The wait for the reply to a message is a killer. In America we are used to instant communication. I send an email and seconds later the person I sent it to is sending a response. Now, I wait and wait and wait. Yikes, I find I am checking my inbox all the time to see if there is a response. How do you guys handle the delays?
Listen to this! I always waited for 2 1/2 - 3 weeks to the one girl I was writng to, to answer my letters. After half a year, her agency forgot to block out my phone number so then we could finally contact each other without going through our agencies. She had a computer so after her calling me and giving me her e-mail address, we started e-mailing each other daily with me calling her every other day. We are now engaged and today she is in Bucharest getting her medical exams and tomorrow is her interview at the US embassy. If everything goes well, she will be here in Ohio on Sunday.
Dale - I cannot imagine what it must have been like to write to someone held hostage by an agency to only communicate through them. Had the phone number never slipped through - what would you have done to eventually further your relationship? What option did the agency give you to eventually get off of your back and let you communicate freely? Were they intending for you to PAY to be formal introduced in a one-on-one metting?
Jet- I had almost given up but didn't know why the response was taking so long also. I asked her but you could tell that she couldn't say because the agency was reading her answer. I found out that they were closed half the time they were suppose to be open and they took their sweet time in sending off her replies. after 6 months, she quit her agency because she only wanted to write to me. They promised her that they would send me her e-mail address. They didn't do that though. She also wrote me a long letter in the mail saying that a man had come to see her and it was scheduled way before I had started writing to her and could not back out of it. She thought that I was upset about that and never wrote her back. In the letter was her phone number and e-mail address. During Christmas, her brother in Germany called her and said he never received a Christmas card but she did send him one. Then she remembered that she also sent that letter to me the same day she sent off his Christmas card. You see, I never got that letter and on Jan. 3 this year, I got a telephone call from her because she found my telephone number hidden in the middle of a sentence from one of my letters through the agency. They had always blocked out my info and wouldn't give me hers. I had already started writing other women and after she called me, our relationship took off full steam ahead. 1 1/2 months later I met her at the airport in Chisinau. The rest is history. We were lucky to be able to connect again.
OK, I did not realize that much of the delay may be entirely created by the agency. This site does not limit you from sending a phone number or personal email address. But, the ladies I have been writing to don't seem to have any other way to communicate other than through this method. I guess phone calls would help. I tried one of those prepaid plans but the communications were terrible. We could not hear parts of what each other were saying on top of the communication barriers we already have. To top it off I had to call her back several times to keep the line of sufficient quality to even attempt to talk.
The delays make you wonder...Is she going to write me back? Does she like me or not? Will I ever hear from her again? Just have to take a deep breath and relax.
Fiance doesn't have any problem allowing folks to send phone numbers and email addresses. However they are merely a clearing house. They rely on small agencies for their raw material so to speak. I had trouble getting Mairna's email address at the beginning the second email if I remember.
She explained it was not her it was the dopey agency she was with. It wasn't her fault and it wasn't Fiamce's fault once again it was the piggy in the middle syndrome. My approach now is I completely bypass them. The place for the agency is when you visit, strike out and sit in their office. There are many good agencies but how can you tell the good from the bad thousands of miles away. The sooner Fiance takes the same approach as EWM the better it will be. No agencies, personal email accounts only and live chat. I love Fiance and that is how I met Marina and I am grateful for that but I have cancelled my membership.
I have the perfect cure for what ails you, brother.
Write a nice form introductory letter to at least 50 women in the enxt 48 hours.
There are enough of them attractive enough to peek your interest in Fiance. com
:) Toad, you hit the nail right on the Head. Write to lot's of them it takes the bore out of Boring. While waiting 5 days with one you'll get responces
from others. The Cat daddy is on the move :) lol. I owe it to all of you
fine Gents. The cat got his own super systems going.
Soon Toad and IZ will be wanting to peek into my Black book
and WHAM the book will bite there hands :) Am I still Jealous
about not seeing the 400 Book (maybe:) lol.
I Here you Soccer I used to check mine all the time waiting to hear from one lady and it sucked waiting like 2 weeks for one small responce and some gals
would skip the important questions.
This is from a woman using EWM. I thought thre were no agencies involved apparently I was wrong. No wonder this lady takes eons to reply.
Hello Steve!
This is Natasha - the owner of agency where Ludmila receives and sends the letters to you. I want to inform you, that Ludmila has left for holidays together with the son and she will come back home only on 5th of July. She will receive your letters on arrival necessarily.