A lady I am writing to, recently contacted me, extremely frustrated and angry at what she felt were the inequities in the visa process when wishing to visit The U.S.
She has a mother and sister (married to a US citizen) and wanted to go and visit them in the States for Christmas.
She flew to Moscow and came up against a brick wall. I am not sure of the exact details but she bitterley denounced the fact that if you have money you can, presumably, bribe the officials? and if not, you might as well forget it.
She had an invitation from the family in the U.S.
Anyone know the percentage of tourist visa applications that get approved? I seem to recall someone saying it might be as low as 5%?
Does anyone actually KEEp statistics regarding approval of tourist visas. I don't men estimations or opinions, but actual statistics broken doen by age and sex.
(Heh... another of those things just like my grampa - broken down by age and sex....)
Seriously, while confering with consolate people last April - I asked them to level with me and tell me the REAL possibility that my gorgeous 24 year old Russian lady could get a tourist visa - after anteing up the $100. They seemed oblivious to any suggestion that she had anything less than a great chance!! I walked out of there thinking that maybe we should try - either the foklore estimates are wrong, i thought or these officials were lying through their teeth.
At the American Ambassy in Moldova, by the way, they DO do the tourist visas.
Interviews are held every Tuesday (I think) and Thursday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. You are supposed to show up with a completed application and your passport and $100. They say they will give each person an answer by 4:30 that afternoon.
She didn't want to - but I suggested we plunk down $100 and at least try. After all, as mentioned already, they seemed sincere that she had an excellent chance!
She works - but she is paid under the table, like many in the Moldovan economy. She did not like the idea of listing "unemployed", thinking that it would guarantee the rejection of her application. She also said she could not list her employer because she was would not show up on any record - and she did not want to get in trouble with her boss by having him contacted to verify her claim.
A few more details. She went to an agency in Moscow before going to the Embassy. The agency advised that because she had a low income, low savings, didn't own her own home and no kids, she was high risk, despite having travelled in Europe and returning. Submitting the application and being refused would have been a blot on her record. Subsequent applications would suffer.
Now I need to check on the situation with regard to Europe.
My lady also feared having a blot on her record if she should try for a tourist visa and be denied.
Of course - it's always possible that she just wanted to wait to see the US until she could do it properly - as the fiance of an incredible guy like me.
(You should see me try to get this hyperinflated ego into a small car. It is a rather tight fit.)
Notice - by the way - now that much of the converstaion is dwelling on the advanced staged of the process, rather than just consideration of making a first trp to the FSU - we are not hearing from a lot of members.
Even the off-subject studff seems to have gone away....
Some of us are busy packing for a trip to be with our loved ones for New Year's. This will be my second trip and the first with my son and her son. If all goes well, I may be announcing an engagement upon my return.
If she is single, no kids, and no personal wealth the 5% chance of getting a tourist visa is about right according to my friend in the travel agency in Moscow. For those of you who already have met your girl and she has some decent level of English there is another option. You can meet her in the Dominican Republic. They call it Dominicana. I just flew in my Ukrainian beauty last month. We spent two weeks together in paradise. We stayed at an all inclusive resort. The whole thing with both airfares was about $4000. The Dominican Republic has no visa requirements. Just a passport and a plane ticket is all you need. She had never seen the Ocean, Never seen real Palm trees. Very romantic trip.
My lady had a particual beach resort picked out in Turkey. Since tension seemed to be running high at that point against Americans I suggested that it might not be the best option.
Yes, Turkey and Cyprus are both popular destinations for holiday among the Russians and Ukrainians. Egypt is popular too. No visa requirements for any of them. For Americans the muslim countries of Turkey and Egypt would be a bad idea. Cyprus is ok with its large Greek population. Dominican Republic is best for Americans due to its close location. Long flight for our FSU girls but worth it in the end.
The situation in shengen countries has been mentioned elsewhere on the forum, but my memory is like a strainer too.
The situation in the Netherlands a SHENGEN country is as follows: No difference for sex age children etc. You 1) have to proof that you are no risk to health or state.
2) Most important you can proof the state will not have to make cost for you.
meaning proof Euro 34/day per person (Proof with bankslip) .Hotel (paid) reservation or invitation. Proof of going away ticket. And probably health insurance. So you basically have to be rich enough. Seeing that a French agency is willing for (a loath of money) to arrange it for all girls tells me it is probably easier in France. As shengen countries have more or less the same rules it should be approximately the same for the other countries.
In turkey do as if you are Dutch (or German) haggle a lot learn the phrase "kijken kijken niet kopen" It has two advantages the Turks have no problem with you and that carpet is 50-80% off (compared to the premium rates for those "rich and stupid" Americans) And be in the west of Turkey prefferably near the coast.