I am getting ready to call my Ukrainian girl for the first time. She knows a little English, but not a lot, and I know no Russian, so it should be interesting. :) Don't want to pay for an interpreter just yet, she says she just wants to hear my voice. But I do want to know, what is the way to correctly pronounce 'Irina'? Is it "eye-reena", or is it "Ear-reena"?
I don't know if anyone has had the same issue I had, but at least my upbringing did not teach to use someone's name to address them in conversation when you're the only 2 in the room. Valentina was disappointed that I did not use her name more often.
Even in casual conversation, I began to notice that she used my name in almost every sentence. It seems as though this is a way of connecting, a very different mentality than the West. Anyone else notice this?
Yeah, Ditto, I can relate, I almost forgot my real name from my Ex whcih was asshole? I almost but it on my drivers license. It would be as close as the guy in San Fransisco that changed his Legal name to
Heywood JaBlowme!
Good point..!!
I did notice it, not just from Lena, but also from her mother, brother and one of her girlfriends that came ot visit us when we were in Ekaterinburg.
And the more serious or important the question the more emphasis they place in pronouncing my name.
And no, Mike... none of them called me 'asshole', lol...