Lately it seems that calling my lady has become very difficult, and I am wondering if others are experiencing similar issues. On one day I tried to call, and found that out of 20 or so attempts about 15 resulted in no connection, 3 resulted in connections with other people (including one lady who started speaking English to me immediately and wanted to make my acquaintance!!) and only 2 were actually successful. That was by far the worst day, but similar things have happened since, albeit with less frequency. It gets frustrating since there is 10 hours time difference between us and we can't call each other that often. Does anyone know if that is the phone system in Russia?
the problem is with your phone company. call them and complain on quality. they usually put it on worth cheapest, ( probably dialup voice over IP) lines if you don't say anything. or change phone company.
jjbarrier, it is typical problem especialy if you call night hours their time. Because of cheaper rates, everyone's trying to make calls the same time. The connection problem is there not here. I had similar frustration when I was calling my wife in Ukraine. I called the phone company several times and they reassured me it was due to heavy call volume in the country that I was trying to dial the number. Not much you can do about it. Maybe changing trying calling different hours and see what works best.
you are not alone. oleg, sorry, it is not our phones in the usa. it is on your end. the only good clear connections for me are a home phone to a home phone. i have never had to change my phone company for a better connection. on the other hand my friends in ukraine had to change theirs mobiles and it worked much better. calls not going through in ukraine are a very common thing. you have to live with it. especially during peak calling times and weekends. my best times are giving them there wake up call in the morning . they dont mind. but i did hear phones and mobiles work much better in russia than ukraine.
I did not say. it were phone lines in USA. Sorry I waas not clear. I meant long distance company that you use have been using bad routing. I call different cities of Russia all day long. If I have a problem with one long-distance company, I use another one. it works fine most of the time. If that location JJ calls are not remote village, connection should be ok. so my advise get another calling card, or change long-distance. new year eve is impossible to get through:)
Shop around on the phone cards. I have used many and tried to be cheap, but found if I pay for a little more expensive phone card, my call connection is a lot clearer. The card I am using now is about 9.5 cents a minute, no connection fees, no weekly fees and 1 minute rounding and it is the best card I have found and is rechargable. The call clarity has been excellent and no echo in the background of the call. I call my lady about everyday in the Ukraine on my lunch hour, so instead of spending money eating out I just sit back in my meeting room and have a wonderful talk with a wonderful woman for the price of what I would spend to eat lunch.
This may sound really ignorant, but where do you get phone cards from - internet, or stores? Are you in the US - can you specify what card it isyou are using?
seriously, i dont think it matters whose phone or phone card you use . the calls either connect good or they connect shitty. it is known that cell phones are not a reliable connection when you are calling to a cellphone which they all have over there. and lots of time cellphone connections are even lost in the states. i have called through a whole day and could never get through. it is all hit and miss. or where they are standing. but i have never lost a connection from my home phone to a ukrainian home phone.
Hey buddy you are a little mistaken on the phone cards. Especially on who the line carrier is. I have used many and found two that work exceptionally well. Many of the low priced aren't so low priced and
the connection quality sucks.
JJ with the handle of Nasfan6 I am from the US. I purchase my phone cards via internet. The two best I have used is AT@T clear connections
and Extra Clean, you can purchase the cards at
Extra clean has bumped up to 11.2 cents a minute and AT&T is 13.2 cents. I got tired of 6 and 8 cents crappy connections. Both Cards
are rechargable and I use $5.00 and $10.00 increments.
i hear you, but what i am also saying is i call directly from my home phone without a calling card . that should be the best connectivity available. verizon international to be exact. i cant see an international calling card having better connectivity than what i have for quality conversation other than it is better in savings obviously. i think you know the quality of our phone connections in the states is superior. but when i consistently cannot get through from a land phone to a cell in ukraine especially on weekends , it is fair to say it is not my verizon home phone service. she has had to try other cell phone services for us to hear each other better in kyiv, and in a matter of time they fail also. i dont know what else to say unless we both just happen to be located in bad signal areas . it sucks.
I have verizon and they suck!! I am always battling with those idiots.
What are they charging you per minute for international calls. They quote me 81 cents a minute, I told them to go suck canal water. Hell buddy cell phones suck here, I have T-mobile and I lose signals all the time, it blows.
their international calling plan is 4 dollars a month extra on your regular phone bill.then calls to a ukraine cell phone is 26 cents/min to a ukraine cell phone and 19 or 20 cents a minute to a ukrainian home phone. i know it seems high but i thought a more reputable phone company would have a more clear connection or at least the calls would go through.. you see, i had the same problems with AT and T also, calls cant get through and they are higher than verizon. i tried calling cards using these two companies also and they are even worse, much noise and echo, and if the call even makes it. i would pay a premium bill if i can at least be guarenteed a clear call, i cant even get that. technicians from both those outfits guarenteed me it is the ukrainian phone and signal system. they said the weekend overload explains it for itself. after a whole year of this , i would have to agree with them. oksana , bought a flat in kyiv. she will be getting a new home phone and service installed and a one year line of credit from santa claus !!!
Also experiencing great difficulties calling Kiev. Recommend patience. I wonder if the current situation is affecting this. It seems that the city is just starting to return to normal work. Also, certain that many more phone calls being made now. I have used text messaging with great success. Works fine all the time and very fast. Keep trying and good luck.