It would be nice to be able to use cash to pay for the website since I have not used Credit Cards since like around 1984 or so. I hate Credit and Refuse to use it.
Today I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. I tried to use my Debit Card but was told it was "Unauthorized". Seemed strange as I had never had any trouble before. I used a credit card as a second choice.
On my way home I decided to try the card at an ATM. Also "Unauthorized" it said.
When I got hom I had a message on my voice mail that I was to call the Fruad Warning Service of my local bank. I did, and discovered that someone had somehow gotten a hold of my debit card information. In the last day some 30 attempts were made to purchase items with my card numbers from $170 to $2,100 for each transaction. These attempts came from California, New York, Florida, even as far away as France, and the purchases were made at places including Sears and Mens Warehouse. Fortunately the Fraud Warning people caught the transactions and denied them. It appears that I will not lose a penny thanks to their fast action. But I have had my card blocked, and will have to get a new one and inform all people with whom I do business.
Its HARD whne traveling to always be sure of the integrity of the people you are dealing with. But be warned guys. Never had anything like that happen to me before - but in this thing that we endeavor, sometime strange things happen.
have you used that card to make recent online purchases? if so I have a question I'd like to ask you, off-forum, how do contact each other privately in this forum, I've only been here a short time and just observing, but haven't seen any private email options?
it did not work because your bank blocked usage outside your country probably. call you credit bank before you go to another country. they will allow it to be used. Sure have some cash with you for the trip.
We call it ATM and they call it Bankomat. I use my ATM card in Ukraine every time I go. I feel it's much safer than taking $3000 in cash. Now I use a combination of ATM and cash. Always need cash to pay for my apartment. I did have a problem using my credit card in the Dominican Republic. I purchased one of those day tours that my resort was offering. Had a great time. But 6 months later I see a fraudulent charge on my statement. $2,100 charge from a rental car company in the Dominican Republic. The bottom line is I have no fear using my credit card anywhere. I still try to use good judgement but again have no fear. That is because we are protected by our credit card company. Some companies catch it before it starts as in the case with Jetmba. If they don't and you see it on your statement you just call and put the purchase in dispute. Then the Credit card company back charges the merchant who accepted the charge and they must prove that you made this purchase. Ultimately the merchant is liable for the fraudulent charge. They are the one's who lose. Not your credit card company and not you. Thta is why as a merchant you have to be careful and check ID's and card information before allowing the purchase.
$3000!!!!! Damn dude, how could you possibly spend 3k in the FSU!!! I only blew $700 during a 10 day trip and i think a broke the record for most dates in 10 days. I would never project wealth over there. You want to be loved for your heart not your bankroll. I tell every girl i am a pauper. This approach is like holy water and garlic to the gold diggers.
It was for a one month stay. Your $700 must not be including apartment rent or hotel. If it did then I want to know your secret! $50 a night apartment for ten days is $500 alone! I stayed for a month and that equals $1500. My interpreter was $5 an hour. Normal shift I used her for was about 8 hours. Thats $40 a day right there. Now add the cost of the date. Dinner for three because I feed my interpreter and with other cost throughout the day and I was easily going through a $100 a day. I don't go cheap when I'm there but I also don't go crazy with spending either. I can't see my numbers being that way off. I'm not sure how you only spent $700 on a 10 day trip. Maybe 5 years ago. But not now. But if you did then I want to know your secrets.
well deeno, i see that you only spent 300 more per 10 days then i did. I did pay i advance for my apartment so i guess that we did just about the same as far as costs. i had no idea you were there for 30 days !!
How to save $50 per day: Choose ONLY girls that speak ENGLISH!
(That's $5 per hour for eight hours plus $10 to FEED the interpreter, of course).
I've been to the FSU 5 times, for eleven weeks altogether, and I've never paid a NICKLE for an interpreter. Okay - if you want to get technical, the Romance Social I attended included an interpreter for the duration of the Socials, and I did pay for the Social, so in a round about, indirect way I paid for an interpreter - but that was IT!)
There are so many terrific women there that you can EASILY find one that speaks English. True, it reduces the size of the available pool, but that pool is still plenty big enough to SWIM in. And by choosing an English speaking girl, later communication and adjustment becomes so much easier.
Yeah Vegas. 30 days of bliss! :) And every trip has been worth every penny. I agree with Jet that by only dating English speaking girls you will cut your cost almost in half. And it does make the adjustment easier. All valid points. But I disagree that the available pool is plenty big enough to swim. If you go English only then you will lose 80% of the pool. I don't hesitate to date a girl who does not speak English. In a way it has been a very romantic experience at times. You would be surprised how much you can communicate with them. Sure you can't have deep conversation with them but you can start a foundation to build on. Also, if you think about it. All scammers have the ability to read, write, and speak English. It's almost a job requirement! I have never in my 10 trips to the FSU met an non-English speaking scammer. Yes, you will by writing emails through an agency but that is the agency or the agency/girl team that is scamming you. But of all the girls I dated who did not speak English, and this includes girls I met through the agency introduction date, The socials, and the chance meeting in the street. Not a single one attemtped to scam me in any way.
I take exception to the statement that nearly all the girls who are scammers speak English. Many of the scams conducted by "girls" may not in fact be carried out by anyone of that sex. English written letters and photo-model quality pictures can be produced by anyone. There is SOMEONE who speaks English involved in each case, for sure. But that might be an actual girl, a guy with access to nice pictures, even a male or female translator.
When I say that I limit myself to Englsih speakers I am not refering to women who PURPORT to speak English in their profiles. I have met all of my women IN PERSON at Socials or otherwise. I know ofr a fact that they are women and they speak English.
Also when you date a nonEnglish speaker - not having in depth converstaions limits you A LOT. SURE, you can communicate in ways but it is limited. Too limited to make the major decision many of us are looking for in a short time. And how much of what you are really attracted to comes from the translator, not the girl, anyway?
Also you must look at the age group jet. If I limited my search (women over 45) to only English speakers I would have narrowed down the pool considerably.
I have always felt the same as you. And that belief was reinforced when I met my girls friends that could not speak English. Although my girl was translating for us I never felt like I learned much about these people. Just cannot imagine trying to pick a lifetime partner that way. It just makes the odds of finding an interesting and compatible girl too extreme.
Yes, the pool of English speakers is a lot bigger than one first realizes.
One of the guys I met when I attended the Romance Social in Odessa, DID get involved with a lady who spoke no English at all. She most definitely tried to scam him (as I've admitted previously, socials are not without scammers, but there, as in other situations, you have to be wary). As it ended up, this girl was living with a Ukrainian guy as my friend sent her money, she lied about having "accidents" and medical bills. She lied about where and whether she was working. She collected a nice bit of money from him.
There are certainly scammers you can meet who speak no English at all.
Well that guy found one. I haven't in all my trips. As I said in my above thread you will meet a scammer who doesn't speak english while writing emails through an agency. And it will either be the agency or the girl and the agency acting as a team. And as you pointed out it could be a man. But when it came to meeting a girl in person through the agency, the social, or by chance and she didn't speak english. Not a one was a scammer. I have met in person about 10 scammers and all had a strong english speaking ability. I would love to get lucky and meet the girl of my dreams and she speaks good English. But I won't limit myself to the English only pool.
It is not safe to have ATM card in Russia. Because of the fraud bank ban my access to ATM mashine. the only possible way to take money from my account was to cash a check in Âíåøòîðãáàíê. It costs me 10% of money.
Be careful. Have cash with you also.
Global Debit Scheme Spreads — (03/02/2006)
They're in Eastern Europe-- and somehow-- are managing to steal money from your bank accounts right here at home.
In recent weeks, we've told you about crooks using your bank information to withdraw money from ATM's abroad.
Now, we learn that scheme is growing-- with victims coming forward every day.
It's spreading so rapidly the secret service cyber crimes unit in Washington, is stepping in to help with this investigation.
The reason--- because local authorities simply say they can't do anything about this problem.
Word of the feds involvement is good news for an unlikely victim we spoke with today.
"It could have been really bad for good ol Brad."
Brad Curtis says he's lucky there were no significant funds stolen from his bank account.
He noticed something was wrong when he tried to make a purchase and his debit card was declined.
Turns out his bank canceled the card because of suspicious account activity.
"The only reason why my bank caught onto it, evidently was because that Saturday at like 11:45 I made a purchase here in town and like at two that same afternoon there was this test charge purchase in Georgia. So their theory was - unless I was on the Concorde, there's no way I could have gotten to Georgia to make a purchase."
But it didn't stop there. Curtis says crooks also tried to withdraw more than $300 from an ATM in Russia.
"It just goes to show you everybody is susceptible to be taken advantage of or be a victim of some kind of crime."
Curtis says it's frightening to think of the information criminals can access and use against you -- and he's glad the secret service is stepping in.
"As far as resources and manpower, resources in the sense from the technological side to help out the banks... Help out the local law enforcement agencies because I know that the potential is there for us to get bombarded with these types of cases."
Curtis isn't the only local officer whose information was stolen.
Still no official word on how thieves are getting your debit card information.
Local police say they will keep taking reports from victims, but they can't do anything more because the offenses aren't happening here locally.