Do you notice everybody here does not get along? Do you have a favorite on here? If you had to choose one person to meet for a cup of tea or dinner who would it be?
<<>>trying to take away some anger here and have some fun discussing Russians again and not eachother.
Women are right, us men do tend to gossip a lot. :-)
B_Kid - honestly for all the bravado here we talk about I can only think of two people who have ever posted here that I would not want to have a cup of tea with. And you are not one of them. Don't know you very well yet - I'd be willing to have a spt of tea anytime.
As I've already mentioned - I met a good friend here and later we met in real life. There are a couple I would especially like to meet and hope that something can be arranged sometime. Trad and I have recently mentioned it in posts.
Ptchka is very diplomatic and socially astute. I'm betting she will not take sides to answer that question. She is very sweet and will not want to offend.
I wish we could take an example from her but I forget there are members here that say women ruin the forum...I for one do not but again you find so many double standards and people here that just enjoy tearing people apart for no aparent reason other than they threaten their ideals. You are right jet she is very diplomatic ans socially astute. It would seam that is all many of us ask of the other men but still we are attacked for our request. Tell me Jet how is you find compasion and sensitivity for some but not others. How is that women will ruin our forum but here you speak so kind of Ptchka (as we should)how do you justify your double standards. I just want to understand your position better.
You've seen her too trad? I know TimH mentioned that she had sent him a picture and that she was cute. (That was why I said I bet she is cute. He told me.)
Hey Ptchka - can I have a pictre as well? I'll swap one...of me and my two Moldovans. I have that one in a convenient place.
Yeah there are some that like to spar here but don't take any of it seriously. I have no problem offending those I feel deserve a good kick to their egos but in general in here I find it's all show. I can't believe. No I refuse to believe that alot of the assbackwards views posted here are honest to goodness real views held my some here. But who knows...?
Can I (drool) have a pic (drip) as well (dribble) ?
I'll swap you for one of me, naked with wings, in my inflatable swimming pool - a very cute picture my mon also is still very fond of :))))))
Jet, I bet she won't, I actually would URGE her not to ;-)
She's into the spotlight here already, a target for even a camouflaged Prince (that amphibian bastid), and now even openly by a Bastard hiding behing a 'cute' childish nick.
The fact that she's sent Tim one means she trusts him, and the fact that you still don't have it proves that correct ('owdy mate :).
It would seem though that an MBA won't Shag just anything, but also that a 474 not necessarily has something in common with a Jet.
Have fun U2 ;-)
But most grievous of all is your contention that I am NOT trustworthy?????
To be slobbered on AND implicated (and forced to imagine you naked with wings on in your inflatable swimming pool). I can't imagine that DEATH is even a worse fate.
But your last comment is most puzzling?
Have fun U2?
With whom? I cannot imagine what you are talking about.
Once again Thunder you have a way with words. It is all in good fun. At least on my part. I just can't understand where I have pissed in his oatmeal. It is just funny to me how blind we can be to ourselves at times. I still contend that we could drop the personal attacts, manage to disagree like adults, and still find valuable information as well as have a good time doing it. I have a feeling I am under the gun because of people I have spoken with rather than my own personal thoughts or beliefs. I again say that everyones thoughts and opinions are welcome as long as they are not abusive. That is what makes us different right? Well and the fact we walk on our hind legs. It is funny that we hide behind such things as morals and religion but then turn and treat each other as if we ourselves had the power to pass judgement. I am human like everyone here and at times I too loose site of the big picture but I thank God he has given me coping skills for difficult people.
Dang, so you'll have a fit when imagining me naked in my 'pool'?
That makes you hotbloodedly healthy my man, nooooooothing wrong with. But don't flatter yourself, I don't slobber on males, sorry to disappoint ;-)
Clashing personalities are normal anywhere, but as someone wise (and note: succesful also :) has said here already: this forum is for everyone who wants to make a contribution.
Reagrding U2,
bad news on the horizon.... this band seems to be dissolving and/or crumbling, not notwithstanding their succes but probably, and as per usual, due to it. Different spotlights are sought, more focussed it would seem.
Pity, I like their music.
Seriously now.
(But you DID drool... in your post).
Seriously again.
This character is the most ridiculously abusive and intolerant character I ever seen on this board. And he does it under the guise of "but everybodddiiiessss oopppininnnion matttters". But at the same time he wants to police the board and shut other people up.
Its no big deal - but I refuse to respond to or acknowledge him any further. He has single-handedly removed any pleasure there is in interacting with people on this board. And where other people have dropped the perpetual attacks he continues to do it over and over (and then cries when someone responds negatively back).
Maybe its time for me to move on or at least become a whole lot less active. People do come and go. Maybe I've missed my exit.
I have a lot of things I'm dealing with in my personal life that I should be devoting my time to. Maybe its time I leave and little this little annoyance have his time the sun.
Have you noticed he's even stalking me now? (Writing some small little insult or long diatribe after each of my posts) while I haven't responded to him since I told him I was ignoring him.