you know, I am the only person who is considered a man without bad habbits in the classical understanding(don't consume any alcohol, never smoke, never gamble).
But we are are all human beings and every person has some "points" that are not making the life of our close people easier. For example my suffer from my constant wish to surround myself with different electronic, computer gadgets and the thing that I can not switch from work at home.
We have a syaing: "Our president does not smoke and drink. He'd better do both...":-)
Hmm, I smoke, didnt tell my girl about that until 6 months later and shes fine with it. My last girl, the ukrainian, used to take my cigerettes and destroy them literally, I would have to light five cigerettes until she finally got tired of taking them out of my mouth and stomping on them. :-)
A man without bad habits...if you mean heavy drinking, and heavy smoking, drugs, heavy gambling, then of course it is great if a man has no such habits:) But I have a friend who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, does sport, eats only healthy food, never gambled...and he is so boring!!! Only speaking about how right he is, and how wrong I'm, how I'm ruining my life...and that I should start living the same life style right away! I can't talk with him more then 30 minutes...
N()R, no way:) I have enough excitement in life, to gamble:) I'm worse...I eat meat:) I like to drink a good wine:) From the point of view of my friend...this is like a death illness...I'm doomed to die young, because I eat meat:))
hehe... let me follow you to the grave... I am in the same boat as you... oh crap.. And I was so sure that to die was THE LAST THING I was going to do...
Go figure this one out. My great grandfather who lived in the hills of West Virginia never worked out, cooked his "meat" in Lard, smoked every day and drank his home made bourbon everyday, he lived to 103. His running water in his home, was a pump handle, he had no electricity and lived off the crops and animals he raised outside of
Weston West Virginia. The key is the man didn't have the stresses in life that we deal with and he worked very hard each day for survival.
He died in 1976 when I was 17 years old. It was amazing to go there and see his lifestyle. Sometimes I wonder if the way he was living isn't all that bad after all.
When 2 people enter a relationship aware of each other`s habits, and ignore them for the sake of the "new spark ",they sacrifice their own needs for the greater glory of newfound happiness. This is wrong. If she is a vodka swilling devushka when you found her, and you decide to get religion and insist she quits her habit, then you have opted for change she may not be ready for, or is unwilling to make. One of my exes used to like to look at "Hustler" comics and sick humor with me. When she decided it was inappropriate ( two hungry flies seated in a restaraunt looking ravenously at a steaming hot pile of shi# ) this does not mean it is time for me to give up my deparavity--unless I choose to.
depravity that is--- and if I am a bad speller when we meet, and she suddenly insists after tolerating my bad habit that I should edumacate myself--well screw U, Bubba, this is how I was when you found me. Too late!!!
Mike, the same my great grandmother survied in 2 wars, walked through the great hunger which was in Ukraine in the 30s, went through the USSR...burried her children, and she died at 96 years old. She was a clever woman, had complete memory until her last days... She was born in 1902, and died in 1998.
I would have enjoyed talking with your Grandmother, Much of great world wars and Ukraine's involvment in both is pretty much left out
of History books. Though the last couple of years I have read much about it. Also the hunger you mention, was at the hands of Stalin who basically raped Ukraine while he and his cronies ate lavishly off the backs of the Ukrainians while they starved. What I didn't understand, was Khruschev, who many people don't realize was Ukrainian, didn't do more for his people, but as Lord Acton said, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Mike, yes my Great Grandmother told many stories about those times, as she has seen it with her own eyes! And many things were different from what was told and what is written in the books.
It is very easy to explain about Khruschev, it was not popular to be Ukrainian, it was popular to be Russian. Many people changed their last names, so they would sound like Russian.