It¡¦s quite hard writing forward while thinking backwards. So bare with me on this toadish Siberian tale, ok..ƒº
Despite my best intentions to take copious notes as I promised, it was impossible to find the slightest shred of reason that would have justified taking any time away from the attentions this most wonderful russian woman gave me.
To begin with, let my summarize the frantic pace we kept hoping from city to city in little more than a week:
(#) number of nights spent each visit
Five cities, eight nights, nine days.
And I barely scratched western Siberia.
By the time we got to the airport to catch my flights home, we both felt like we had been on the campaign trail for some political race.
I¡¦d not recommend such marathon to anyone who¡¦s not quite confident or at least blissfully ignorant (like I was) about certain things.
1. ICE WALKING: I walked, climbed, stepped, slipped and almost felt once on so much ¡¥iced water¡¦ that at times I felt closely related to some other dude who is also known for his ¡¥walk on water¡¦ skills¡K...well, sort of.
2. Extra budget to deal with the expenses. I.E. to do Tobolsk in just one overnite stay, the most efficient way is by hired taxi, both ways. This allowed us the chance to stop whenever we wanted to visit the Bear and Rasputin¡¦s home along the way from Tyumen as well as the Mink Farm on the outskirts of Tobolsk.
3. Have an OPEN MIND about minor inconveniences you will find along the way¡K..and believe me, they¡¦re there waiting to get a good laugh out of you.
4. Make sure you are 100% confident in your ladies¡¦ abilities to lead the tour if you do not speaka la rooski, capisci? My Lena is a tigress when it comes to being resourceful¡K(no, she¡¦s not for hire :)
5. If you have back problems, I¡¦d not do this. Hotel mattresses are onion skin thin almost everywhere you go, regardless of price. The alternative is to bring your own inflatable and look like a wimp, lol¡K.HEY, no laughing!!. I have one of those in my tent trailer. It works great, but I¡¦d never bring it to Russia. We had fun with scented oils and backrubs, instead¡Kƒº
welcome back oh frozen amphibian!!
glad to hear it went well,did everything meet your expectations then???
did you manage to keep warm enough???......;)
did you try any russian delcacies???
did you see any special sights???
did your feet get cold??........LOL
did you.......well???????......:)))))))
but now when did she say Da? You leave an open end, on purpose no doubt, to keep us in suspenders just so we'll guess I guess.
Now Norway, I bet she gave that answer when he asked 'ya want more later?'
But on a more serious note Toad, please go for a checkup at your doctor? It is blatantly clear you've picked up some virus while you were there, just look at the gibberish you've typed above - I bet you can't even repeat it :))
On a more sobering note though - you're an addict now? Then prepare to go cold turkey for some 6 (?) months until the administrative gears evolve into motion. Jet was commenting on this impatiently but now has got way too much shit than anybody deserves, and I presume you will run out of patience also.
Planning seconds of course would solve withdrawel-symptoms however temporarily.
NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING will be more precious to me from this trip than the sight of this adorable woman shivering in the cold for over 45 minutes while she waited outside the passport control and customs building in Ekaterinburg airport.
Unfortunately our flight was delayed in Frankfurt and the pilot could not make up he time in route.
It was close to midnite by the time I took a harsh bite of the siberian -20C night air.
When I asked her "Why didn't you wait in our taxi or in Izi's Marina's car?" she said: "I wanted to be the first woman you saw when you set foot in my country for the first time"...and she said as if it was a pleasure for her to endure the cold as long as she got what she wanted.
Do you know of any western woman willing to do something like that for a man she's never met before?...or any man for that matter?
pardon the made perfect sense when I wrote it on Word. Try to figure it out. You're almost as smart as me.
I have faith in you, mate...:)
Then hey, let’s see what “nonsense” the control-characters cause (his browser in any case is a bit of a funny one). Bold maybe? Let’s try slanted. Ah, underscored, will not show anyway.
If the above is readable – I would be surprised – then you just may work with an older version of Word. Update it by visiting your friendly MS-update site, look for ‘Office family’.
Upon arrival, the taxi took us to a so-so hotel by the train station...we had agreed beforehand that location and convenience was more important than comfort since the train to Tyumen departed at 8 am the next morning.
We could always sleep on the train if we needed it.
It would take about 4.5 hours to get there.
Lena even had a bottle of champagne for us to celebrate in our little room across the street from the train station.
And NO, you horny dogs...there will be no intimate details.
Unfortunately the roses I bought in Frankfurt froze and got ruined, so they stayed in the room the next morning.
Once on the train the next morning we shared our compartment with Wayne, a nice preacher guy from Michigan who's been doing missionary work in Omsk for almost 10 years.
He lives there with his wife and FIVE children...No Cable TV for that dude, definitely.
He begged, pleaded and made all sorts of promises of devine intervention and heavenly miracles, but I would not let him take the Sunday Edition of the Orange County Register that I brought for Lena, I said: "if your wife doesn't believe that you just read last Sunday's comic strips, call Lena's cell and we'll vouch for you".
He was a most welcome person to get an 'inside' opinion of Russia from the 'outsider' point of view.
I slept only a couple of hours my first night in E-burg, so by the time the choo-choo got to Tyumen I was ready for the solid 3 hour nap we took once we got to her apartment.
We still had plenty of time to be at her Mother's by 7.
Her mother ownes and lives in this 2 bedroom apartment with Lena's brother, 21.
Nadya cooked for three days to have everything ready to welcome me on Sunday. Now, this is woman whose regular weekly routine includes working SIX days as a pharmacist at a not so near drug store in addition to all her other home management obligations.
Regardless of what anyone's palate thinks of russian cuisine, this gesture of unconditional hospitality is something I have not experienced since I left Buenos Aires in 1978, the same month Lena was born...:))
And if you want to commit social suicide when you enter the room where all 12-14 Zakuski dishes are perfectly laid out on the table, all you need to say is: "Lovely spread, Nadya...who is your caterer?"
Yenia, Lena's brother, was also a good trooper and stuck it out to meet his sister's foreigner, even though he had to break a date with his girlfriend to do the family thing.
We hit it off well. The action movies I got him were well received, as were the scarves, chocolates, California books and perfume for their mother.
I felt kinda guilty to some extent for causing so much trouble for everyone, because meeting her family was one of my "Must Do On My First Visit If I'm Gonna Take You Seriously" thingies
As it turned out, they all took ME seriously and welcomed me with open arms for being a stickler about including her family in this first visit to her.
So I would highly recommend it if you're on the fence on this one.
The age difference is one of the reasons why I insisted on it in the first place.
Although the heart feels warm all over, it's more like the sleepless bug that makes me a little disoriented, ...thanks, senor spirit.
I've been up since 20:00 Saturday PST with no more than 4-5 hours sleep in the planes... I'll try to ride it out till at least the same time tonite to force the body clock back to California time.
I'll be alright, unless Bagira starts picking on me, lol..:)