Izi said he is gone. I asked but got no answer. I do remember Toad saying he was leaving here if he could not moderate a certain dispute with a well known verbalist here. I hope this is not the case and he comes back.
He really had NOTHING he should have been compelled to resolve - I am aware of what was going on before. This is entirely the product of someone who is very sick.
What bothers me is when blind aggression and hatred turns ugly,and certain people refuse to relent in their attacks.It is pathetic and narrow to target aggressions. It reminds me of alcoholics and angry emotion that comes out sideways
Ah, Toad we miss you and your stone cold resolution to win. I hope he does well. He had a real nice lady and I think he may be over in the FSU or going soon. When people staet taking this too seariosly they get thin skinned. I think someone got overly upset at his dry humour, but he sure did have a lot of knowledge to share.
Somebody did not like his endeavors here, and even less so his foreign one's displaying a healthy level of self-confidence. Same somebody had been busy for years on end to no avail, hampered with an inferiority complex and an attitude problem combined with a know it all pose and inherent cowardice.
But he found someone and was happy as a pig in shit, until this also went wrong. He took it out on Toad because he was jealous, and still is. Pathetic maybe, but most of all sad.
No Dale, Toads don't breathe during hybernation. They think....
Does he think that he has gianed an iota of admiration for his tactics? Or any respect? Or made any point? All nay. The only thing he has accomplished is to become universally loathed. And he hides behind a keyboard becasue he knows he has found the only place source of communications in the world where he can have a degree of anonymity.
It would be much easier to deal with this guy... er problem if we could just all agree to ignore whatever he says. Have our moderators clean it up when they get to it. But unfortunately inevitably a newbie appears who has no knowledge of this... problem and responds to him. And then other legitiamte forum members feel compelled to either correct the newbie (therebye acknowledging this problems existance) or IGNORING the newbies comments - which of course the newbie doesn't deserve for simply not knowing any better.
And then this problem is back in the fray of things.
Most would regard a frog or toad as the pathetic creature (not OUR toad of course). But not in this case.
Folks Toad is fine. He has good reason for doing what he is doing and he is very busty with Lena right now. He is extremely close to filing his papers. He keeps in touch with me and I think despite what he has said to me will eventually op up back in here. Meanwhile he is not in hibernation he is busy.
Regarding what you have all been talking about in a veiled way he has that under control. He has taken some shit and I know for certain plans on responding. I whole heartedly agree with the best way to deal with obnoxiousness is to just give it a miss. Getting sucked into a vortex of stupid name calling is ridiculous. Just walk around it.
There is nothing more irritating than being bypassed as if you were to insignificant for the others to bother with.
My view is that sensible comments or even good natured humor warrants interaction. Soon as the vindictiveness starts walk away. It is totally not worth it. There was an overreaction here and let us not kid ourselves that Toad is as pure as driven snow because he is not.
However this has gone on long enough and too much time has been spent on this already.
Don't you fret about Toad he is fine. Let us just make sure we welcome folks like One and Ania and move forwards not keep harping on about the past.
Spirit he is not getting busty. That would involve hormone injections and although Toad is into whore moans he isn't going to go for it. Let us face it the bugger is about 6' 6", minimum, and built like a frigging oak tree. He may just kill that little girl. And I think she will enjoy every minute of it :)))