When you get an initial letter or decide to send one to a girl, is it better to send a longer detailed letter or just a brief not to say 'hi I liked your profile want to correspond?'
When you get a letter from someone you are not interested in, what is a kind way to decline? A template decline letter that is polite but honest? Or is it best to just not respond at all?
There are so many things involved in Letter writing and I do know
lots about this.
First your wordings and like East said be yourself, but also
include sincere Kindness and when writing about yourself, I always
ask questions right after writing something about me.
I lost so many contacts in the beginning because I would try
So many different things.
Now I talk to them by phone and we laugh and I got better understanding
of what it takes to speak in A sincere good humor way without offending
This is my decline letter for Fiance (I use it a lot)
Thank you for writing to me I am honored that you would select me from all the others but I am afraid that I don't think we would be a very good match. I wish you well and good luck finding the man you seek.
All the best
sharkhunter, if you don't like lady that contacted you it is better to send decline than not to respond at all. of course decline can be very dissapointing. but if she doesn't receive it she will have false hopes sit and wait for your answer and lose time.
as to introductory letter. it should not be too long. just let her know who you are. have you uploaded photos at profile? if no do it and more ladies will contact you first. or attach your photos to letter, it will increase response rate significantly.