American lady will stand up and bite you when you offend them.
It is not the case with an FSU lady. Or the lady I meet. I offended her 3 times. She was very understanding when I accepted responsibility and made a true heart felt apology. It was completly different for me to hear such sensitivity. Of course I liked to see it and the way they handle it is just how Olga said. They will give you the cold snub of yesteryear. very cute too!!! She also accepted responsibility and admitted she may have a problem. The strenght of a good lady. Not what I have seen in my lifetime with American ladies.
What did you do to offend her? I want to avoid that.
She accepted your apology, then what happened?
Are you still talking or have you politely gone yor separate ways?
I am glad you brought up this point. This is the same thing I experienced with my Russian women. Most often it was something I said that she interpreted in a different way. (She speaks English very well, but there still are times when she misunderstands some phrase or subtle meaning.) At least once I spoke without thinking and said something I shouldn't bad. One time I had no idea what I did.
When she was offended or upset she would pout, get quiet and look away. She would avoid eye contact and make me feel really bad. She would be Very Cold toward me. So then I would have to spend time talking, explaining, and telling her how sorry I was and apologise. After she would always tell me the most important thing to make her feel better is a kiss...a very meaningful and passionate kiss.
Her pouting is the only thing that has given me some concern about our relationship. Fortunately it does not happen often.
My little lady is about the most sensitive woman I ever met and I have put my foot in my mouth a few times already. She was pissed at me but I must say its about the best makeup sex I ever had. Ooops, to much info, my bad, lol
Well lets not get carried away and say they are all like that. I know a few who would bite your head off. Yes they would be upset but a different reaction to what you speak of here. Remember they are all individuals.
I offend mine at least a couple of times a week, mostly due to culture or misunderstaings due to language.. I have to say that I have always had to apologise, I squirm for a little while and then she is ok, I offended her very badly once, just through thoughtlessness, but the great thing about her(I can't quote all fsu girls) is she never ever brings it up again, unlike here where they bring it up all the time....they seem to forgive and forget
Well trad my x was a remembered everything, and most of it was a reaction to something she said or done anyway but after she pushed and pushed me I would say something in reply and she would never forget and always bring it up again and again. I know 2 of her friends here who were the same with there husbans. I think you guys here, with what you are saying are very lucky. I hope I am one day too :o)
OK!! You ask for it! I will tell a little the best I can without giving the 2 much imformation. Once was about the room that I diccussed not having two beds. She got over that very well. Another was about a gift I promised. That almost washed the whole trip. The other was a comment I made about sex. She admitted it could be in her past. I think there was one more but I can't remember the details. So you see it was more important to her than to me. I realy liked this about my lady. I must say, so you know where we are. I hope the next one has this quality also. It is a soft, tender, passion for caring, loving relations for me. I'm still working on her but it doesn't seem good. Have a great day!!! My pleasure!!
I put my foot in it, at least twice a week, but I find if you admit that you made a mistake( assuming it was you) and apologise, then it is forgotten.
Having said all that, when my girlfriend inadvertenly offends me, I realise that it is a cultural thing and don't even mention it and let it pass
I just got a bunch of emails from the lady I am talking to and in my quick reply just now (I am at work) I heeded this string. I apologised in advance for for any cock ups I may make due culture and language. She also more or less did the same thing. I like this woman. What a change. You know, getting an even break. Refreshing. Think I might be going to Mariupol next spring ! I know she is serious because she said she was willing to meet me in Kiev or somewhere else. I know that would be expensive and distruptive for her so I am somewhat taken aback. What a nice gesture. Did I mention I'm impressed?
"....I think we are all very keen to learn what not to say and what not to do...."
What a crock of diahrrea, hoenissen!!!!
Say whatever the hell you want and do whatever the hell you want to do, men.
"Honey, I love you with all my heart, but you live in my house now, in my country and under the customs, manner and way of life that I grew up with and am comfortable with. I promised you I'd help you understand those customs and traditions, but you must have patience with our cultural differences. Just keep in mind I never ever ever want to hurt you or offend you, so if I say do something that does, remember it is done without intent. So keep the pouting, screaming and tantrum throwing well in check, because it only makes things worse than they need be..."
Invariable you will forget say or do something important and her feelings will be hurt. For that you must apologize....make up and move on.
On the other hand, she will invariably burn your favorite meal or ruin your favorite shirt or worse, do something completely unacceptable that will embarrass you in public.
It's complete bullshit to assume YOU, because you were born with dangling genitalia, are the only one party in a relationship of two adult people who will ever do something to hurt, bother or annoy thre other person.
I think it is different for everyone. Sometimes you need to lose a battle to win a war.
Dominating your partner out of some misguided sense of sense of machismo might get you your way and impress your buddies down the bar but has little to do with love and everything to do with your own inadequecy. Real men don't brag about it. They don't have to.
Several cultures and several languages seem to 'think' that people employed with agriculture are less sophisticated in their expressions.
This opinion is particularly dominant among people who believe that milk and eggs are produced in supermarkets.
Also: A word which my translation software translates to "peasant" is often used in the Russian texts of the girls' forum.