What do you do when you have trouble understanding the emails from one of these girls ?? The sentences aren't making sense and about 3 words in every email haven't been translated so they just appear as russian letters, which, as they say, is greek to me.
Join the club. I somehow muddle through. They are using an online translator and I get the same results as they do. Try calling you might be surprised. I made my first call on Sunday and surprise, surprise she spoke English. Not perfect but enough for a conversation.
My ladies English level was rated at 0. I had a great conversation with her last Sunday!!! Sometimes the profiles are wrong. She speaks reasonably and understands quite well. Reading and writing are another issue. Don't be put off, you might have a very nice surprise. Try BigZoo.com for a cheap virtual calling card. Pay the money out and send her 3 roses and get a photo done. You'll get 3. Don't be surprised if she is not the dolly byrd in the profile photo. Those are studio pics and they can make even Margaret Thatcher look great. One has to have reasonable expectations. Real people look tired and surprised, they go to the bathroomn, need glasses and have bad hair days :) Do it, you will be glad. Best wishes.izifaddag
I did my first phone call to my lady last weekend. She is also rated at 0 for English . I suspect the rating is assigned by the ladies themselves. My lady and I were able to communicate fairly well. Her English is MUCH MCUH better than my Russian. the fact that I was making the attempt pleased her to no end. We spent most of the time laughing at our attempts to speak each other's language. I was enrolled in a Russian language class but was forced to drop it due to time demands of my other projects. She's helped improve my russian and her English is improving very much. We now talk every day. It was very odd at first but man it is the best way to gague if you two are compatable. Don't feel your grasp of her laguage is a barrier. In my case it's helping bring us both closer. I suggest getting a Russian-English Dictionary. Mine has proven to be invaluable. I also got my hands on Pimsleur's Russian series. It's very good. It's also come down in price a geat deal. I listen to the discs everyday as I go to and from work in my car. My interaction with Natali and these recording are helping me make good progress. Take a chance. Your girl would prob be flattered that you are making an effort. My girl's parents have told me they feel my choosing to go on with learning Russian on my own shows great character and helped show them my level of commitment to their daughter. JUST DO IT!!!!
I truly admire your attempts to learn Russian. I have given it up. My lady even said don't bother. Reason is that she will be coming to live in the States, I'm not going to live over there. I realise it shows politeness to the family etc but I don't want to marry them. Frankly I thought this over and I think I am better off improving my Spanish. It is far more useful than Russian, it is the second language where I live and should all this fail I will try Colombia, Costa Rica or Venezuela. I can easily go over there and converse with women at socials just as if they were English speakers and they could slot into South Florida and have a job immediately. Just a question of practicalities nothing personal about the Russian language.
The way I feel now is that the women basically seem to be taking the lead in all this, at least they do with me, and that means they know the consequences of what they are doing. The language thing is really their problem. Quite frankly from my limited experience so far if I fail with the one I am in contact with now there are 10 more to take her place. On Fiancee.com I have received maybe 30 or 40 approaches in a month and only written to 1 woman. She never responded so I don't bother. I have actually turned off my ad to concentrate on Carina. It is too tempting when these delicious women write to you. I am not a sultan I am looking for one woman not a harem. It's flattering but confusing. If I was to use a tour with the socials I have been told it would even be easier. Therefore the responsibilty for learning the language is on them not me IMHO. Then we have the whole thing Jet brought up about ingratitude for a gift. I would only have to even suspect that and she would never hear from me again - in any language.
More power to you Groon you are brave tackling Rusian. Hats off.
I do it because of the very simple fact that when you marry her you are marrying into her family. Unless you expect her to cut all ties to her family it's a good idea to be able to communicate with your inlaws. It's realistic to think things will be great if you neglect them. Besides, I know it makes her happy. She's made it very clear that she knows it is important for her to know English if there is any real chance for her to make it here. When you marry someone of a another culture you have to know at least some of the language. If for nothing else than to knwo when they are talking trash about you. :-) But yeah Russian is difficult to learn. Specially when I don't get to use it more than once a day. A freind of mine is finding me some Russian TV shows and music videos for me to watch. The more exposure to it the better no?
Ive been learning Russian because I want to be able to speak to and understand her. Plus she is taking English lessons and I know it makes her happy to know that I really take an interest to her language. Shes so happy when I speak to her in Russian. I look at it this way, yes she is moving here but her family and friends remain behind and I promised her we can go visit a few times a year. Its better I can understand everyone there I think.
I found Russian TV in satellite, my cable provider doesn't have it. I'll have 4 Russian channels for along with everything I have now which is cool. She is really happy about that. Its amazing how many details I didn't think about when I started. You all will be going through the same. Dam one year ago seems longer than its been.
Russian videos are interesting I must say. I watched some Russian MTV while I was there. commercials are interesting too. Now that I think about it, seeing Southpark in Russian was a surprise and pretty funny.
actually hoe, I thought it was nice to see things in Russia that were familiar to me and I can say that in my case all the western influences in Russia have had no effect on my lady. Shes a strong minded woman who sees and does things to her own tune.
I partially agree with Izi on the language learning.
There are a gazillion adorable women in FSU who, even though they represent only 2% of the female population, have made the effort to learn english.
It's much more important for her to learn English first than it is for you to learn Russian....unless you plan to do extensive travel, dating and exploring on your own with out agency assistance of any kind. They yes, by all means, don't be stupid and learn the darn thing, lol...
Learning Russian or any other language fluently just to talk to their family is not the foremost priority. She can translate for you when you try to communicate something important.
But if you have the time, learning another language is always knowledge that becomes useful.
I want to learn the essentials to allow me to order a meal at a restaurant, ask for directions, etc etc...learning russian well enough to read books in cyrilic will take years of learning and it will be a lot more more fun with a lovely FSU woman in your house to do it with..;)
always thought you're from Blighty, Blunderdome I suppose.
But eh, those 'details' you mentioned, if you've got some idle time at hand, why not pen them down here? I'm sure they'll make interesting reading, even when they would be 'couple-specific'. Others just might be able to conclude from it, projected on their own situation and/or location I suppose.
For what it's worth, I fully agree with your sentiments regarding learning the language (your first foreign?). In contradiction to Toad's arguments, which must be valid for him mind, my way of thinking is firstly that the more ways are open for communication the better the latter is or can be.
However, except from being able to follow a conversation, you also will get some insight into the culture as well as the humour, both aspects embedded within a language, and the better your command the better your understanding (not from the lang) will be.
Now I just hunch that this is the first foreign lang you learn, and with it you must have come across things that are 'new' to you already. I think Toad speaks Spanish (?) hence must recognize some of this, and if so the temperamental way of expressing oneself is typical for this lang - and part of their culture. My grasp of Russian is still pathetic, but I already know that there are a LOT of ways to say exactly the same - and it really matters what way you use.
And THAT is what you're after, way more important than being able to read a menu or buy some necessities there.
And that, Toad, is very clearly something you don't plan to do often - which is your prerogative but not too sympathetic towards your future choice. Yes, she has to do the lion's share of the 'adjusting', but as the saying goes 'it takes two to tango'. You dance?
Nahhh...tango is a pathetic whinning melancholic style of music that flat out depresses the crap out of me, lol...
Give me brazilian samba any day of the week.
Regarding language, please get me right. I LOVE learning them.
I speak, read & write four of them fluently and I can cuss in 5 more...:)
But because my future wife will live here with me in Calif, I can learn russian without the pressure of depending on it to get a job or simply communicate with anyone in my neighborhood, stores, etc.
I will learn it, but without rushing to do it....methodically and steadily, but more like a hobby not a 'must do of feel isolated'.
Hey looks like I misunderstood you as well. I thought you felt there was no need for you to learn her language. I'm very family orientred and view my wife's family as my own which is how I feel it should be. And as such I want to be able to hold a real conversation with them and no alienate them. Specially since I plan to make trips back there with her to visit her family. Makes sense to speak the language. I have been in situations where I'm the only English speaker there and it sucks. Not being able to interact on any real level is frustrating.
I have total respect for anyone who tries to learn Russian, hats off to all of you. Also every point raised to promote the idea of learning is absolutely correct, no argument here. However, the language is a bitch to learn and as you get older the abilty to absorb another language becomes more difficult. I have been listening to CDs and I have some DVDs. Frankly they suck and I am going to have to buy a better course and some books as well but I have to tell you that it really is not top priority with me.
Toads point of view is the same as mine. It will be an amusing hobby but not time critical or vital. Living in South Florida I am thinking I am probably going to have regular winter houseguests if you know what I mean. They had all better learn English because at Publix or WalMart they don't speak a word of Russian - I checked.
Last year I went to Italy for 3 weeks by myself and had a great time. Picked up a couple of words there though, much easier. Did the same thing in Mexico and Guatemala. While I was in Morrocco I even learned a couple of words in Arabic. I think you get my point.