I dare not post the articles that I have on this subject since we live in a PC world that in some countries can land you in jail. If anyone on here wants the two articles you can email me at knightmancer@yahoo.com
Ice, and what do you have against Ukrainian politics?:) I bet that not a single article as the view from the country itself:) Articles may be not too relevant to the events that happen:)
Hell we had Bill Clinton for 8 years how bad could politics in Ukraine be compared to that! As for the Ukrainian elections I have my opinions and that is all they are. They are no more valid than the idiots who write about the american conservatives. I do not have problems with a countries politics. I do have problems with ideology, ie. socialism, communism, totalitaranism and fascism. Some can look back at my country's history and consider us traitors to the crown. Hell we had a civil war that more people were killed at the battle of Gettysburg than throughout the whole Viet Nam war. All over a principle of states rights. Yes I am going to ruffle the feathers of liberals who want to revise history and say it was over slavery.
A great quote by Francis Marion, otherwise know as the swamp fox. What should be of the greater concern, one tyrant 3000 miles away or 3000 tyrants 1 mile away. His warning that an elected legislature can trample a mans rights just as easy as a king, dictator etc. Ice my advise in passing out electronic media is to supplement documentation from valid sources or experience it yourself. I wish I could have witnessed the "Orange Revolution, though I am not a supporter of a free Ukraine becoming entangled in the EU. Which it seems the direction of Yuschneko. Also, as I told my lady friend who was a supporter of Yanukovich, that I was not very fond of the ties with Putin. So the Ukrainians have a double edged sword to deal with. A Ukrainian Patriot will rise out of all this rubble and it may suprise many, then Ukraine will be able to control their destiny. When in doubt choose freedom and Godspeed to all Ukrainians!
I think I said it before...
Ukraine is the pretty High School girl every other country want to dance with while they entertain thoughts of raping her in the back of a van...
Best wishes to Ukraine in it's infant independent stages...She'll need them
Mike, you know, I think that Ukraine deserves freedom for which it fought for so many centuries...though officially we're independent for 13 years, have to admit that Russia had too much influence on our former President...luckily we have a new one:), who thinks about Ukraine, and about it's people...
Yanukovich wasn't only connected with Putin, he was 2 times in prison!!! This is what shocked me...and such person wanted to become a President...brrr...luckily Orange color came into our life! I and my family, we all, are supportes of Orange color!:) And though in the region where I live, the majority of people supported Yanukovich, I'm not afraid to say what I think and whom I support! And I think it's a great thing! I mean not to be afraid at last to say what you think...isn't it great?:)
I agree with you on the freedom of speech and free thought. Though I am hesitant to condemn a man who was in prison without justifying why. Aleksander Solzhenitizen was also in prison in Russia and wrote an incredible book called "The Gulag Archipelago", I do not know why Yanokovich was in prison so I cannot comment on this. Ukraines autonomy is very important and should not have the influence of the EU or the Kremlin. It will be a wait and see, I as an outsider cannot comment on much except as an American which does not trust the EU with the exception of the UK. I have to agree with Toad a bit, I think
exploitation is the motive and I hope Yuschenko doesn't sell the Ukrainians down the EU river. I'm Glad you are not afraid to speak of who you support. Benjamin Franklin once said, if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.
Mike, well we all know and it was proved why Yanukovich was in prison. First time for stealing watches and some documents and beating that person whose things he stole, and second time for robbery. Also he almost was accused for rape, but fortunately for him the victim disappeared somewhere...there are documents and witnesses of those things still alive, and it was all proved:)
Completely agree with Mike on being cautious about BOTH the EU and Russia. One of the most important freedoms is Economin freedom, and your not likely to have such freedoms from either. I have several issues with the EU, but having economic policies dictated by just a couple of countries is a big one.
I am not getting into a fight about it again. Polictics on this site is tedious and boring so stop telling everyone how great America is and and I too will shut up. Boring thread, boring topic, boring boring boring Nas. On this, you are boring, totally. Take you own advice and clean up your own country before you clean up everyone elses. That includes you opinion on Yuschneko and Yanukovich. Not your country remember so by your own words, not allowed an opinion
I don’t have anything against the Ukrainian people. I don’t really think that a lot of people in your country understand what will happen to them when they join the EU and find themselves having to change cherished beliefs imposed upon them by outsiders. Here in the states you have rural areas where there is nice land, low crime, etc but then the city slickers move in the local people are forced out. I just hope that when the dust settles that your average Ukrainian isn’t left just holding a roll of toilet paper.
If you (all of you, Pitchka dear included) would accept, understand and keep in mind the meaning of POLITICS, nobody would make the slightest attempt to criticize one another.
Thank the greeks for this one;
Id you run your mouth way too much around here like some great icon of knowledge. First of all smart ass I never said how great America was. Second I work everyday to improve where I live, I just don't talk about it here. So I put my money where my mouth is daily. I have been to your country so I'm not some fool commenting about where I have been. I don't spend my time here talking about how many women I've banged in the FSU. Now I understand when we came into Freemantle there were over 2000 Australian women waiting for us. Well the good ol US and Georgie Bush may suck, but that was a very wonderful picture I still have.
American people are ok by me. Bush does suck and I have never voted for his little boy john howard and never will as he is so full of lies and tricks but everyone here thinks he fixed the economy but in fact, he sold government assets off to do it and it is now harder for first home buyers to buy a home than ever. I do not care what you do in your comunity, thats your business. I have not bragged about what I done over in FSU. I went over and things went bad at first, sorry if I had a good time and a good holiday. Should I marry her to make you happy? Who knows why all those women wait for American sailors and then cry when you bang them and never see them again. I do not think they are the marrying type so again, I do not care. The whole point is, if you like your opinions and no one elses, do not talk politics. In face, if you want to, go to a site that is about politics. I have never started a topic on polictics and every time some one does I have a dig at them and piss them off because this is not the place for that crap. You tell me to clean my own back yard but do not think you should do the same. It seems you are one of those who goes by the saying, do as I say not as I do. It is the american anthem these days. So nas if you do not want anyone to have an opinion about you country, how can you have an opinion of theres. I think American people are basically good but like my people, vote under a campain of fear. Call me a big mouth all you want, right back at ya sport. Still all your insults will not change my opinion or make me go away. Abanden rthis crap crap crap topic as it, as always bring this forum down as no one can agree on polictics and I will never agree with you it seems, but I do not care.
"Hell we had a civil war that more people were killed at the battle of Gettysburg than throughout the whole Viet Nam war. All over a principle of states rights. Yes I am going to ruffle the feathers of liberals who want to revise history and say it was over slavery."
whos claming to be the icon of knowledge. Not me but you with you quotes and insite into history. Why do people like you stand and watch someone do something, critisis them and then go and do the same thing claiming it to be something different.