Does anyone know of a good affordable source of decent health insurance for a lady brought over on a K-1 visa?
I have found short-term plans for students or those between jobs - but they all require one to be at least a resident alien already in the US for a year.
I'm doing research (web searches) now - but if anyone knows of a company that does this - please let me know.
Toad: I checked the site but am not finding much for people not actually self employed and especially for those of foreign citizenship who have only just arrived on our shores. As I mentioned earlier - most policies want you to have been here for at least a year.
NASE does not care whether she is employed or not.
As to the other residency requirements, insurance plans are regulated by each and every state.
Give them a try.
Why is this such an issue Jet? Did I miss something? Just run the gauntlet for 3 months. If you marry her you will probably put her on your insurance in the workplace. If you don't then she is going back to Moldavia and it doesn't matter too much. If you tie the knot she will get a job I would think and again she will probably have access to health insurance. Just keep her away from seafood, walking in traffic and balconies in high buildings it will be fine mate.:))
Look forward to meeting you guys in Florida. Best Wishes
she can get travel insurance for three month in the country where she comes from. or you can get it for her on-line. check for "travel insurance" on google. it will cover acidents, and any major problem with her health.
She checked on travel insurance available in Moldova. The policy she found had a price of 59 and Euros and would provide coverage for catestrophic illness into the hundreds of thousands of Euros BUT - since it has a fairly strange method of payment. She read the policy and talked to the agent selling the policy and this is what she found out.
IF it is neccessary to use the policy she must pay for her medical treatment in CASH and then bring copies of the bill back with her to Moldova (travelers insurance carries and assumption, of course, that you ARE returning). There, they will be submitted and analyzed and whatever benefits she eligible to receive she will in turn receive in cash.
Remember, Moldova has a virtually checkless economy and things are done differently there.
Most poilicies I have found in the US DO require aliens to be here a year or more before becoming eligible.
OF COURSE we relize that she will be coverd by my policy if we decide to marry in 90 days - the period of concern is the one before that.
I do have a line on a policy (the guy left me a message on my answering machine) that she may be eligible for that will be a normal health insurance policy and will cost about $90 per month. I will check it out soon.
In refernce to the Moldovan ploicy I mentioned above (this means I left a point out of my post.... Oooops).
To me that policy seems virtually useless - in the event of major illness or injury (and of course that is what we would be getting the policy for) I would have to ante possibly the equivalent of tens of thousands of Euros and then hope that a Moldovan company, acting under Moldovan law, no doubt underwritten by a Moldovan benefactor, would see fit to reimburse me - when and as much as they saw fit.
Serious now.
90 days is a negligible period for a healthy young woman in health insurance terms.
The risk of her suffering a serious illness or accident are minimal.
Don't let the insurance industry plant paranoid and unjustified fears in your head.
One practical solution is to marry her earlier than the 90 days.
if the ticket is paid for by CC then an automatic insurance will exist. See if you can change the beneficiary if you pay with yours, how long it is valid and what it covers.
I'd also find out if it is possible to take out a travellers insurance in the US, if anything it would simplify any claims. I hunch such will be cheaper than a 'normal' insurance but will cover real catastrophies only.
Good idea, Oleg.
and let's be honest here - I also never thought of this before Oleg mentioned it. However, you're trying to bridge a 3 month period max, so even a dear insurance will not cost you a leg, this presuming you'll have use for the arm :)
Just cough it up, it's peanut compared to what it actually, and literally, brings you. And before you disappear into thin air - make the best of it, you've got my bestest luck in the hope you won't need it. Keep one thing in mind - the longer you'll stay away here the longer others will become more jealous of you/eager to try themselves/disgusted with your luck (tick appropriate :)
I hope to stay away forever - BUT NOT because this hasn't all been an incredible forum for the two+ years I've been writing.
We have a great mish-mash of personalitlies here and of course its inevitable that we have clashes.
By the way - my apologies to QC. I don't know what got into me regarding him but I did attack with a lot more than I ever intended. We have a few differences to be sure, just like any two people - but I CERTAINLY overdid it in my other post. And I really do apoligize.
Honestly - if I had the guts I WOULD be tempted to drive a van through Moldova and Ukraine. It would be interesting. But, alas, my single days may be over. And while such a trip might still be possible as a married guy - it probably wouldn't be a good idea (or any fun if I minded my ways).