Miss U.S.A couldnt even make a pimple on the ass of any of the contestants
and she places in the top 10 Sorry but not even in the top 70
Miss Greece got screwed bad because of the U.S.A pear looking chick.
My Picks Top 12 that's all.
Israel (screwed) Makes it to top 15 but not top 10 :(
Greece (Screwed) Not in top 15.
Ukraine (Screwed) Not in the top 15
Canada (Winner)
Dominican Repulic
Puetro Rico
South Africa
USA Had her at best top 70 and she makes the top 10
Almost all judges are from the U.S.A thank goodness
they couldnt even give her the crown.
Thats Out-rage I was still thinking of Miss U.S.A I wasent telling her
out-rag :) but she should of never been in the top 15 Sorry no way no how EVERRRRRRRRR..............
LMAO :) We Get a bunch of guys together and make wagers
It makes it fun,and I am not kidding the women lastnight
WOW.. Needless to say I didnt win no money, so that means I lost money:)
Miss USA Cost me Money :) but then again there all like miss America
right, oh I don't know.
Never watch these either ... but since you mentioned, the winner was Russian immigrant from Canada. The whole country of Canada and they couldn't find a Canadian woman they had to send a Russian to win the contest.
One, rigged? tsk-tsk it's lame to play money on women:)
I'll give you a better one. Play short the euro long the dollar on the pullback. I had entry at 1.33, it's dropped to 1.23 and change. France thank you for saying non, Holland give me a 60% reject tomorrow, US give me a half ass good employment report on Friday and am looking at 1.18/1.19 to start taking some off the table:)
He-he-he TD, your compatriots are emotionally fierce::)) man 63% turnout I read and 63% said nei! that is more than needed to burry the euro for now. And nope there is more downside, once sentiment becomes so decisively directional, things get out of hand and that's when hot money is made (if your on the good side to say:). It's all about flows and yields and even the run in the equity markets in the U.S. today was largely due to the exit of hot money from Europe. Of course there will be a bounce, but FX is a 24/7 market, no overnight gaps and surprises and protective and trailing stops are effective.
P.S. By the way aside from selfish interest, it's no secret the euro must depreciate substantially because euro zone is in big time economic crisis (talk about Italy becoming the Argentina of Europe!) while the clowns at the ECB and the Europolitical elite enjoy their aristocracy.
..probably not as much as you would like. It won't duck under the $, at least not for quite some time I think.
The Euro-area is growing too quick, and too many want to join - read: reap the benefits, development-wise. That, if allowed, is going to cost, costing those who're already contributing. If 'cross-sponsoring' is not going to be made beneficial for those paying you've got a hard time convincing them, and this situation is entirely different than the initial set-up of that monetary domain.
But hey, if you can ride the tidal waves by all means, surf for your life - or should that be livelyhood? :)
Livelihood ... not anymore by no means. It's a hobby, I thoroughly love markets, think it's man's greatest idea of all times:) and placing bets makes it interesting:)
Have to disagree with you about the economic prospects of European monetary union. I think the current economic crisis is deeper than many had thought before. The EMU project was very complex to begin with, it's like trying to control and move a huge 18-wheeler when each wheel is moving at different speed ... each country is growing in a different cycle and you cannot have a central committee (ECB) control the economics of each country. It would be as if the Fed demanded that each U.S. state meets certain inflation and deficit and other requirements. If that was the case, the union would break up in a snapshot.
New countries have second thoughts about the EMU. The Czechs were very much for it, but now say they want to think about it ... EU is a good thing, EMU not so much under the current charter. If you are going to model EU out of the US, then do a good job and do it right. The so called European social economic system, with all respect, is a joke and doomed to fail.
Hi One
Just thought I would let you know, I travelled from Bangkok to Kiev with Miss Ukraine. She had long blond and very beautiful hair, but looked like a 9 year old. There were 2 others on the flight who I think might have been connected to the pageant, that I think looked better than her.
It was very odd actually, Miss Ukraine was on her own with 3 huge suitcases and not one person to accompany her or help her. She travelled economy class and got no preferential treatment in check in queue or customs etc.
OH YOU LUCKY Dawg :) I was Drooling when I seen her on TV
Did you get her autograph? I would of been dragging her Bags
to my House Up hills down hills through Swams. Rivers. Lakes.
without getting one bag wet.
You know thats what a gentleman does:)
I bet Miss wide thighs USA got special treatment (yuk)
(puke) Make me sick.