Will post that if you folks deem it necessary.
Help! Input please. Thanks in advance.
Cant help much with the phone translation we have never used one. Our phone conversations only last about three min because neither one of us can speak each others language very well. But she is able to say phrases of endearment in English and I can tell her the car is white in Russian. She finds this endlessly amusing. Also my experience with the connection to her cell phone is about the worst I have ever experienced. I dont think I would want to spend more than 3 to 9 cents a min. for any call to Ukraine.
As to your course if I remember you are using the Rosetta Stone. That the same one I have used only I do mine online. It can get really frustrating when you get to doing complete sentences as one word will change and you have to try and determine what in the picture changed. I use a site called translation.paralink.com. As I am doing the lesson if I cannot figure out what the new word means then I cheat and use the translator. Its faster than looking it up in the dictionary.
Maybe your girl might have a friend that could help her to understand you. She surly has a friend that might have better skills in english. Or you might check your local university for a tutor that would do it here for beer...lol. Really you might be suprised how much students want to use their skills.
Nope it isn't the Rosetta Stone course. It is a cheapy I found on Ebay. 4 DVDs and 4 CDs. I'll look at the rest of it and try the CDs before I give up. It sure does look bizarre though.
As for the phone call I am a little clueless on that one. I might have to use the Fiancee.com service but it looks excrutiatingly expensive. Might be worth it though just to get things rolling and dip my toe in the water. Thanks for your advice.
I know it sounds obvious - but I almost limit my search to those who can speak English. Then I buy cheap phone cards. I have one that allows me to talk to Moldova at $.076 per minute. That means I get 4 hours and twenty minutes for my $20.00. Its a little more expensive to call Latvia. I think it costs $.115 cents per minute.
As for learning Russian - I bought the Pimleur CDs from someone on ebay. But since they are entirely verbal and there is only a pamphlet included to show for instance the Russian alphabet - I am currently taking a course in Functional Russian through a university.
Excellent info Jet. Unfortunately the lady I am writing to right now doesn't have hardly any English at all and I would feel like a heel to pull the plug on this over that. I have seen the cheap phone cards and that is definitley the way to go. If I seriously start writing to them first I will only choose women with better English skills. I would really feel like a jerk pulling something like that now though. Trouble is how do you get close to someone whispering sweet nothings to them through an interpreter. It just can't happen !
I feel you. I did my first interpreter call Wednesday. It was nice to hear my girl's voice and she expressed the same with me. It was VERY odd talking to her through an interpreter. Felt kinda cold. She expressed the same feelings. She can't wait for my Russian to improve enough to not need one. Although I did get a chance to say hello to the mother which according to my girl scored me major points with mom. It was still among the strangest things I've had to go through. my connection to the interpreter was better than my connection to my lady. She understands English but can not speak it. She could hear my frustration with the interpreter and we both found it amusing. We were not on the phone very long as she had to go to work. But the call was $51.00 for what felt like maybe 15 or 20 minutes. She wants me to call her back during the weekend so we may talk more. Or at least attempt to talk more. With my limited Russian I could tell that the interpreter was not translating my message correctly. It was a slight lesson in frustration but in the end it's the only game in town as far as I can tell so I will have to live with it. This has made me double my efforts to learn Russian well enough to hold a conversation with her. That's for damn sure.
I've spent approximately eight weeks out tof the last twelve calendar months in an FSU country (2 weeks in Ukraine, 3 weeks in Moldova and 2 weeks in Latvia). When I mentioned this to my Russina instructor, she seemed to think that I had somehting beyond basic communications skills in Russian.
I don't. In fact I hardly know the basics. A point I'm not particularly proud of.
The reason, of course, was that I was entirely dependant on my Russian ladies for absolutely ALL communication in the FSU countries I visited.
While I never had to struggle with the language - it put me at a disadvantage in unanticipated ways. Russian women like strong men. Its hard to come across as STRONG when you need them to talk to the taxi driver, to get a fair rate and to read the menu to you in a restaurant. Constantly asking "Is this fish or chicken" makes you feel and seem like a child.
Though I had great times (sometimes) over in the FSU - I am putting all my effort into learning more Russian. It wil give me a broader choice of women - should nothing materialize for me and one of my current ladies. But more importantly, ot will give me the ability to make more of my own decidions and to be less passive (I hate being passive) when I am over there.
I kind of knew I needed a microphone (doesn't really work well to try yelling into the speaker) and I have one. I even know enough to plug it into the little round hole on the front that says "microphone" (not the whirling fan grid in the back). But beyond that is, I guess, where my questions start.
I belive it was izifaddag that metioned the 3.5c per min to Ukraine. I use one that is around 5c. Just key in "International calling cards" in your search engine and you will get all the info you need.
QC thanks I tried them out and so far so good. I called Moldova with a few cut outs but not too bad. I think it was her end. Jetmba it was a no brainer on my mac it just worked with simple drag and drop. Shaggy
With Skype if they have a computer on their end with it your call is free! Just like IM wich is also available. Interesting. It took like 15 seconds to install and make the first call.
I love it, you could call someone on a conference call that speaks russian and talk to your girl at the same time you can do up to five on a conference call, pretty cool,
wessman1000 fl.