I currently reside in far east Ukraine, a few weeks ago I, along with my translator traveled to a nearby village to meet with a girl I had seen a few months prior, now this girl is very attractive, with a great deal of class and manners, during our dinner conversation she mentioned to my translator that there are a few Americans who send her money via Western Union, she also asked if I would like to sponsor her, meaning give her a monthly allowance for the pleasure of meeting with her, I was somewhat shocked and suprised to hear this young girl from a village ask me to be her sponsor, what do the posters here think of sponsoring a girl in the FSU, it is appartently common here, albeit, more so in Russia. BTW, if anyone is sending mony to a Katya in Ukraine, via Western Union, I can tell you with most certainty that she is not at all ready to leave her city nor country.
I suppose if I were in whore shoes I would act with a great deal of class
also, If she didnt act that way what would be her odds any one would Sponcer
An actual face to face meeting with an Honest Scammer
unreal that is so interesting. Face to face (wow)
Yes tell her your also looking for a sponcer
A SEX SPONCER :) for 40 bucks a week tell her to bend over grab her ankles
and let you load her like a shotgun.. Lock and load.
Be honest with her tell her if you did not do it this way
that you would feel like you just handed over your hard earned money
with nothing in return.
Tell her you would be Afraid she might try to bend you over
and you would be the only one taking it up the ass :) and that is not fair.
Hey Timmy ,
I know her . I have been sponsoring her for quite some time now . When she finally got the pleasure of meeting ME , she gave me a full rebate.
We've talked about this in the forum before. OF COURSE it exists. At least this one is honest enough to admit that she has more than on sponsor. Most won't admit that.
Thanks guys for the replys, it should be noted that she told my translator that she is receving money for guys in the US and she asked my translator not to tell me, as I had no need to know about it. I obtained this girls address from an agency here in my city, I really wanted to meet her, as she is very attractive, she told me about this sponsor thing and also mentioned she has no plans to leave her country, the sad part of all this is that I notifed the agency that they have a scammer on their hands, and they totally ignored the matter.
I returned last night from Russia and my girl's good friend is receiving money from several men here in the US. She said that she didn't even ask them for money....they offered. After writing a few times they ask her if she needs some extra money for internet time, and of course she doesn't turn it down. She is getting twice her normal salary just from a few clowns that are writing. I know this girl and she isn't, or at least wasn't a scammer until stupid guys showed her how easy it could be! Now with all her extra money she is getting botox injections and buying expensive jewelry. She admitted to me that now she has decided to only look for a very rich man...
just like what's on a 2nd-hand car salesman's T-shirt - "A sucker is born everyday". Good for her, some money is welcome for everyone I suppose, and if offered why say no?
Do me a favour will ya, and tell me what a botox injection is?
It is what the rich and famous inject under their skin on their face to remove the wrinkles and tighten up the skin. If they do enough their face almost looks cartoon like. It can be known as the Botox smile . I think injections are around 300 dollars a session . Neon probably knows more or Toad since he is from the land of the hedonist . he! he!
Despite the fact that we have Toad here, ampng others, admonishing us against sending money to women we have never met - the sad fat is people DO IT. Not everyone has or heeds such sage advice.
Its an industry in the FSU and quite lucrative by their standards.
That is why certain women are more than willing to write to us and then suddenly LOSE INTEREST (as jmoluv points out about his first visit to Kiev) when the guy really makes plans to visit. These women DON'T WANT the guy to visit, under ANY circumstances. They just want to con him into sending a few butcks.
This flies in the face of conventional wisdom, of course, when we all know that only 5% or so of the guys who write letters actually get off their butts and visit. This explains what would otherwise seem to be a nonsensical phenomenonon. That being: Why would a girl who knows for shure that the guy was coming - suddely be unavailable as the time visit approaches.
One of our writers nmentioned not long ago that he had three women he was supposed to meet in Riga, Latvia - and I had a simiar experience when I went to Riga - expecting to write to the girls in several databases and tell them that I was there. Very, very few were willing to come out and meet me. And I have to admit it cnfused me at the time. It IS also possible that these girls did not want to be participants in what they perceived might be my intention of a sex tour - that's always a possibole reason as well. But I have to beleive at least a few were scammers only entered in the data base with the hope of getting a few guys to send them money.
If, say some Ukrainian girl can get three guys to send her a measly $100 per month - she is raking in perhaps TWICE what she would be making by working.
And keeping with the 5% figure - there is a real good chance that the girl in the example I refer to will never have to meet - let alone be intimate or have SEX with this guy - since only one in twenty of us actually ever goes over there.
These girls may be ENTIRELY PHONEY! They may be using someone else's pictures (or Russians/Ukrainians being as good looking as they are, maybe the pictures really ARE her). She may be married - or engaged - she may even be a guy. It doesn't matter. All she has to do is write a few letters per months.
THIS SCAM, by the way, is entirely letter based. If you go to a SOCIAL you at least assured that the lady exists. Undeniably she still may not be what she claims to be and may still coolect mail sponsors in different ways (anythng is possible). But for the most part, this is one scam that you can reasonably avoid by using Socials.
thanx, I associated botox with buttocks, wrong end I suppose, kinda like ass over tit :)
Then, Neon, how young (old?) is this girl?
And Jet,
if I send you a pic which starts you drooling, and I'll add juicy letters, will you then start 'corresponding' with me? No, nono, the pic not necessarily mine (better not :), but you'll get my drift - start sending bucks please, but a please without asking ;-)
1 out of 20 means there's 19 who maybe will send some....
This is why I have said MANY times, when you start communicating with a women, tell her EARLY in the communication that you intend arriving on a specific date. You can always change it later when you have established genuine women from the tricky ones.
It works to get rid of the rubbish.
I would not call saying I am going to be visiting Russia or Ukraine or where ever 2 months out from your writing date - dishonest. If you - I must be a real dishonest bastard then.
Anyway, it worked for me and I did end up going pretty well on the months I mentioned on all 3 occasions. And it did slam the brakes on a few that I thought seemed genuine good sorts.