I have a friend in Kharkov called Alena. There is a sort of quasi romantic attachment there but really we are just friends. She tells me everything.
Today she is on EWM taking a quick look at who is online and the first person she sees is a 45 year old from Dania (not too far from me) called - wait for it - "Pornogangster" !!! He puts down his profession and making porno films!!!!
If you are out there and reading this Mr why don't you take a long walk off a short pier.
It is people like this that give us honest guys a bad reputation. When she told me this I was ready to fall off my chair.
Here we are a bunch of decent men looking for love and marriage and items like this are also out there. This is the opposition, the competition. It disgusts me.
What happened to respect, courtesy and treating women with honor. Behaving like a gentleman. I would just like to meet one of these guys that asks for sex pictures and so forth.
What can I say? I guess I am just a little too protective of Alena. Maybe a little too much but I feel men like this guy reflect badly on the rest of us and I wish I could do something about it.
OK I am done ranting I feel better.
This is not a flame or anything. I just got here and am not trying to cause any trouble. Just add another perspective I hope. There is good and bad in everything in the world. Pornography as disgusting as it is is here to stay. I don't let these a%% holes make me feel bad. My actions govern how people will see me. They are not giving me a bad reputation. As a matter of fact I think being different than this works to my advantage because a good woman will want to hold on tight knowing I come from a different mold.
If you are caring, considerate, listen and are interested, what anyone else does will not matter. I think most woman know that most of us don't fit into the "Pornoganster" mold. I hope they look for the best in us as we do in them.
I think you are relatively new to all this and believe me they do give us a bad reputation. They color the opinion of many FSU women. As you talk to more of them you will find this out. The thing about this guy that is interesting is that he is right out in the open with it. He is going into the data bases looking for bait.
The more insidious and by far more common are the ones that engage a woman in an email conversation then start asking for 'pictures' much later. It is sort of the reverse side of the scammer question. They bide their time before asking for dough, same thing. Now if we could just put the 2 together :))
It is not a question of you governing your behaviour it is others giving all of us a bad reputation, despite however nice a guy you might be. Fortunately thse fellows have not had much of an impact, thank God. They do not help things though.
Almost every FSU girl I have written/spoken to has told me she has received several of these type e-mails...asking about sex in the first letter, asking for nude pictures, etc. Determined girls delete these letters, but I'm sure many girls decide to drop the idea of marriage to a foreign man.
Interesting point - and I have witnessed 1st hand these requests and letters on my Fiancée’s -Yandex account !!
What is worse (I am not condoning the filthy shit)
A man that requests some pictures or sexual innuendo - and the women can hit the DELETE button in one quick decision and action
A man that writes sweet nothings to these ladies for months and leads them up the "Garden Path" with promises and FALSE pretence !!!
There is a lot more of that going on than the former.
Unfortunately there are male a@@holes everywhere...
Just look at these SMS's sent to a woman from an A@@hole...
First he sent a mail to the datingservice and told them she was a scammer, they took away her profile and this is the following sms's from him...
12/04/05 04:37
Katya, we really need to talk now! Just send me your naked pictures and I'll write to the agency that you're not a scammer! I guess that's what you want and to continue corresponding with the men. And I keep my promise if you do!
12/04/05 10:37
Did you get my sms? Think about my offer!
12/04/05 13:45
Are you going to do it? You should because you'll get your profile active again! But do you want it or you prefer to be a blacklisted scammer?
12/04/05 14:28
What do you want really??? Are you going to send me them - yes or no???
12/04/05 21:58
Are you going to send me your naked pictures? If you do that I'll be nice to you too but if you don't I can also write to your consulate and make more problems for you! And I'll do it too if you dont answer me now!
Also gentleman, there are irreputable scam sites, that scour these agencys looking for girls and post them on their sites like they are doing a fantastic job and are just taking mens money for protection. Not all anti scam sites are legitmate.