I used the translator only ONCE since I started this FSU search almost 2 yrs ago...To write a letter to Lena's mother to thank her for the dinner feast she treated me to when I visited in march.
Aren't there enough gaps betwen our cultures already that you (meaning men in general...and you know who you are) need to find women with whom you cannot communicate directly because neither you nor her speak a common language????
Lena and I speak two common languages, English and Spanish, and still the differences sometimes get in the way of good communication.
Do yourselves a favor of celestial body proportions and focus your energy in finding women who already know at least one language in common with you.
And do not buy into the marketing BS agencies/websites try to sell you when they offer translating services.
Who in his right mind wants to willingly allow some underpaid stranger agency operator to read, translate and deliver your personal letters to a woman?????
It's like asking for a chaperon the first time you take her to bed, lol
:) Lmao The gal I am speaking with does know English and even asked me
to send my letters to her in English, She said you better send letters to me in English that way I will understand you:) I thought that was funny
Well dont you:)
She said my first letter in Russian was very Interesting but she wanted to know about the toilet thing:)
I used an automatic translator once. I found a Russian language online newspaper here in the US. Before I made the leap to actually GO to the FSU I thought I would try to find a Russian woman in the US - so I figured this online newspaper was the way to go.
I carefully worded my Personals Ad, ran it through the transaltor and then sumbmitted it. I was happy with my accomplishment. Then I decided to rerun it back through the same translator, into English asd see how close it was to may original ad.
It was really bad - if I recall correctly (and it was a few years ago) it said saomething about a "round man desiring an infant to be the pilot".
I realized, of course, that I had probably doubled any errors by translating it back and that my ad probably wasn't really that bad. i got a few responses - most of the women thought my ad was hillarious (though it wasn't meant to be) and asked me to write in the future only in English.
I always said that God took a huge chance when he decided to give people different languages to prevent the Babel Tower from reaching heaven...Some Don King like character would have thought of dividing the workers by languages and either buildd a bunch of towers or create a 24/7/365 schedule for each of the languages.