Well our friend Doug has finally caught a clue. I guess it proves you can teach an old salesman new tricks. I think it is funny how many he trapped with his golden promises of success while completely blasting all other methods which he himself say he did not use. I find it amazing how gullible the people were to welcome this ass and swallow his messages filled with hate not only for us but the women he claimed he holds so dear. I have seen his post elsewhere and yes 30 episodes of pressure sales are too much. His writing is poor at best and his tactics less than honorable. He personally attacked every member of this forum even those that supported him. He hid behind his façade of just wanting to help us out. Help us out of our money. He is a leach and a slug. I offered him countless opportunities to apologize and he refused to debate any topic. If it did not shine in his favor he simple would insult you and make a new thread. His only purpose here was to make sales. He does not care for us, Russian women, or anyone else but the money. Guys if you let this person steal your common sense and fell for his rhetoric then to be frank I wonder what chance you have against a lovely woman with false intentions. Fool me once shame on you…fool me twice shame on me!
Again it is a shame he has such childish behavior as I said his information was welcome. Weather he was as honest as he claims is only intent to ask the policy was to see what he could get away with. Sneaking in his web address here and their hoping Fiance.com would not notice. I told him very clearly that any attempt to sell his services should be done through private email not on the forum. He simply was wanting free advertising. Seems to me someone so upstanding would buy an add at one of these forums but you know what. He is too cheap. Funny how he called us cheap every chance he got because we use fiancé.com to send our letters. How stupid he said as he smiled behind his mask knowing that of course his $15-20 a letter is pure gold to him. Many agencies here I think get around 50 cents a letter. And of course we can trust him unlike anyone else in the business. Come on guys get real. This guy was 100% snake oil.
Doug I would still like to know specifics on your attacks of our members. If you ever find your spine come back and learn us some more!
What was the point of this thread? Here is my point you are now acting like Dougie boy like we weren't smart enough to figure out his ploy. All this forurm has turned into is a pissing contest with other members and agencies and fiance.com It is rather boring.
I agree thats why I started the tread to collect the many post in others. Grow up I have told you to think nothing. You know as well as I that we do not post this for those of us that have been around awhile. I just want Doug to come back and explain himself thats all. I personally want to hear his rational but again I am trying to put the thread out to collect the many comments in one easy to read place for him.
Look out as well as the holiday comes there will be very little new information and yes the forum usually gets off track. No magical turning out of the lights just people will be bored. Guess like now.
No QC Olga said yes he is trying but that he will not succeed.:) My bet is that this will stay right where it is. I think it is just as relivant as many other issues we have here. If they will allow us to openly discuss the agencies and their issues with fiance.com I think it is just as relivant to show that commercial sales will not be allowed. As well as his open hostility. Again QC please review the information more carefully and your responses will have more value and more impact. Of course as many of his threads were edited out because of the open lack of respect for us and our forum I still think that you should be able to make a better sumation of this situation.
Grow Up??? Well my friend you throw a lot of stones and when someone hammers you back you cry. Advice from a narcissist and whiner I do not need, I grew up a long time ago, try your own advice.
why are you so upset at somebody "openly" defending his right to write on a public forum?
Everyone has an opinion,even if it is wrong to some.Surely it's a much more mature attitude to debate it than to start mudslinging.
I know Doug did that too.....and two wrongs don't make a right,but maybe a different approach would have kept things on less personal basis.
chip unless you have been here the whole time and were able to see the post that have been removed it is really to hard to explain. I am done so it is no big deal but if you want more info just look around. Again the most important post have been removed by the admin.
The topic Doug Salem RIP implies a desire for the person to rest in peace. I think to go around posting stuff about a guy who just died seems to say the least kinda tasteless.
"I think to go around posting stuff about a guy who just died seems to say the least kinda tasteless....."
Its YOU who is (re)posting "stuff about a guy who just died".
This thread has been dormant for over three years (12/23/2004) before YOU reopened it.
Truth be told - Doug Salem was not a particularly popular guy in this forum. Some like him. But many didn't. No disrespect intended. But the written record from four years ago will support my claim.
In any event - my sympathy to him and his family May they find comfort and peace.
Makes one wonder if Doug Salem is really dead? If so Godspeed to his family, if not, this is a usual perverse sick game played by many on the internet to garner attention.
Hmmm that is is, I was told Doug died, googled him and this was the first result. I see others have found this page first too.
Hmm, unfortunate title, perhaps in light of his actual death and the fact it's showing up first, this thread would be taken out. I was actually kind of shocked that someone was Doug RIP attacking., honestly didn't look at the date.