growth of real wages that is wages corrected for inflation '95-'04 Groei reële lonen4 28,1 -13,8 -2,4 -12,9 3,4 3,6 20,4 15,6 13,8 25,2
Getting 25% wealtier in 1 year doesn't sound to bad. Further remarks made on the side economic dubbled from 2000-2004, export grew 48% in 2004. unemployment still high. The site is in dutch but the figures should not be to hard to read and then there is still altavista or worldlingo.
The shit is that the Orange revolution spoilt situation dramatically. I don't know why but their economy is unfortunately slowing down very rapidly. What a pity! I just planned moving there in a couple of years.
You're right Ice! He is just "Putin Up" with them now but the majority of Ukrainians are striving to break Russia's grip on them but how long has that been happening????
That the growth has slowed down might be deliberate. To fast now means inflation and loss of competitiveness . Look at Czech, salaries went up fast and the per unit production cost is since last year higher than in Germany, their biggest investor, so there has been zero investment last year. Look at the real salary growth in Ukraine it was much higher than production or economic growth. The industry in Ukraine is in the hands of very few who can decide what ever they want, and steady on is in the long run the best.
Ukraine hasn't given up on Putin either ,neither government or population has. When asked if they thought joining the EU or joining in a economic union with Russia 49% chose Russia and 25% or so for the EU.