Hello, I noticed that many people write in this forum about the girls-scammers from Ukraine. I think if you begin to correspondent with a girl from Ukraine the best variant is to check is this girl real or not, does she tell you truth or not.
I know that there are a lot of girls and agencies in Ukraine, who are scammers. But there are many really good girls and woman, who really want to find the only one man and to marry with him.
I don't recall you posting before. If this is the first, welcome to the forum.
I certainly agree with you. In pursuing any relationship, you need to keep your wits about you. Many locations in Ukraine (and Ukraine in general) have an undeserved reputation.
One of the forums most notable contributors is from one of the most reported notorious cities in Ukraine (Lugansk). Take a bow, Ptichka!
You will laugh :), but I'm from one of the most reported notorious cities in Ukraine Lugansk. And I think this city is very nice. It's my native city. I was born here. And I know that there are many nice and friendly people in Lugansk.
Got in from Kyiv monday night. Weather was good only about 30 degrees. They still are blocking car traffic on Kreshatyk for the weekend festival in the dead of winter. Nothing stops over there. Make sure your guide takes you for some fine American cuisine at the brand new super mega-sized McDONALDS they opened up right in the center of Kreshatyk. (unbeleivable) (puke). That chain just cant leave things alone. But the Ukrainians are tripping over each other to get in line.
You are getting clobbered on those show tickets i will bet. My travel agent in Kyiv sold me two ballet tickets for 50 dollars over the net and when i picked them up they where maked at 15 hrivnas a piece. Best seats in the theatre.
Well mike, if you see a hottie on Kreshatyk with a Pittsburgh Steeler Ben Rothlesberger game shirt , hat and foul weather jacket on , you will know who took care of her.
I was going to get her the complete NASCAR get up but i knew your sorry ass would be in town and i did not want to you to be distracted or get run over !!! LOL
I had another fantastic time there. There are no remnants of the orange revolution except for a few soveneirs and orange tassles from the vendors.