Would it be easier or better to marry a FSU in Russia and then try to bring her over or go with a K-1 Visa and wait until she is in America to get married?
Have you already found the one woman from FSU with whom you are completely sure, convinced and fallen so in love with that marriage to her and forsaking of all others is the only thing you'd consider FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE???
Until and unless you (men in general) find her, do yourself a gigantic favor and don't even bring up the M word..;))
But to answer your question, NO, you're always much better off giving yourself and your fiance the opportunity to spend up to three months (90 days) living together in your city before you take the final plunge.
Simply put, she may not like the way you leave your dirty socks spread all over the house, the way you eat greasy food in bed or your afinity to watch porn in the computer till late hours of the night that casues you to be late for work 3-4 times per week.
She may not like your lecherous friends and the way their wives flirt with you, the way your little sister gives her dirty looks or the miserably and hateful treatment your children dish out for her while being coached by your ex-wife.
She may get sick to her stomach not only by the drastically different diet available to her, but also by simply by watching or having to share public transportation with the female american human whales that proudly and shamelessly flaunt their obese flab and expect tribute for it...
I don't want to get on a rant here....;)....but yes, take the 90 days the K1 visa offers both of you and play fair with her.
I have better advice. If she's the kind of person that gets upset by dirty socks, she's not ready for marriage. If you're the kind of person that leaves the dirty socks around, eats food in bed and watches porn on the computer, you're not ready for marriage. You have bigger problems.
If either you or her the kind to give up on a marriage for anything other than abuse or infidelity, neither of you is ready for marriage.
There's my .02. It's all I could afford given my upcoming expenses.
Ditto is right on. I got married in Ruskieland and had the same wait as someone coming over on a K1. Plus her K3 visa gives her multiple entry rights for two years while you're doing your adjustment of status-so she can go back if she wants-especially for new year's. If she knows you and loves you she won't care much about your dirty laundry. Another nice thing is there's no record of your marriage in the US if she decides to divorce you prior to her entry. Only she will have a problem because your last name will be affixed in her passport. Ditto's right-anything other than addiction, abuse, or adultery is a bs reason for divorce and hopefully you did not loose much. Good luck...
How long ago did you get married in Russia, and how long was the wait for your girl to get her K3 visa? I understood it was much longer to process the K3.
It took me over a year to get a K-1 visa...then my woman backed out as soon as it was in her hand...that was after a 4 year relationship and trips back and forth to Russia a couple times a year!
She started acting strange the closer the visa got to being approved. I don't think she ever dreamed the visa would be granted and she was happy having a part time boyfriend who visited her now and then. She was very busy. We went to Egypt last year for a couple weeks and all seemed fine. I also don't think she could make the big change moving from Russia, she was very proud of her country and always talked down on the US. She actually went to college in Boston about 10 years ago, so she was familiar with our country. Not much I could do....I was not happy....but, I'm glad she decided before I got her here!
I did have some very interesting adventures in the 4 years...I left Russia on one trip in the middle of the night on a bus full of Russian smugglers crossing the Polish border and was detained and gun point...damn polish military have no sense of humor!
Interesting -- tj
Sounds like you have had good experiences without a happy ending but !!
These women are VERY family orientated and leaving is a HUGE mission for them. I am experiencing problems, but with the mother of my fiancée. You cant blame them, when the reality hits and sinks in, I think many will get cold feet.
after all put ourselves in their shoes, it would scare the crap of of me too