Martin_UK, dear forum member. read my posts again. I said you are welcome to be here and participate in discussinon subject. I also said that all thing that you asked site moderators to be removed were removed. still you instsits that somebody treated you wrongly. let's close this thread. I will not continue this discussions. email me privately if you do not like something about site moderators treating you diferently from the others.
Please explain, to me and others, where I have, recently, insisted that somebody treated me wrongly?
It seems, as the site owner, that as soon as someone dares to question you and/or ask question(s) that you care not to anser you go straight on to the offensive.
Yes, you have answered, by repeatedly refusing to answer, the uestion(s) and for all to see.
Now you can close this thread also but if you dare to delete it, delete the truth, then I shall come back and time and time again. I am not complaining of 'different' treatment, I am merely trying to clarify if there are policies in place on your forum.
Please let this go. The issue of fairness seems to be a running sore with you and I don't think everyone sees things in the same way as you do.
Oleg has made it clear that she moderates as she sees fit and definitely cuts people lots of slack. I and others have gone to the moderators in the past and have sometimes been 'supported' and sometimes not. Some you win, some you lose. I'm amazed that she puts up with our, at times, adolescent behaviour.
There may only be a few members posting but it keeps the site alive and I know it's a trade-off.
I'm not on any particular side, so please don't offer a knee-jerk broadside. You have some pretty good experience. Would be a shame to lose it.
Dear Martin, I really don't think the "others" care much about this anymore. I agree with QC, you are a man with a lot of experience and it would be really nice if you used that experience to inform and help instead of using your energy as negative energy.
I am not here to pick a new fight with you, I just think that you, with your experience could be a great resource for the most of us. You had some really great posts about travelling, especially when it came to air-traffic. Lately it have all been about you and what you find unfair, you don't care at all about that you are poluting the great friendly tone that once were here. We used to help and laugh and I remember we were quite polite, you were as well, then this Martin - Toad conflict started, and everything changed.
Can we please start over and try again? And let's be positive, please!
We are in the same boat, let's manoeuvrate it together!