You'll need it Baggy. After a weekend buzz with your Russian man you want a spoken-for American one for weekdays, and out of anybody you want him, if anything clever in bizz.
Fat chance Milady, you've missed that in his house he's the boss, I suppose this being your primary loss. May I suggest you start trying to ask your RM what he wants, instead of telling him?
I seen you,Bagi. You weren`t trying to hide were you? Where have you been,young lady? I just came to make a little trouble. My mischief is how my spirit travels. Your buddy frog who wants to be kissed and turned into a toad will be back checking up on us--the helpless child men who need his inspiration and wisdom. Howya doin? Since I wrote some other piece of harmless tripe to boggle your imagination and stifle your interrogation,I have not been able to coerce a response from you....I sigh and get in line--damn why could I have not been born green,with lumpy warts,and skin oil fit for a poison dart? Okay--put up your "dukes" and let`s mind wrestle. I`ll let ya take me 2 out of 3 ;>}
I am happy with my Russian man and even sometimes feel that I love him. Sometimes I just feel that he is just a wonderful person and I like him a lot. It is normal adult relationships between different people. And I hate boyfriend – girlfriend type of our relationships.
Why I can not forget an American man. I thought that he was looking for a wife. It is absolutely unusual. And he would be a wonderful step-dad for my daughter. And I do not know why, but I felt that he is a relative soul with me. I was wrong. Just there was love in my heart and it split out on the wrong person. He said: you are only a foreigner and began to attitude to me like that. I am glad that all is over.
I am just dreaming about a family and waiting that my Russian man asking me about it. I still hope.
I sure hope your Relationship with your current Boyfriend
works out.
That man you Speak about from America is A fool, But Bagira
please understand there are many of us here that have so much
warm hearts and loving souls.
I would never treat anyone that way ever,if I did not have courage
to admit my own fails in life and treat someone like oh your only A foreigner
that is Sick and sorry to hear about that Mans crap, because that man is
bull chit and sick.
Were you cynical of my posting ( above) when I just wrote just to say hi to you,Bagira? I made no romantic inference or subtle "pass" at you. Maybe I should also be cynical because when I made a direct statement towards you you wholly ignored me. I should feel convinced that some women are pompous or superior to me,and I am not worth the simple graciousness of a reply. It is funny how women,who are the fair sex,are often as insensitive as the most macho-man. Did you mean to say that you only love your Russian man sometimes? This sounds like a hot and cold relationship. Either you are in it or you are not. You cannot be the handle on the teacup yet claim that you are not attached to it. If you will be loved by anybody,it is because you give love --you own it--it is part of you. In your writing,you sound like my ex--"tomorrow I may love you as much as yesterday,but I do not like you at this moment"
Where is toad??? he is here with me Russka, same for you, leave Gustavo because I pull your hair from the roots!!! you hear me Russkas, you see que mujeres las latinas son!!!
Mr. Toad, please email me to begin discussion for a new show that we have here at Telenovela Enterprises. We have a script perfect fit for you. Title "The Toad Diaries" or if your prefer "La Tenelovela de Toad" con Toad. $$$100+ per episode, reach your financial goals immediately, don't miss opportunity to give pleasure to thousand latinos in los estados unidos. Email now!
Poor Toad! If he will not be good enough with Cali she will definitly do the same with him. ( I do not know how much hair he has now). I think it looks like he lost a lot of them in this kind of relationships.
Good, when I have time to check if I have enough make-up, in these telenovelas actresses have quite a lot of war paint. And I will recommend latino-star Thalia to play role of Lena!
Senora Annika, I am so disappointed with Mr. Toad has rejected my special offer for him. Can you suggest an alternative character may I inform you we are in tremendous pressure to begin the produccion? Maybe nasfan6 is a good alternative, I don't know, is he a latino also? he seems too uptight, maybe audience won't like him.
Nasfan6 might be a reasonable choice, and no problems if he's a gringo he can always wear a black cheast wig and toupe! My brit boyfriend agreed to be my manager so Im open to offers too!