i have a suggestion that i think all will benefit by. as we all know a good amount of the genuine hand written letters we write to these ladies are answered to us in the response of as we call it a (form) letter or (canned) reply. it is the same blanketed response that all men will get from a same lady. i know it saves her time and she cant possibly reply to all .
but here is my suggestion, why dont you start a policy to the agencies that a women is only entitled to one form letter response to each man she replies to. after that letter , she has to actually compose and write her own response to each individual man she writes to.
this way, she can be more serious if she is . and it will cut down on the fake replys that we receive that do not even adress the actual letters we send to them this way men will not be frustrated trying and waiting to know if she is serious and it will increase the integrity of the business and service you provide. like i said just one form letter and that is it. i am real tired and bored with these types of responses one after another from the same women
jmulov, this is what it is. we against canned letters completely. story about yourselves can be prewritten. but letter in the first letter it should be clear that a lady read your profile. so, just ignore canned responses.
actually two of the women i have wrote to are miss wows as we speak and they continually write canned responses. amother women from riga i asked her why does she send such letters and i think an agency writer took it real personal that i questioned such activity. i went straight to the source and it was not received well. oh well. but olegnay, i do think my suggestion is a good one to initiate.
Yes the writers in Riga are something else. I get a lot of repeats of phrases from riga. In different ladies emails. I have spoke with them about it and it caused some trouble but in the end the ladies seemed inocent enough. Actually helped out in one case as we have started sharing much more detailed information since our discovery. I have to agree that it would provide much better service if we could get rid of more of the caned responses. We know why they are there and it has been addressed in other threads as well.
thank you for your support shag. i think if a policy was instated with fiance towards the agencys that continually pump out those canned letters it would fine tune the quality of their service.you would be receiving a more as i would say a direct hit. i think it would make the ladys have to actually choose a certain man of their liking instead of having to satisfy everyone by pumping out bullshit.
Yes there seem to be many agencies involved in such. I have tried to get to the bottom of a couple but must say there has been much resistance. Some have actually changed their letters but those that do not I just let them die off. Good luck jmoluv!
yes, jmulov it is good suggestion. As I said it is required from the agencies not tot do it. if they do it report to admin@fiance.com. we read them lectures often, as we all see it doesn't help. we will inclue easyto report tool in the mailer. so, you can mark letter as suspicious when your eceive it so site admins will check it.
that sounds like a good tool to install. let us know when it is check. other than toad being on this site that is really the only item we find irritating. LOL
there's another irritating thing on this site - relentless hunting for amphibians, and doing this out of the blue.
Let me guess - you're the Stork? Then beware RW, or grease your roof! ;-)
such a tool would inadvertently affect your, and with it others, turnover, I'm sure you realize that? In the end all it does is (if it will work effectively) taking unimportant mails out of circulation which are fairly innocent in a lot of cases first of all, but also they can be smelled from a distance.
This site liases in contact by virtual mail, a method per definition open to insertion of just about anything, but also - per same definition - leaving the onus of selecting mail at the addressee?
wrong thunderdome,
such a good tool would cut the chase and it would minimize you spending time writing letters to a prospect who is not going to consider you but will only press a button and send you a canned letter.
it would streamline the service by cutting out the fodder.hey , if you like reading fiction novels go down to the library. sorry you cant see my humor towards toad...
Is it my magnetic personality or is it that my profile is so blatantly clear regarding canned letters and 'mystery' women and their games that I rarely get any?
Women who do not share their phone numbers and personal information with me after a few letters during the first two weeks get kicked to the curb without fanfare, regret, remorse, blame or accusations.
The differences of tone, meaning and even intent of canned letters VS. personal ones (written by ladies) is also batantly clear.
Oleg & Olga,
You already have this covered by classifying each and every lady as "independent" or "with agency".
The rest should be up to each man's choice to initiate, respond or continue contact with any lady.
I much rather see your resources and efforts directed towards the completion of the long awaited chat room instead of what Jmoluv proposes.
I seem to get very few canned letter as well. When I was in Latvia actually expecting that a few more women would be willing to meet me on the spot - since its a fact that 90% (sometime I hear 95% though I'm sure its not a scientific study) of the guys who write to them never bother to get off their tushs and actually visit - I got quite a few rejection letters. And most of those were canned.
But seldom if ever have I received a canned letter from someone who responds positively.
There are a few working to sell memberships to their agencies for services that are provided here already. Some say if you join their service they will get there letters hand delivered to their homes....I guess they magically then email there response by carrier pigion. Most of the canned ones seem to be the girls that we all know are busy but I think they are just writing too many letters to too many people in there attempts to win the lotto or collect their commission. I would say I get as many canned letters from member emails as I do private emails. It is still I think the agencies that drive the canned responses not the women. In most cases when pressed they either suddenly write long detailed letters or suddenly they are no longer interested...does not take a rocket scientist to know they will collect there commission on someone else.
I have to agree with toad that a chat room should be the top priority for member services though. Not sure I understand why there is not one already. I found some info in the threads but again it is so simple to add to the site it just does not make much sense not to have one.
chat will be done for the members very soon. you can chat now in the forum, this is what you actually do most of the time. chat transcripts from chat rooms are not available public. chat in the forum is publicly available and some information exchanged between participant are useful for the others.
i get canned responses in all forms. wether they are with an agency or private. whether they are positive or not.i have even gotten them on second and third positive replys. lets get back to the original thread which oleg thinks has merit. they should and us, be entitled to one original canned letter. that way them and us would narrow and speed up the process.
jetmba, you are right about your percentage about men going over there who dont. i have said it before of the several women i met and have come to know from the socials . they actually find e-mailing is quite boring and unproductive because they know very very few will visit. in fact a women(from riga) that i wrote to about her repeated form letters just stated that fact. she said she is tired of men trying to impress her with their bullshit. she has no time to run to the agency with her responsibities so the form letter will have to do. she also felt that men should offer to go see her after two months of e-mailing and i agree with her. i also told her you will find that most men wont. she said i already know that.
Yes jmo especially in Riga the women want to have that date you are comming. I must admit I am going there soon. Don't know if it is the one but most defenately the top of my list. They seem very spirited there. I have gotten similar responses from the ladies that the letters are fluff. But it seems that the ones that really find you to their liking will make the time. It seems to me if you continue to be open to them even the ones not wanting to write usually do. There are a few that I did just let know if they want me to visit they will have to jump through the hoops. I told them it was just to expensive for me to go to meet and greet. I needed more commitment than that. But hey I defenately see their point. I even thought I would suprise her with a Christmas visit. Just waiting the details.
Thanks Olegnay we do really need it. I think it will help with some of the hostility as well. Some of this crap would be much better if it were not public for so long! Then again it does provide a valuable refference to those who want to check on the validity of the source of their information.
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