I plan on meeting a Russian girl in Moscow soon and this will require her to fly from her city to Moscow. Usung the advice of "do not send money" what is the best way to purchase her a airline ticket in her name that can be delivered or picked up by her at the airport?
Guys help me there is a certain type of ticket that can only be refunded to the purchaser. I forget the type but it can not be cashed or exchanged by her there. If she does not claim it I am not sure what happens but I am pretty sure all refunds or value would go back to you based on the agreement when you purchase it.
Now if you book her a ticket through a travel agent, rather than directly with the airline, then it can only be changed or refunded via that travel agent but, that would be a full fare ticket.
To get a cheap, often non-refundable, non-changeable ticket go to a travel website in your country, an excellent one for the UK is www.kelkoo.co.uk then click 'flights', for the rest of Europe www.kelkoo.com then select your country.
These tickets, perhaps up to 70% discounted must be delivered to you but then you can courier them to her. OK, you pay for the courier but you save by far more on the cost of the ticket and there is no way she can cash-in such a ticket.
Trust me, I've worked in the airlines for 25 years!