I have heard that recently it has now become acceptable in Ukraine to say "в Украине" instead of "на Украине" when referring to Ukraine. Is there anyone here who can verify this possibly a Ukrainian? (what happened to Ptichka? you guys didn't scare her off I hope) There seems to be some uncertainty about this that I would like to settle.
Man, no they didn't scare me off, I was just a little bit busy...
You know, as for the 2 variations, it depends on what you try to say, if you say something "living in Ukraine" then tis is the 2 variant, if you say something like "there are lots of great things in Ukraine" then it is the 1 variant.
You wrote that in Russian, in Ukrainian it will be spelled a little bit different.
You're welcome Man!:)
It is rather strange thing with rules, they tend to change, the last one I remember was that now we have 2 letters "g" in our alphabet (Ukrainian), but if you speak the old way it is not thought to be a mistake:) These changes are rather new, and it will take much time to people to get used to them:)