I contacted Yahoo 5 days ago just in my area there are 4 profiles of women on the Blacklist
Same photos (everything) I tell them about this and give them all the information where to go and even give them her blacklist name tell them to scroll down to the Name and they will find her very same picture she uses on Yahoo
5 days ago and still today she is on there I write to them again and tell them that everyday her profile is Still active she will hurt many Men who are truly looking for love and those scars some men never get over.(sick) Yahoo could care aless.
I get a letter from them and this is what it said
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Personals.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
We appreciate you informing us about possible abuse in Yahoo! Personals.
We will investigate and the appropriate action will be taken.
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
6 days later, I want to know who reviews these profiles before they go on site
I know mine took two days before it was active.
I am going to add one of the Russians Scammers written Profiles and you tell me if you can spot any Tells.
I love the men, who has a good mood and optimistic. I find this it is difficult to live with anyone, which gets angry easy, or who intensive anger opines. Hardest for me - anyone, which gets angry within a few days or tries to punish its partner. I love the people, which easy must get along s. I love anyone, which takes and forgives. I love to get the feedback so I can be a best wife. I want anyone who does not keep the belongings in then blasts. I do not do to love the people, which seem to like being a victim and blaming others. I love anyone, which pushy and reports lovingly that, that he wants. I love to give and get much love. I love the embraces, keeping of the hands, am kissing and am covering mine men. And on all, I value the spiritual sign like kindness, probity, believe, loyalty and reliability. I want to love its men with all my heart and I want that its men loved me same way. I want to spread the unconditional love for life.
I dont know any women from Wisconsin that can spell that good:) There are 3 more profiles and why should I report the rest, Because I guess I care about other peoples feelings.
When I Had my profile there 7 Russian Gals Sent letters Of Interest
in a two week time frame, The Hub.
It was 2 scammers from Yahoo that got me involved in all this. God bless them. I think the boot is on the other foot. It isn't up to Yahoo to keep them out it is up to the guys to have enough savvy to not send them any money and avoid them. As soon as men stop sending money and wise up the quicker they will disappear. It really isn't Yahoo's problem. It is practically impossible for them to stop all suspicious listings. Should they stop all listings with bad spelling? How do you tackle that? Should no ladies that are Russian be allowed to post? How do you know they are Russian? They could be latin.
No if you don't want to get taken in a shell game don't play. It is simple. I have no idea how old that shell game or find the lady is. Yet every day people get taken by it. It is common on the streets of New York and New Orleans. If people didn't play they wouldn't be there. Therefore it is impossible to protect everybody. It is up to the individual to protect himself.
You bring up Some good points, and hit the nail on the head about how I also got Involved 2 scammers :) it's funny how that happened also to me and it did start at yahoo for me. I just don't like to see people get hurt but your right it is up to The person to protect themselfs.
Yes Russian girls should be allowed to add there profiles, but not when there telling you there living in glenwood city wisconsin.
I would love to see real Russian gals on there and not just scammers
and maybe there is? I don't know.
I can only imagine that there are 1000's on Yahoo everyday
doing the very same thing.
But when you report it and your trying to look out for your brothers
and support the blacklist and yahoo pays people for this kind of service
maybe they should return your emails a little faster 7 days now and there still on there.
On the other hand protect yourself and get wise, Only thing you can do.
When they wrote to me it was Green Hills, Wisconsin. I wrote her one letter back out of curiosity - I already had my hands full with flesh and blood women I had already met in person. But a freind I work with heard from the same scammer with the same phoney city and he wrote her letter after letter getting picture after picture.
He approached me becasue I am known to know something about Russian women (as if anyone really knows anything about women, Russian or otherwise) and showed me the pictures. Two of them I had receive with my single letter. He had about eight by this time.
He fell for her and when she told him that (the classic scam) for $850 she could get a Tourist Visa and an airline ticket to visit he almost sent it, despite me trying to talk him out of it. At the last minute he decided against it but told her that he would instead visit her when HE had vaction. Suddenly the scammers Englsih improved and she told him to take a hike.
The REASON that these girls appear locally is that Yahoo has a policy of only giving you informatin on the profile of others living within a certain distance of your home zip code. I don't believe that you can look for a Russian woman through honest means through the Persomals section.
In order for her to get information on you and for you to be able to see information on her she has to pick a zip code near you. Its my guess that they do this pretty much randomly. Then they try to harvest the available men that they have access to from the zip code they chose.
LOL, What A small world. Yep your right about the Zip code Thing and I suppose they pick alot of areas like that because you know us small town boy's Small Brains Big Hearts and Big things. Well one out of three isnt so bad:)lol.
I met another on there that first wrote to me from Orange California
And told me she was so sorry that was the only way for her to meet me
This is how I really learned about this kinds of Stuff.
First she never asked for money and sent over a period of two months
20 pictures some naked some in poses with family and so on.
Then came the visa thing and I was like wait a minute
This is so stupid that I knew someting was up
But what a Good lerning start, Just wished she would asked sooner for money :) lol.
about 5 pics of her naked and then some dressed
and I thought after she sent me naked pictures of herself why
is she still sending me pic's with clothes.
Then she sent Regular pictures of her and her mom
and after I found out she was a scammer or a man :)
I thought oh how Disrespectful to your mother.
This is funny and I will post her letter I got one today
after telling her I knew about her being a scammer.
This was weeks ago and I get a letter today she was in the hospital:)
Heres her letter from today.
Hello loved David.
The darling I am very strongly happy, to receive your letter. I so
strongly love you. I could not write to you so long because to me it
was very bad. When I have written to you and have informed, that I am
sick, after that I have gone home. At home at me the head was very
strongly turned. I could not bear, and I have gone to hospital. The
doctor surveyed me and has put in hospital. I laid in hospital from
May, 18th till May, 23rd. Today at 18:00 me have discharged from
hospital. I have gone to cafe the Internet at once from hospital. I
thought all time only of you. I refused food. That is not necessary
for me except for you in my life. I very strongly love you. You are
necessary to me only. I understand that you experienced for me and
probably you thought that I have stopped loving you. It not so. I you
when I shall not stop loving. I shall love you all life. I suited to a
window at night and looked at stars. I felt, that you too look now at
the sky, and we see each other. My sweet I speak you fairly. I now
shall go home, and I shall cook I food. Now with me all by way of. I
promise you, that tomorrow I shall come in cafe the Internet, and I
shall write to you the letter. I very strongly love you. I shall
finish on this the letter. Kiss you on all body my future husband.
Your Kristina.
Oh Lord!!! Somebody shoot me !
If anybody starts telling you that they love you and want to snd you kisses even if it is NOR they are not only poofs but they are LYING.
Whats funny about this she lives in Cheboksary and they released
her at 18:00 May 23rd she is nine hours ahead of me and I got her email
at 8:30 am my time, that makes it 17:30 her time she is writing this in the
internet Hopital Cafe :)