At the risk of receiving a torrent of abusive, self-justification, it seems to me that this forum is being treated like a 'closed shop', simply here for the enjoyment of a small, smart-mouthed 'seen it, done it, wrote the book' clique, who seem to take great delight in putting people down. Of course some questions may be puerile but they will sink to the bottom of their own accord, if people resist the temptation to vent their spleens.
Even the most facile questions have ended up providing useful information.
It's not clever putting people down.
Just ignorant and intolerant and prevents others from expressing an opinion.
QuietCharm, you're right when you say that some questions are irritating, and I think that you're also right when you say that it is better just to ignore them:) I always do this:)
I think that you're not correct when you say that only some people can communicate here, I think that many people read what is said, and not post their own opinions:)
I never wrote a single book, and not going to get married with a foreigner, but I'm still here, find it a good place to come:)
quiet charm,
i made that conclusion a while is a closed shop. there is a closed circle of about three or four major blowhards who think this forum is about and for them and them only. if you dont dance to their tune , you are out of the loop. i just hope they put the same effort in trying to find a women as much as they try to run the show here. they should hold nominations and vote each other into office. for most purposes they should e-mail each other on their own private adresses to continue to enlighten eachother. i am not impressed.
there is no anger.there is no particular thread. it is just my whole observation thats all. the pecking order. it ranges from childhood into adulthood. they have their people who they will agree with anything they say, and they have their people who they will never give the time of day.
Free speech is what it is all about! Put down artists are normally insecure but heads.
Maybe that is why they cannot find a woman who suits them! Everyone has to learn somewhere about some things. Why not here, but without the putdowns.
"Maybe that is why they cannot find a woman who suits them!"
Interesting comment. I have been here a month and have easily found someone. I feel confidant that if this falls through I will quickly find someone else. I notice some have been here for 2 or 3 years and are still here. I didn't mention this before but it does make you think.
lol.....don't know if I am included in the above, can't see how it is a closed shop, I will speak to anyone. I have been here 6 months and getting married next month, have to say I welcome comment from anyone and am happy to impart any advice that I have learned along the process.
I think you may be reffering to Sanchopanza, who keeps turning up with different names all the time, or maybe the paedophile who appeared a month or so ago,
As Ptichka said, I quite enjoy this forum, I have learnt a lot from it and all opinions are welcome, by as far as I am concerned
If they cannot find a woman in 2 or 3 years maybe, they are more interested in shopping than finding and committing. Alternatively, maybe they put down others because this is as good as it gets for them. Frankly, I find that I am a little ashamed of them as Americans.
There is a lot of generalizing and assuming that happens here like now for instance--If they cannot find a woman in 2 or 3 years maybe, they are more interested in shopping than finding and committing-- we might not know their story, like they went, came back, got married and got divorced, and are starting over again. This is more the problem people here on the forum like to whine complain and point fingers if you do not like a thread or something someone writes perhaps we shoulf mind our own business and ignore what others think is important even if we find no value in it.
The besy thing to do is write around sometning you don't like.
Gee... I hadn't realized that we had a time limit on our searches...that if we take a year or two - including writing letters, visiting the woman in her home country, and perhaps even deciding that the first Russina woman we hook up with isn't right for us , that there was something wrong with us.
To iri - if you have found the right one for you in a single month... more power to you. I take it that you have not only spoken to her on the phone but actually visited her..,so that you have really learned all about her? In this world of intercontinental and cross culture communication - what you have is the equivalent of "love at first sight" which can certainly be real. But maybe not. If its real - congradualtions. You have had more luck than I have. But thank you for the condemnation anyway.
I see this forum as a fellowship of men who have a common goal. Personally, I welcome an communication that has something to do with seeking a Russian woman, after all that is the subject of this forum. I also realize that, people being people, we sometimes stray from the subject - we are after all, (cyber)friends here.
Some of the writing above may have been in reference to a go-around I recently had with another member who conitually posted buzarre one-liner that had nothing to do with any written here. The same guy, through a different handle, had a history of "hijacking" the forum, by wring one liners at the bottom of every thread - in one fell swoop throwing every thread off subject. (Fortunately in our moderators tend to delete those comments.) He made some bold false representations and then challenged me to search the archives of the forum to verify, which I did, and I pointed out my findings to the rest of the forum.
If this forum is to have any value - the least we should expect is that the members be honest with each other.
Unclebuck - if we haven't found the right woman in two years than you are ashamed of us as Americans? We disgrace the whole country? I didn't realize that I was letting Uncle Sam down!
Seriously though - I have seen your moniker from time to time on the past but don't know much about your story.
Please, don't let this be a "closed shop". Tell us about your background and search...
Sorry - Unclebuck I hadn't seen that you had posted in another thread that you were looking for information on Ekatarinberg. You said you have been in touch for some time... Did you meet her through
When are you planning to go?
(Of course, you will probably want to answer in the other thread.... so nobody mind me here okay..... ;)
'Note that many people will read your message, so be polite and don't use abusive language.'
The rule is there, I take it, to make the forum a place where people can seek information and exchange experiences in a pleasant manner.
There is a high level of abuse, coming from certain individuals, which is not in keeping with your own rules and I, personally, find very offensive, even though not (yet)aimed at me.
I do not wish to stop coming here because I can learn and contribute. It is up to you to set the tone for this forum and I would ask you to bring this rule to everyone's attention and point out that abusing others will not be tolerated.
Couple of things here
Firstly I think it is great that there are more people posting now. Perhaps they have been watching all the time but now feel comfortable to write or ask questions. This is much better than just having a select few as QC puts it. Next, QC talks about 'tone'. He is right. In this very string we immediately have Wess using the verb 'to whine'. This is, to put it mildly, offensive. It is plain old rude. Nobody here is 'whining' whatever that means. It is an inflamatory and insulting way to express yourself. I suppose that everytime someone disagrees with someone else they are 'whining'. That particular comment epitomizes what I think QC is talking about.
I have seen a completely innocent post, not necessarily a question, receive responses that are amazingly rude. I read them and wonder what the hell caused that.
Then there are the twisted agressive responses that are caused by an inability to read properly. I have no idea what that is all about.
No I do not believe in love at first sight, at 49 I think it a ridiculous concept. It is a progression. It is possible for anybody to make a mistake with a spouse. Happens all the time. People also change over time - i.e. it starts great then for whatever reason she becomes Rasputin or he goes nuts. If someone goes back to the market then it makes complete sense. Obviously there is no time limit, why would there be? Either I am wasting my time with the one I am interested in or I have struck gold. I don't know, I'm working on it. I have arranged the 1st call for today and if all is well I will be going in May. All this in about 4 or 5 weeks. It is happening Jet so don't try to trump me on a process that is happening as we speak, I realise you've done it but I am trying to catch up with you. I think it is proceding at a reasonable pace governed by money and time. The reason this has happened this way is because of the choice and opportunity. I have had more inquiries than I ever thought possible and it was relatively simple to sift through them. If I have got a result in such a short space of time I am either extraordinarily lucky or very realistic. Therefore if I find myself here in 3 years time still looking with such an incredible choice I'd better start asking myself some serious questions. I hope you understand my point Jet.
I think Tradman, if I have totally understood his situation correctly, is a very good example of the way things probably should go. He was serious about what he wanted to do, had no problem with the lady having a child and in , I believe a very short space of time, found someone, visited, decided and acted. Best of luck to him. I believe I have seen others who have also had similar success stories. Why should I be any different? I have two of everything I should have so I am definitely a candidate.
Once again, love at first sight? No, forget it, this is to do with being realistic and having the gumption to get some forward motion happening. 6 months isn't a long time to have done what you have done Trad. Something went right I hope I have the same spirit and good fortune.