Have any of you other gentleman received an email from former Fiance.com lady Elena lebedeva her ID was 37721, I am now receiving emails from her agency called Blind Date, to me this has Complicated Scam written all over it. It was funny that the email started out as Elena lebedeva, then her supposed personal
letter and Profile has Elena Semuskina with the same pictures. This looks to be a very elaborate scam. I have the emails if anyone is interested and some from a scammer I just busted recently, Anna Kolesnikova. Some of the new guys might be interested in seeing these letters. Elena said she took her
profile off of Fiance.com or was she tossed off. She at one time
was a miss wow. I have been away for a while recovering from a
motorcycle accident and looking forward to my trip to Kiev. So has anyone else received this email? I wonder if someone has come into the forum and collected our personal email addresses?
i did not receive a personal e-mail from her nasfan. but i rained on her parade . i told her to quit sending me very long canned letters to me and other men on this site who i have corroberated with and we have exposed her to herself. i also threatened to her that if she continued to send very long canned replys to us i would let fiance.com administration know about it as they have stated they have policy against it. i never have. i told her to leave me alone but she insists on having the last word. did she move herself from this site i do not know.but my guess is she was either tossed or after i told her she was the talk of the town she went elsewhere. we knew her as elena (martini)lebedeva 37721.yes, that is her. she was harmless but we could not figure out her intentions. my guess is she is brainstorming to try and keep her following and statistics going for her huge ego.
Good old redhead Martini Elena. If that wasn't some kind of money making operation I'll eat my hat. I stayed in for 2 emails. Frankly she was boring and not that good looking. I thought she was a joke but anything for a laugh, however I decided to ignore her in the end and sure enough she blew away. I always look at the number of emails a female is receiving and if it is excessive I pass.
Well, well, well guys :):) Busted !!!
Same thing happened to me Mike! I'm just wondering how she got my personal e-mail address. I surely hope Fiance.com is not handing it out to other companies! That's the only way she could have got it.
you know dale, coming to think about it. when she wrote her first letter of interest towards me, she come right out and asked me for my private e-mail adress and telephone. Oleg, how could she have gotten dales e-mail adress and nasfan 6 if they did not give it to her???????
Dale himself gave his private email to her in his second letter.
fiance.com never gives out private info neither men's nor women's. you may only exchange it in letters if you want.
as to this lady I am 100% sure that she is honest, she is just trying too hard to get men's attention. sends out too many introductory letters. she is not a scammer. I asked her agency to post disproff to this thread.
she was removed by agency request, when they realized that she is getting to many responses and she can't handle correspondance with so many men. they removed her from fiance.com and sent info only to those men that she is mostly interested in how they can get in touch with her through her agency.
i still dont know why she or how she generated that much mail. she is just an average to below average looking women compared to the rest. she had a plan called i love the attention
Olga my problem is it was mostly an advertisement for the agency. It was nothing more than a sales pitch by her agency
to buy their translating services. I should have clarified my self a little. I think Elena is not a scammer as much as I think this is an elaborate operation by her agency. In her letter there was more than 20 trial closes for me to purchase
their services. I am a free market person, but I believe this agency, whether motives are honest or not is doing this young lady a great disservice.
Hers is not the only one and so far fiance.com has told me it is their right to solicit us in their emails for their agencies. I have told them I think it is bad business but they seem to think it is fine. I for one do not like spending my time on sales promotions. Guys we need to keep in mind though that the past has shown fiance.com is not going too do anything about such and they will go no farther than a phone call to check on a girl and her "honesty". They will believe what ever the agency says as long as it is a warm body on the other end. I bet no one they every called has said no I am a scam just trying to collect your comission on letters or sell my services...lol.
Good points Shaggy. I wrote about 36913. I have an email from this woman from when she was with Elena's Models telling me from her own mouth that she is 40, that is how she was listed also - 40 years old. She comes to Fiancee.com and suddenly she is 35. That is a big difference. Apparently they can't get her on the phone. Ok fair enough, I understand, I appreciate that is a problem but the solution is to temporarily suspend her profile until it is straightened out. She is lying. It is indicative of other things. If she is willing to lie about her age then what else will she lie about??
Some guy spends a fortune meeting her brings her back home, marries her and finds out when he is well along in the process she is actually 5 or 6 years older than she told him. Come on Olga suspend her. If you want to see the email no problem I'll forward it to you.
Well Izi I do understand your point but where I am from 5 years on age would be normal...lol. I think if she was truly trying to be dishonest she would say the same both places though don't you? I would bet the 35 is no accident as it will get her posted on both searches...I don't know on this one I would hold out and see what happens. Would hate to get her suspended if it is on office or even calculated error by the agency. As long as she tells you the truth I would not pay it so much attention. But yes it is amazing what the agencies try and get away with.
The letters I got from her where trying to tell me secrets about Baccardi and that in the next email she would say and then the next and then she finally said that she would tell me in person and it would make me very rich...I did not respond to her after that as I could not stop laughing.
She was telling me the same thing Shaggy. Hysterical. What I don't think she realizes is that Bacardi is actually a Cuban family business here in Miami. They fled Batista and took the millions of dollars with them.
The preoccupation with her work and Martini and Bacardi was obsessive, intrusive and quite frankly very boring. The hints about making money with them also were suspicious. I was kind of waiting for the email telling me of a golden opportunity to invest if I would send her a $1000. Then I would be rich for life. lol
As regards Violetta. Every woman gets to lie about her age it is natural. She looks great too, she told me that she looks much younger than her chronological years. However, we are trying to make major decisions based on facts on a profile. At least let us get age, name and childrens ages right. I know it is a hard thing to try to keep up to date with all this but when somebody tells you point blank there is a small problem with this listing jump on it. I am not saying suspend her permanently just temporarily until the right answers are given. This should not be a big deal.
when are you going to kyiv? i have been there twice this year. where are you staying? thought you might need some help with the ptotesters on independece square. i will bring the shelter and you bring the vodka. we can interview all the women who cook tasty dishes and want a cozy home with mutual respect and understanding!!! LOL!!
I am staying at the Sherbourne apartments I will be there December 27, I don't do vodka, but Scotch or Cognac will do
nicely, I also stay away from Bacardi or Martini.
My question is, if she is getting too many responses and can't answer them, then why the email campaign? Seems if
the response level is so very high, she wouldn't need this?
Maybe I don't have an acute sense of the obvious?