I was just in the womens forum, being I dont speak Russian I used the free translation website and was able to pick up on most of the topics. The most recent on one there has a bunch of angry Russian woman on there. The lady that started it , read are forum and saw all the distrust us american men have for them, and they are saying how can they now trust us? If anyone knows Russian , may you should go over there and sooth there misguided anger.
there was one upset girl campaign to the others that she is got very bad replies from men calling her scammer, and so on. she is basically got a lot of negativity from some very paranoid men... other girls told her not to pay attention to losers. this is the summary.
olegnay, let me ask you. why would you even let them have access to our site. i feel it gives them an advantage to read our threads. and let me ask you this if we are complaining about certain women (which none of us ever do) LOL. can they actually identify us from this forum to their actual site and know who is actually creating some heat?
You can be on this site and not even have a profile on the fiance.com service. If you use a name that can be tracked back to your online profile, if you have a profile, then yes.
because forum is in Russian:) it is not difficult for me
http://www.naidimuzha.r u/forum/forum2.asp
there are links to lady's site from the menu on the left.
Regarding that forum, I've got this idea that they will not appreciate default-English male posts.
But also, the various posts require a lot more than a digital translator to comprehend, and remember that a lot of idiom and slang is used by the looks of things - not treaded kindly by these machines.
Same here so btw, imagine posters persist here using German, French, Spanish or, Cyrillic Russian. Hardly feasable I'd say, because either or it has to be translated, and comm's depend on understanding. Adjust or abandon?