Dear Sirs!
I will not innumerate those who posted offtopic messages here, made offensive remarks, spammed and abused our forum. I just ask those people stop doing that, otherways I'll have to start blocking access to this discussing for some of them.
I also will not mention those who made personal remarks in my address.I dont care much about it...This is not a guestbook on my personal website and let everybody post whatever he thinks about moderator but...
You know, this forum is a part of my job and I really, really enjoyed it.It was really nice to know that people can help each other with some useful info and I was really glad to read if I could help somebody myself,This forum was almost dead for several months and I was glad when finally a live discussion began here. But beleive me, thats not lots of fun deleting numerous offtopic messages, explisit comments and things like that.I dont do it often because I supposed that one has a right to tell what he thinks on any question, but I also supposed that adult people can see a difference between freedom and arrogance.I dont want to teach people( many of them are older then me ) how to behave themselves, I just ask those people: if you guys need a place to chat and practice your abilities to insult each other, you better do it somewhere else, not on this forum. There are plenty of places on Internet where you can do it without any trouble.
Olga, I think you have shown great patience and restraint in trying to help the men who write to you. Some people are unable to see past the ends of their noses when it comes to exercising tact and common courtesy. I have benefitted a lot just by reading the posts, and your responses, especially. I will simply say, Thank You !!
Bummer!!! Thought I was jsut giving the forum a bit of a kick in the pants. Seemed that not many people were passing comment on anything, so I had to be a mouth Not that I wish to tell Hal he can pay for his demands just that Olga is overly polite on such issues he bellows. It is not unreasonable to let people know that they have the cheek to ask so much of a moderator of a forum especially when time is money and it is asked of Olga to do work which no westerner would do for nothing. CodeRed the Lawyer has made his point regarding what Mr Gary496 or myslef has filled on these many topics but it is a point taken note of. I cannot for one moment consider any topic that is in here not relevant or comments being irrelevant excluding our lovely free prostitute or the passages of conspiracy theories made by the effervescent Mr Genesis8888. If at anytime you feel my comments are over the top, Olga, I would be only too pleased for you to tell me so. And regarding giving you pleasantries is something Gary is given a pat on the back for. Not that I know him nor do I owe him any money ;)
I'm a little dissapointed that anyone would put my posts in the same category as some of those offensive or explicit ones. And, I don't think that either I or monolith has tried to "take over" the discussion as some have suggested. I believe that the intended purpose of this forum is to share information and opinions related to our search for wives in Russia and the FSU countries. Occasionally we may drift a little or share a bit of humor, and I would hope Olga can tolerate that (as long as it's not too explicit or offensive). Having said that, Olga has a difficult job to do here, and I really believe we have in her an honest friend. If I'm right about that (and I think I am) we should give her the respect she deserves, even if we don't always totally agree with her decisions.
Gary, I compliment you for your input and for helping others. But some of your remarks are uncalled for. Your not the expert as you think you are. All I ask is to keep this forum as a forum. Olga is doing a good job and does not deserve you personal remarks. This got out of hand for 2 weeks and it all started from some making this as their personal forum/chat room (maybe without knowing it). Lets let Olga handel the professional advise (She's been doing this many years and knows what she is talking about). Lets treat her with the respect she deserves and not make comments as to how she looks and if she wants to run to Rio De Janeiro with you. Really, I think she deserves more respect than that. Thanks for all your input Gary, and keep it up. Lets just keep it in context. Please!
CodeRed - Thanks for the feedback, but I think you're attributing some messages to me that were written by somebody else. I never presented myself as an expert (I'm not), just a guy with questions and opinions. Like I said before, I believe that the intended purpose of this forum is to share information and opinions related to our search for wives in Russia and the FSU countries (Olga, please correct me if I'm wrong about that). I haven't made any personal remarks towards Olga, except for maybe once when I joked that maybe she would marry me, and I doubt if she found that offensive. I'm sure I never said anything about Olga's looks, and I certianly didn't say anything about her running off to Rio de Janeiro with me. I think you are getting your people mixed up, but I'm sure it's unintentional.
Gary if you check codered's comments to me in his own topic "Crazy Forum" you will see what he wrote to you above is a cut and paste job. If people only with experince were to speak in here, Bob, then it negates the purpose of this forum as there would be no questions asked by those who are new to this. Therefore, it is important for people to not only give some colour to this forum but being a forum gives me the right to ask questions or to post an opinion. But I will continue to pass comment or make an opinion nomatter what and if you so wish to pass judgment (as you so eloquently put it Mr CodeRed) then so be it and expect something in return. As to bringing a moderator into a cat fight and also to provide compliments to her/him or to meeet them in Rio is nothing more than to treat them as part of the forum and appreciating their input to the diatribe we all seem to offer amongst ourselves. All I can say is "I Loves you all"!!!! Oh, and I am not a Yank, Bob! This is a place of conjecture, to create and to behold, to give a helping hand and to find card partners.
Mr. monolith, you certainly have a way with words. I think probably any reasonable person (including Olga of course) reading this discussion can see what is going on here, and can guess what the motivations of the participants are, so I'll leave it at that. In any case, let's remember why we're here and maintain a good discussion for all that can benefit from it.