A lot of the women indicate they want children RIGHT away. I want kids as much as the next guy, but also want to spend a few years travelling with my wife before we start a family.
What age do Russian women consider too old for children? (btw my ideal age range is 20-25).
Also, if a lady asks "Do you think a man and woman can be friends?" Do you think she means JUST friends like in a 'When Harry Met Sally' sort of way. Or does she mean like a couple can be lovers and friends?
I can't answer what age RW consider too old for children, but in my experience meeting women in Russia, it seems that many women have children at a younger age than women in America. Among my American friends, I know very few women (if any) who had children before age 25-26. Many women that I know went to college, then got a career started, and then started thinking about kids in their late 20's-early 30's.
In Russia, I met many of my lady's friends who got married around age 19-20 and had kids right away (and most got divorced soon after and are now raising their kids alone).
I have no idea about your Harry met Sally question. It could be a language issue with a RW trying to speak English or through translation.
Doctors say that the best age for giving birth to the first child is 22-25 years old. But many girls have their first child at 16 or so...I think that this is too early:)
But again every woman has her own ideas on the age of giving birth to the first child :)
VNV is right on the money. Dead center bullseye.
I have the same problem.
I turned 50 at the beginning of July. If I go and find someone in September in Kherson and she is of an age where kids are viable then I start the paperwork, then I bring her back, then I actually get her preganant then we wait the obligatory 9 months I could easily be 52/3 before am a father.
So when the kid is 15 I will be what - 67/68 years old. Somebody draw me a warm bath and hand me the razor.
Therefore I always tell women that are 30 ++ forget having kids with me. That ususally ends that. They want children and this is in some ways a last gasp for them. I have had this secario go up to and including the 40 year old I am going to see in Kherson.
Holy shit!! You just turned fifty and your living in Florida. Does that mean that mean you will be wearing white shoes with a white belt and a polyester suit very soon ? LMAO !!