Olga, despite the url, I think this has some value to help men understand what's going on among american women right now...
They're feeling the pinch, guys..:)))
Gotta love it
We received the following letter from an American woman who signed it
"Sandra, All American Woman".
We are very interested in your opinion. Could you please answer three
questions after "Sandra's letter? Thank you for your time.
"Desperate enough to find the right guy"? You mean desperate enough to find
the right money! I've read that college educated teachers in Russia make less than
three or four hundred dollars a year I've read that most people can't even afford
a decent car, of course you are desperate but you want our men! Look, it
isn't our fault that you people were so stupid you fell for lenin's than Stalins
bullshit, it isn't our fault you have a pathetic leader in Putin who really
doesn't help you guys much. We are the world power and you are nothing, our men
are too good for you....I've borrowed my friends e-mail to let you know how I
feel. He's one less man you won't be getting your claws into. I've also
heard how some men are killed, robbed, tricked, and used just because their a
little fat or old so they have a hard time dating over here. You people are Sick
and I can't wait for the day that we decide to really punish your worthless
nation of idiots! DON'T TREAD ON US! That's an old American saying, fuck with
us so we can show (just as we have been) what we are really made of. WE won
the cold war I seriously think it would be fairly easy to win any goddamned hot
one you throw at us....go to hell......Sandra, All American Woman!"
And here are our questions:
1. Do you share Sandra's attitude to the Russian people?
2. Do you agree that Putin is a pathetic leader?
3. What's your attitude to women in your country?
Please write your answers at http://yoshkar-ola.com/e/docs.shtml?sandra .
not so quick, I mean, after all Sandra DID address the correct slippery amphibian. I'm not a bad chef, have razorshap knives here which could make mincemeat out of an ass, sorry legs - um, you know what I mean, so behave - I want to know your answers? ;-)
Russian women are no more 'desperate' to find a man to fulfill their goals of family life than any american woman is desperate to find a man to pay her bills, get her pregnant to pay her child support and vaginamoney...And if all that fails, there is always welfare.
The american woman's mantra is: "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too".
What russian and other FSU women bring to the table is what's causing the exodus of men towards eastern europe and asia.
No guarantees on anything for anyone's individual future.
That's something each couple must work by themselves along the way.
I have 26 years of experience with US women.
I'll rely on my knowledge rather than your unfounded observations about american women, TD.
The post was geared more towards american men, anyways.
Sounds terrible... I already see this Sndra dragging some Natasha on her hair and scratching all her face!:-)
You know, it seems like that proud representative of American women simply feels that the granted men's money are floating to some women who are smarter, more tender and beautiful and whose only fault is that they lost in the cold war. Fair competition is nt for her. It is too hard to drag herself into a gym or to say no to another BigMac.
What a shame...
There is no need to exaggerate what's going on with shameful indignation, please...lol
You've have been told this before and here it goes again.
Not one single woman or man is a true representatice for the whole people of the US.
When you use this Sandra letter to describe why so many men look east for women to build relationships and families, please explain this kind of open bigotry is one of the transition factors the easter ladies will have to learn to deal with...But NO, your Olgas, Elenas and Tatianas will not dragged by the hair through the streets of downtown, USA any more than a bear will jump out to eat you from behind a tree when you go to any siberian city.
Just the same, I'd suggest you recommend your ladies to give priority to US men who reside in more cosmopolitan regions of the country if this is a concern to them
This particular Sandra is simply venting her spoilt frustration much like a 2 year old throws a tantrum when her parent does not give her what she wants..:)))
The pure, final and deadly fact for american women is that they may go to the gym, buy as many fake body parts and make as much money with their careers as they want, but will never match the eastern woman willingness be an older man's TEAMMATE in life. Period.
By the way. May be it will be interesting for you guys to listen to my observations on the other side. How our men treat the thing that 60% of single women here are ready to try their luck with marrying a man from abroad and 90% secretly with this.
What is strange, our men simply seem not to notice this. Well, many my fellow s know what we are doing but their comments never were like "You are selling our country's main treasure." I don't know, the reaction slighly resembles a dog which is so fed up that it allows easily to take a peace of meat from its plate. Only sometimes in some forums or on TV I saw few people protesting against this.
Unfortunately among these few was our president!:-) He is actually the main guy who tells "Girls what have you forgotten abroad? It is good here, live and work here." Who really cares that the average salary is 180$ a month... As he once told "Our people will live poorly... but not long.":-)
My Ukraine friend who lives in New York likes to tell the story of her girlfriend who slept with Putin. To her it is funny--for me it is disgusting that men think with their slukas. I have read it again and again and again-Boris treats Natasha like shit,rejects her and gets drunk,beats her up,buys prostitutes,and in general disses her as a boytoy. On the other hand there is Sandra -All American Woman,who writes and sounds just like my 19 year old daughter,who,by the way has a boyfriend who is a playuh.Immature,jealous,brash and unreasoning. I write this as I sit here steaming because I loaned my car to an American woman for her first day on the job. She left here at 11 A.M. not knowing if she was going to work a full shift or not. It is 5 P.M now, but she has not called me,and is not answering her cell phone. meanwhile my Sunday is basically fucked because so many people-American-Russian--whoever,just think about themselves and nobody else. My Ukraine friend also called me this morning to say she would call back this afternoon. This is not the first or tenth time,and nothing in the world angers me more than people who do not do what they say. I wonder sometimes just who in the hell you can believe,and who if anybody qualifies for trust.
People are people the world over. Generally they cannot be trusted. However I am so stupid I do trust and get taken again and again. Not by the same person you understand, you only get one chance with me, but I give a lot of chances.
I have had cars stolen, my apartment burgled and friends abandon me in a time of need. I keep going for it though. I feel that everybody deserves a chance. Sometimes a second one too.
I am faced with a situation like that now. So I am going into it with my eyes wide open. I will not complain and try to always see the bright side. Just as I did with my marriage.
It is what life is all about a giant roll of the dice. I love it.:))
Most women here in the good old USA are a peoduct of some basic and fundamental flaws in our social system. These flaws lend themselves to feelings of insecurities and frustration.
In our drive to advertise and sell we have lost the way. An example is our car commercials, If you buy this or that car you will change who you are! Buy the right car and babes will come to you. Now we all know that the objects do not change who we are but we continue to buy cars, boob jobs, butt lifts, and clothes thinking it will change the person we face each mornning in the mirror. This attitude leads to frustration and depression.
Exterior things do not make people happy! Happyness is found inside not out side the person.
Because of the historical fluctuations in the FSU the women have learned this. Therefore they look for different qualities in a man.
Sandra will oneday digress to a lonely, bitter, untrustable, drug augmented, selfcentered old bitch. While we (the men who have found an European wife) will still be happy.
Yes it is understandable that the Sandra's are upset. They see another opportunity slipping away from them.
Really terrible letter! Ok I'm not American, and not a man:) but really the letter makes a completely horrible impression!!! Such hatred, such disgust to other people....brrrr...something really terrible! I think that woman needs some medicines to calm down:)
It just seems to be the same old story here in the states. She sounds like a person who is overeducated by her television. handeling things the way she has been conditioned to. If you can't win cheat, if you can't cheat lie, and if you can't lie bitch and piss and moan about it till someone takes pity on you and tells you that you are right. Did you notice she never asked why american men are looking to other countries in the first place. Maybe a little introspection is in order. Why is it that men that are a little fat or a little bald have trouble dating in the states...maybe because of shallow, ignorant, divorce lawyers dream come true like Ms S. here.
My ex actually called me a stupid, and told me I was not normal since I looked for a woman outside Norway.. "Why don't you find a normal Norwegian woman, or work to get your family back together?" she asked... I told her I will never ever again have a Norwegian woman by my side... I have had enough of them.. Suddenly I was sick as well... It was (still her words..)sick to go to FSU countries to find someone to take care of the house, and be a sex-slave for me... I asked her.. Why do you think I would treat her any different than I did treat you? Why of a sudden am I a chauvinist, when you have for the last 12 years said I was your best friend ever? I never got answers for those questions because the door was slammed in my face...
I shall tell you something Forum friends.. My ex wife is a former "Miss Scandinavian face", or Nordic face as it was called some years ago.. BUT, because of her attitude I just can't see her beauty as I once did.. I look at her, and I just cannot tell what I did see as attractive about her... It is a shame actually..
I know at least one thing for sure, that attitude is not the way back to my heart...
Prejudices and stereotyping.....sometimes I think we are little better off than when we were in the middle of civil chaos in the `60s,with a clearly divided line between the movement and the leftist rednecks. Izi--I also give the benefit of a doubt. For example,a personal friend can borrow money from me ( don`t get any ideas anybody!) and for 20 or 30 bucks,it is money well spent to discover his integrity and honesty. If he does not pay it back--or explain to me why he can`t--his credit is blown. Ptichka,you are correct,and Sandra no doubt ran out of her Prozac ( at $90 a month,they are golden ) Uncle Buck-you are also right. I shudder at Christmas and Valentine`s Day when I see the diamond commercials which seem to imply that a man is insincere unless he buys his woman a 1 carat or larger diamond. Or that he is cheap and selfish. My ex looks just like Rose Macgowan--and I thought she was beautiful. But her beauty faded when she described me with words like "retard"--which became my pet peeve,next to her referrals in company to me as "he","him",and "it",instead of using my real name. Generalizations and words Do hurt. Even if actions speak louder. Nor-you have something more important and better then hair. You have good perceptions,strong values, and a big heart. I love this place! You guys are the greatest!!
Not every US woman has Sandra's attitude and disposition towards foreign women, but as more and more men go abroad to find women, the number of Sandras also grows in a direct proportional manner.
Nor & Spirit,
Allow me to join in..:))
The last american woman I had a serious relationship (4 yrs) is 5'9", 135 lbs, 34DD Victoria Secret former model with an angelic face that unfortunately for her convinced her she deserved everything for nothing.
Beauty wise, she makes Lena look like a bag lady.
And those of you who've seen her photos know it's not that easy to do.
It just does not matter how beautiful a woman is if she treats you like crap or tries to manipulate you into becoming a god damn meal ticket.