I am just about sick of these people who know what I am doing. They tell me all about it in such a knowing manner. They have no clue what they are talking about. They judge FSU women by American standards and have no concept of what a city is like in FSU.
In any give city a huge chunk of these women know each other. They have a jungle drum network that is unbelievable. I have found it quite common that they know the translaters and are receiving the same letters as their girlfriends etc.
Then there is the old chestnut that they want a greencard. Or they will spend all your credit cards up to the limit. Etc etc.
I am so sick of listening to these know-it-alls that I cannot begin to express it.
Ok I feel better now. I will just step off this soapbox and settle down. :))
I don't envy you guys... Actually I didn't think it is so harsh in there. Here girls only envy each other if they learn that this or that one is dating a guy from Florida!:-)
Here in my office I have one particular know-it-all who is just about driving me crazy. Many of the guys are just plain curious but there is a cadre who think they have this all worked out. They are so dumb. They have no idea of the nuances and color spectrum that is going on here. I have found that the only person I am on an equal footing with is my local friend who is into this also. He has just come from Kherson and has influenced me to go. I am very glad I listened because I feel much better this decision has been made. I feel as if there is a good deal of positive energy being spent on this I and can't wait to arrive and start meeting these wonderful women. I am more nervous than when I went to Marina because this is very open ended but it is a great adventure. Plus I have never been to Ukraine and it will be another country to add to my collection.
Today I sent my list of women that I wanted to meet. Now I have to wait and see what Natasha comes up with. I am to a large extent placing this in her hands. She knows these women personally and helped my buddy to make a good choice and I am hoping the same will happen for me.
It is astonishing the number of people who think they know about this but have never been there, don't know the first thing about it and yet are willing to tell you what they think. Oh well it is to be expected I suppose.
but hold yer horses for a mo - surely you know about all the normal things which are common knowledge? You just should do some homework and learn about things like bears in the street there are normal, all women are hookers, vodka is freely distributed in the army, they all drive Skoda's, all eat McDonalds now that capitalism has taken over and besides, it is damn cold there so everyone has to wear fur to survive. Furthermore they speak with an accent so they never will acclimatize, and when you put them in the sun you'll get a tomato.
Do some homework ffs, or do you really think that everybody around you is nuts, and only you know better? ;-)
If you'll see Jet pass on my regards, tell him it comes from Envydome :)
Right - now I understand - Was a tad worried you were meaning US !!!!!!!!
I gave up talking to most people back home after my 1st trip to Russia. They all know and have a warped and very distorted picture on FSU women and culture.
I cant wait to wipe the smirk off there faces :-)
no offence mate, but even if you'd bring home the last choice they would swallow & stare. I've visited a friend of mine who now lives there, and I was astonished at the abysmal level of femininety of the female gender there where you live.
The guys seem to flock around the second generation eastern women though, hardly a surprise I'd say because these have absolutely everything a man wants.
You seem to be having a ball of a time there - any specific things you have discovered, or have changed your mind about now?
Yes women and everything back home has taken a huge change for the worse – especially the calibre of women. They don’t care about their personal appearance anymore. Making money is priority No: 1 now !!!
I have learnt a lot in Ukraine with this long stay that’s for sure. Being in amongst the ordinary day to day people and living life as close to their ways as possible. I have refrained as best I could from letting money put me up a level from their normal living patterns, but of course just the fact that I do have money available negates a lot of worry and stress that a lot of these people endure.
I will write more about this latter. I hope others might get some value from it and want to consider and evaluate themselves as to their compatibility to these women. They are definably different and from a very different upbringing and culture. Something that even time in the west will NOT change either.
There will be MUCH bending and moulding on BOTH sides of the relationship – I will tell you !!!!
No one can experience what we are doing except the ones that walk in our shoes. Even then we can't experience what each other has gone through. All of us has some experience that is similar. One we have risked money, time and travel to find the love of our lives. I have been asked many times how I met Larissa, I just say, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me in a million years. Only my closest friends and my daughter, and the people here in the forum know the truth, I let all the other so called experts speculate on how. Most people that know me, know that I am a very private person, I just like it that way. It works for a dual purpose, One I like my privacy and two Larissa shouldn't be put under a stigma that her contemporaries here will assume. Actually she has no contemporaries because most of the women here in the states couldn't shine her shoes and she shouldn't be put under the scrutiny of envy.
As for judging these women by the standards of the FSU, well my only thought on that is, most her couldn't live the way they live without moaning and bitching and whinning. That is a very large quality I admire in Larissa. She has virtually nothing materially, but has happiness, something that has been long lost here due to the pursuit of material items and their focus of importance. Her beauty is also deeper than her looks, another thing that is lost here. The level of intelligence, looks, and passion for life is beyond anything I have experienced with anyone. She has taught me how to live again, actually she has taught me many things that I have forgotten to appreciate in life.
She has taught me true romance is not dead. That a commitment to each other is more important than anything else we have.
So when the experts speculate and the know it alls come out, just look at their lives and chuckle under your breath and think, damn I used to think the same way they did. I used to feel the same way, I have felt the same feelings, then I found out!
Iz your a leader who cares what anybody has to say, be yourself
and that is all I want to see out of you.
I have been planning and doing things and wish every one here very well
don't listen to anyone who thinks your wrong for following you heart
what could they offer you that we havent all ready herd..
I read Nas ` posting a couple times,sighing and daydreaming. I love a woman who thinks she is queen because you take her,a picnic basket,and a bottle of wine on some starlit hillside to count satellites. Especially when she does not complain about a little dirt that got on her booty. Sometimes words do not describe the beauty of down-homey simplicity.
So true, the one thing Larisa has taught me is simplicity is the essence of life! To appreciate the simplicity of everything this life offers. Sometimes we make things more complicated than they should be.
Many of these men on here are going to get taken. They brag how great these women are when they really do not know them.
I have been through thing before. I have been to the worst part of Russia and was told many things. Know that these women have are very desperate to escape their county, and say everything and anything to get their way with you.
I know from having spent years involved with this, that men who do this are the types no decent American woman would want anything to do with. I learned this the hard way. These men fear an independent, self-confident woman so they pick these Russian ladies.
You are ignoring the facts: The former Soviet Union is among the most corrupt of lands in the world. And if men want to believe that "magically" these women are beyond that and "different" from the manipulative and greedy comrades, that is your belief.
I think this whole thing should be abolished, if it takes an act of Congress to do it. And by the way...yes, the woman who took my money and heart and ran was from this site. She was among the best of liars I have met. I know I do not need or want a Russian women because I do not fear women who are independent and can take care of themselves.
If you can't see this whole thing is a rcket, then you will live with your mistakes. And it may takes years before this woman's true nature arises. You will see.