The lady I am writing to seems to enjoy telling me about Ekateringburg not only in the first letter but the second as well. I note a number of letters I have received over time from other women often have the same desire, and that is to explain how beautiful it is where they live. Apart from that anomally I gather that guys like gary496 etc have these fears because they do not want to be deceived, either from past experiences of being gullible and feeling like an idiot afterwards or just use to meeting selfish bitter women. It's the state of western society !!!! but it takes two to tango! Another thought is maybe like all people, the barriers of distance have disappered due to the internet and we think the grass is greener overseas. The stories of local relationships ending up as tragedies will be circulated time and time again worlwide. All we hear is how a show host in USA is being sued because of a feud between two women ending in murder. Hey and I live in Australia and this crap is covered in every news media here as if it was somewhere in Sydney. I think that we take risks and if the coins lands heads then your in luck. Tales....... you get burnt. It's your choice to "bet" on where that love may be and if you choose a Russian Doll then it's your decision and no one elses. And with regard to any sayings in Russia, it's probably "get some balls and be a man". Damn lost mine in a bet!
Why do I look? For me it's simple. I simply want to marry a woman considerably younger than me because I want to have children. No, I'm not looking for 20-year-old, and I'm not looking to be a sugar daddy or "happy daddy" as they say in some countries (what do they call it in Australia?), and I am not looking for a Russian Doll (i.e. "model"). Most US women don't want to marry someone 10-15 years older than them, but this seems to be very common and totally acceptable in other parts of the world.
I'm looking for a younger woman of peasant stock, preferably one strong enough to pull a small plow to help me with my vegetable gardens and fruit orchard as I ease into my golden years.
It's better that you marry a girl older than you or level of what you are standing talking of age. For me it's not a problem neither she is older or younger than me as long that we are in love until death do as part or let may say we understand, helping and most of all stand strong for our family. will make someone a good husband and a good father to your children. If we all lived by the letter of your resolve the world would not be crubling apart.
why was a ten year old thread brought to life? whether or not your questions are relevant...
I suggest to Morphy that he move to Lancaster, PA or Ohio and infiltrate an Amish group. Try to lure one of the Amish gals away from the sect and wow her. Then put a harness on her and have her plow your fields. WTF was that all about? I'm sure we are all hoping to find a girl to plow our fields. And to feed the chickens and slaughter the cows. And to sow and reap the fields and can and preserve all of our sustenance.
And of course, shop at Victoria's Secret for all her clothes. ;)