Who knows what attracts two people to that extend that they want to be a whole one. I do understand how that can happened in youth – I do not understand that you are so strong that believe and want it in your 30’s – 40’s.
May be because of almost unreality of this dream you are looking for a person who lives on the other side of the world – in the FSU?
Bagi-so nice to see you again! Love transcends all boundaries,and it really does not matter the socio-economic reasoning. Love is like water-it is two streams that join together to make one common source which leads to the river of life. It is nice to see you here--how have you been? It is the un reality that brings this dream closer! Take care dear woman! Blaine
The other day in Atlanta georgia a 78 year old woman pumped four shots into the head of her 85 year old ex boyfriend. Why do you think she did that?
She did it because she loved him and he jilted her for someone else.
The point is that love has no age limit.
I am 49 about to turn 50 and I love just as much as I did when I was 19. Now it is tempered by a lot of experience and good sense. But I still love just the same. It probably surprises some that I have bounced back from Marina in a month and have found someone else. Perhaps it means I am callous and shallow. No, it doesn't, it means that besides being able to love I also have the abilty to get on with life again and not dwell in the past or failures. It is more important to go forward than to look backwards.
That which would have emotionally crippled me years ago is now just something that happened and I look forward to the next time.
Therefore age has nothing to do with this and I will look to the ends of the earth to find that special woman that I can make happy for the rest of my life. It is irrelavant that she is in FSU. That search is tempered by age and experience. A little emotional/psychological self control doesn't hurt either !
You stop loving when you are placed in your grave. We are human beings. As human beings we all want to find companionship. Someone to share our lives with. Even when you are nto looking for it love can and will find you. This is reality. The only people in this world that are alone are those who choose to be alone.
I feel absolutely different. I do not want another serious relationships in my life. I would prefer just to write letters and speculate about relationships.
I am not sure if i want a serious relationship either anymore . How about if i sponser you and i spend all my free time with you in Russia with no committment. :-)))))))))))
I think you are joking. By now I know you and I think you are a warm wonderful woman that has had some bad experiences. Sometimes you hide your true feelings behind a screen of rhetoric. I do not believe your statement for a second. Life is passion, take that away and what is left. Basically nothing.
Don't give up on life. I am almost 50 and I still hope and wish.
And here Ptichka is back again:) I think that dreams are the things that connect people with their childhood and youth, they don't allow to grow old...if a person is able to dream he is young at heart:) And this is what is a need for a true love...I think so at least:)
Thunderdome, thanks:)) I just was so busy, that didn't have a free minute for anything...so much work to do, and have to admit that I'm still busy, but I understood that something was wrong...and now I know, I just missed you all here:)))
Good luck with the Russian man Bagira. However everything is a gamble. Especially love. You are lucky everytime you lose all that happens is that you are down for a while. For us it is a financial disaster when we go and it turns to dust. Each visit is a major effort for us. Both with money and time. Take a chance Baggy, remember if things don't work out there is always me Toad and TD :))
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