How many of you are sure that you know the real age of your sweetie?
The one I went and saw was actually 5 years older then she had stated on this site. I am not going to hold it against her. Check her passport if you want to be sure, though I don’t know how they can keep that from you if you marry them.
Wow-this is kind of tough. We have Ice on one side,forgiveness and understanding in his big heart. I can imagine this happening sometimes--remember the 2 no-no questions for women--weight and age. It is a common lie told by women. Then there is Dr.T-( the T stands for thinker ) highly principled and moralistic. A lie at the very start is kind of like a kelly hump ( impassible obstruction on a road )-- fly over it, go around it, burrow underneath it-- what lies in the dark will be shone in the light eventually. And depending on the lie ( this is a fib-a little white lie ) it could be an indicator of more lies to come,or the very cement that binds trust over into a deeper committment of intimacy and understanding. You should probably discuss it with her,and assure yourself that this is the only kind of lie you will ever have to worry about. You probably believed in the lie long before either of you had any intentions of uniting. I am dealing with an honesty/trust issue now with the first woman I have gotten serious with in a long time. I will not be argumentative and finger pointing. As our good moderator Nadya pointed out to me-and this is good advice always--simply ask her what`s going on. I was so upset by my problem that I was forgetting everything I would advise to anybody but myself. Stress makes you lose some of your sensibility,and emotions go haywire. Good luck to you,senor Fria
highly principled? If you are then there's only one way to do it, you call it 'highly'. Same for morals, either you've got them or you don't.
Weight I'd also ask, maybe not direct (a bit blunt eh?) but indirect, and one can read between the lines most of the time also.
Why do you think one may/should not ask? I dam well ask anything I like, to tell you the truth I expect from her ditto (not Ditto :) otherwise she's not interested, or honest, or interesting.
If you think one should not ask your polite way may lead you to be smothered in an overly mature blubbery embrace on some airport. Have fun, harpoon a whale ;-)
Ice, never trust or forgive a woman who lies to you or cheats you. Even if you're the kind of "forgiving evrything" person, this kind of woman will likley perceive this as weakness and will repeat and do worse. An honest relationship is key from the beginning, don't lie to ler and don't let her lie to you.
I made this brief statement recently to Lena to clear up some things:
"what I do not ask about and you chose not to tell me is not really that important...on the other hand, when I aks specific questions about anything and you refuse to answer me, by default becomes a secret or worse and it is absolutely unnaceptable. I do not want any of it in my life..."
That cleared up the air pretty damn quickly, let me tell you..:)
I know a guy, AND the girl, they applied for a fiance visa in Ukraine. He worked through an attorney and it was only after the start of the process that she admitted she had been married twice before. (He knew of one marriage.) She said she didn't think it was important as she only did it to acquire an apartment in Odessa!!
What made him think that she wouldn't do the same (use marriage for gain) again?
That's why I go for the really young ones. If they say they're 25 and they're telling the truth, I win. If they're really 5 years older, they're closer to my age and I still win. If I find out it is actually a picture of her daughter, I'm screwed. lol
I appreciate all of your sage advice fellow travelers, but the die has been cast. While this issue has been troublesome for me it is not necessarily a deal breaker. If I walk away a whole year will have been wasted. Instead of her being 17 years younger then me she is only 12 years younger than I am. When I went and saw her two weeks ago I had a good time with her. Maybe I am just a big fool but we connected well. Unfortunately I doubt that what she put on her profile was a typo since she looked much younger in the picture that she posted. I can understand why she did it, but I can’t simply dump my feelings for her. I have a second option and maybe I will pull that lever, but then again since I have a backup plan I haven’t been totally honest with her.
But let`s not confuse pleasantly curvy and obese. The trend that is set in Hollywood, is now leaning towards Twiggy thin women again. A woman who is 5`7" and looks great at 130 pounds,looks too ribby and unhealthy at 100 pounds. She could cut you with a thin shoulder blade. Okay-reefing the sails and bringing her around and back to the topic--if this is the only ( slight ) deception Ice has to tolerate,bully for him. I agree that a lie is a lie whether it is a fib or an outright tall tale. And maybe you should be on the crow`s nest,watching for other orange buoys of deception. Let me tell you a common statement that I have been given time after time by FSU women. Nobody is perfect or without flaw. If you as a man have told her she looks great just to get her out of the bathroom sooner so you can go out-you are also lying. If you ever tell a woman that you have never loved anybody the way you love her--this is a lie of variant degree--but still a lie intended to assuage her line of questioning. If you did not sleep well,but told her so,this is a lie. If,as we have discussed before,you pass somebody in the street and they ask you howzitgoin? and you say allright,how `bout you ( over your shoulder as you put distance in between )--but you are truly in distress,this is also a lie. Never been with a fat girl? For most of us this is a damn lie. But she had a pretty face. I could go on and on---oh this tastes so good ( before you spit it in the napkin on your lap ) Your cooking is great ( burns water ) Your kids are very nice ( as you are malevolently planning their demise ) Women are more keen to the passage of time and aging than a man. I didn`t care about 30,and I did not care about 40. I may fret about 60. But women seem to take it worse than a man. I like my laugh lines,and exercise them often. Childbirth also will take a toll on some women,and after 2 or 3,it is often more difficult to recover. Some women become maniacs to reconfigure their bodies. If Ice feels victimized by this rather petty deception,then it would become a weakened and crumbling crack in the foundation of their relations. Our tolerance levels are all different.
If Larissa's 48 I've hit the jackpot, if she is 38 the years are going to be good. I will second Toad on the honesty issue. Everything I have been involved with Larissa has been upfront truthful and exact. She's very detail oriented and everything has to be exact. Not much bullshitting around, except in our playful times. She expects truth and so do I. So are understanding with each other is pretty simple. I have stolen some lines out of John Waynes last movie "The Shootist" I won't be lied to, laid a hand on or insulted. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same in return. She likes that in me, she says she can pretty much understand when I will be on any issue. Not much grey area, except for the hair Lately. Yes Nor I have hair!!!!!!!
In my situation it is catch 22. I probably wouldn’t have picked her if she had stated her real age and a current photo but then after talking to her for a year and meeting her I am being a bit silly on a five year difference in her age. We both have fallen for each other and since she is a bit closer to my own age I think there will be fewer problems in the long run then if I had hooked up with someone say 26 years younger. This venture is strange enough when you consider that out of 3 billion or so woman on the planet that I would find one thousands of miles from where I live.
When the age diff is that wide (26 yrs) 5 plus minus doesn't make much of a diff., does it?
But I think your point was not how the age diff would affect your relationship, only the fact that she lied intentionally about it.
Each of us would treat it differently for different reasons at different times with different people, probably.