Every single one of us fits the above title...regardless of how many times you've been to FSU (or not), how devoted you are to the FSU woman you already love, how many FSU women you've been in loved with, infatuated by, played with, dreamt about or even got scammed/screwed over.
Our quest, for the most part part, has been a common one.
We do not like, accept or settle for what our domestic women offer in exchange for everything we offer (and they seek).
Therefore we seek elsewhere...and the hassles of frontiers, visas, corrupted underpaid cops, butt/gonads freezing weather do not deter us one fucking bit.
Only the best persevere to get the best. People who do not understand people like us live their lives with their head in the sand! We live life a little bit more than the rest and for that, we get the best. We are the ones the others look at in envy. Time, distance, bad weather, all these things are nothing to us. When you hear someone speak negatively think about this.
When the British were digging a new subway in London, they discovered the ancient roman baths of Londonium. On the walls of the baths were different graffiti from the Roman soldiers. One graffiti stood out. It translated into what should be all our mottos,
Now Now Now...
Before anyone acuses us (and me in particular) of patting our backs too much, please understand that I appreciate what the vast majority of men here do to seek happiness on their own terms, and not by those set by western women intent on training men to pee sitting down.
That's all...:)
I noticed that Toad mention in hes every 5. or so post peeing sitting down. Its a bit strange! And training? Its not my business of course but in what kind of family you grow up yourself?
It is easier to read the newspaper sitting down peeing... lol
I think we are doing the right thing guys, sitting or standing! These girls are something else, and the ones who seek long enough will find - ALWAYS!
Says who??? The hopeless romantic from Norway says!
Maybe you're not familiar with the popularity of the "Being trained to pee sitting down by your single mother who suffers from chronical undiagnosed 'penis envy' and hates men in general, her child's father in particular" syndrome has in the US.
Mothers in this country are famous for consciously or unconsciouslly causing all forms of psychological castration to their male offsprints....this trait is blatantly obvious among single or divorced mothers.
Maybe someone other than me would be interested in explaining it in detail for you, annika
I dont know anything about american wumen (dont care really) but if somebody have some emotional problems in that message board..its you! You are bitter and dont want to be rude...maybe you havent enough the same thing what single mothers havent?
Viva Bravour! Which reminds me of an old tale....
This guy sends a letter to his beloved, something like:
coming weekend I'll be there with you!
Come hell for or high water, even if a war will break out, I will be with you. If I have to cross oceans, fight along the way with muggers, not even the highest mountains will stop me, simply because I adore you. Even if I have to hitch-hike, I will fight all scum along the way, and hungry roaming pradators I'll slay with my bare hands. I will be with you, I'll give anyone who will try to stop me hell for leather, for simply I long for you - see you soon Honey!
Your XYZ
If you do not know anything about american women, wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to keep your trap shut and keep an open mind about the various opinions and reports instead of going on a rant about my mental health.
I do grant you one thing, woman.
I'm only one of millions of men living in the US who recognizes the bitterness caused by the male castrating status quo women insist on imposing on the males in their lives, including children.
We're just sick of it, hence our presence here and other east/west dating mediums. This alone cures every man of any bitterness we may have held towards these women.
Why did this cause you to resent me beats the crap out of me, lol...But I think it's been clearly demonstrated since you joined this forum who is the bitter hag with an long passed expiration date.
I wrote something very similar for Lena once I confirmed the flight plans and it ended with a "But unfortunately I do not get out of my house until it's the temp reaches 20C outside.."
First of all... some of you talk like this is only an forum for Americans... As far as I have understood it is not.. Second of all.. This female versus male thing is also very present in Norway and in all other western parts of the world I believe. I agree with Toad, and nobody can make me change my opinion!! I am sick of the attitude the western females are showing us men. I settle for something better, no doubt about it.. I have money, house, car, nice job, children... I have one more goal in my life.. To be HAPPY!!! And I don't believe there is too many western females that can make me happy.. Not after I have experienced what FSU females have to offer! At least they know how to appreciate a gentleman!
Bagira and Annika,
I feel your pain, dears....unfortunately (for you) I simply don't give a damn, darlings.
Go on ranting against me whenever I post something to do with western or US females and how they relate to western males. There is not enough ranting room in here to cure what you represent.
In 17 days my dating, marrying or having serious relationships with western women will be a thing of the past...FOREVER!
Toad..I really hope you write something interesting...thats why I joined the site. All that moaning about western wumen are just booooring and if you go to Russia try not so much advertize that, russian wumen dont like men who moan. As you see already in that site you influence badly for wumen,(even FSU ones). And I dont think that crappy russian place you will visite to see that polyglot solve your problems. And 17 days? You are really serious case!
Norwegian what you have to offer FSU wumen that they treat you as gentleman? Maybe you must look things in other dimension. And you are right-even europeans have right to join the site and have their opinion.