I would focus more on Learning about the culture and things you want
to accomplish than about how many letters she gets. Lets face it theres many men looking, so my advice is Learn the Ropes and as long as your well versed
in how this all works and the things that really need to be done, you will never even really pay attention to that stuff again.
Well the wow girls don't do much for me. I think JMO has met a couple of them and said one was really nice, but just a professional dater. Also sometimes their agencies go on an email campaign for them and write many men opening letters to attract interest. Also on Fiance.com if you send a letter of declination to a woman that is also included in their stats for lettes received. It is not necessarily the active amount of letter writing they are receiving.
One of the girls I was writing over a year ago didn't have much activity, she was really nice, then her agency started a letter campaign for her and she made the Miss Wow list, then she got an attitude with me and the letters decreased from me. After catching a rash of shit from her for not sending her flowers on her birthday, I didn't respond to the crappy letter. Then about a week later she wrote again and her letter said "Is this all, is this it?" I had a one word response "Yep". So don't put much stock in the amount of letters they get, also it can be a blessing in disguise and you can feel out their real attitudes. Funny she was one of the last two girls I was writing at the time. She lives in the same town as my fiancee does. I've always been honest with Larissa and told her about this lady, Larissa teases me a lot, telling me well if you don't like me you can always go visit her. I told Larissa I would rather shove ground up glass in my eyes first.
Just remember this Juxter, only about 5-10% of the guys writing these ladies actually go to visit them. If you go, you are way ahead of the game. Izi, JMO, Toad,Ditto and I have exhanged pictures of our ladies. The best thing I have ever done in my life was to put my ass on the plane to Ukraine. I would have never met the most incredible lady I have had the privilege to spend time with if I just sat behind my keyboard.
Nasfan Thanks for that, good to see things are going well for you. I didnt think things would move this fast. I agree about travelling there, I suppose I thought things would move a little slower so I am just catching up and getting a perspective on all this. I subscribed to a couple of dating sites in the UK Im not the most handsome guy but I havent been hit with the ugly stick either, but after getting so much interest off shall we say less than attractive women I tried this site, best move Ive done since I can remember. A visit is definately on the cards.
The point that Mike mentioned is quite important. It is true as he say that only 5 to 10 out of a 100 men writing these woman actually go all the way. There are a lot of talkers, and less walkers out there. I was about to meet a Ukraine woman in Rivne once, some things got in my way, and I had to go there the week after instead. She was really sad and dissapointed, I tried to explain to her, but she didn't seem to understand. Later I found out the reason was that she had experienced this several times, and then the guy never showed up at all.. I went the week after, and today we are good friends.
I wish everyone writing to these women was more of a "walker", it is sad that some of the women believe in love with a guy that only write her to kill some time, and to live a fantasy that will never come true... I think they believe they can pull this off and get the woman to their country, but when they think everything over, things are getting serious, the date for the meeting is closing, and they realize how much papers and stuff they need to arrange, they just pull back and leave the woman hurt and dissapointed.
I haven't exchanged pics with you, but I have with izi, toad and jmo. Some of us are talking quite often in msn messenger, and more of you are welcome to join in. Just send me a mail and we can exchange the data needed.
These girls are getting smarter. They try to weed the bullshit from the real deal. I was worried with Larissa in the beginning. I had scheduling conflicts and had to delay my trip by a couple of days. I'm so glad that she understood. She had many men promise to come and never show up.
I think the guys who write these ladies and never show up are similar as the scammers who take money from stupid men.
I also walk the walk although in recent years I have allowed a girl to "forge" me into someone else. I have now seen the light and I have left the sheep behind and joined the RHINOS again. I have arranged a trip to Prague in November but now I am thinking of going to Russia instead.
Every time you give advice it makes a clearer picture for me to act upon, thanks. The information you guys are willing to give up is well appreciated.
Not a problem my friend, just passing on what many did for me when I first started this search, Like Tim H, Gladiator, Ditto, Crashnsplash, Jetmba and all the others that made my journey not only a safe one, but a very successful one. Just pay it forward when your time comes
i agree you must go over and meet theses ladys i went to chisinau in may of this year and stay just a few days shy of a month and had the best time of my life and met a very beautiful woman now just waiting on all the paperwork to finish and if all goes well her and her son will be here in december hammer nas were did you meet your lady just courious i dont get on here much but when i do i try to catch up i have learned alot from you guys
I met her through fiance.com and we met in Kiev and then travelled to her hometown of Mariupol. Then I returned to Mariupol and we spent time in Yalta, two things I miss very badly her and Yalta! Hopefully with everything going as planned she will be here in November.
nasfan, I certainly will, cant help thinking you guys are the pioneers but then you probably thought that of people who helped you. Hammer, good to hear about another success story, helps to make this almost surreal experience all the more believable.
Last I looked Martin was in 5th place, why is this race on so late?
or is the a taped Race. I do not know because I just watched like when earnheart just went out.
I remember the surreal experience the first time I touched down in Kiev. I was looking out the window at the snow on the ground wondering what was around the corner next. After six months of writing and calling the moment of truth was at hand. Went through customs with minimal hassle grabbed my bags and headed out the city exit door. There she was, standing there with a single rose in her hand. That image is still ingraved in my mind like yesterday. I'm usually not without words, but she made me speechless. We sat at a table and had an expresso, she asked me if I was disappointed and if I wanted to go home, I said not in a million years! It has been an amazing adventure for me. One that I am glad I took, and many thanks to all the guys here that made this journey the best thing that ever happened in my life. My next trip to Ukraine will be to bring her to our home. One I've have spent countless hours destroying to remodel to her European taste. She never asked for money, the only money I have sent is for her driving and english lessons. Also for the expense of her acquiring documents for her visa that is now all in the hands of my Bureaucratic government. My only regret, that I didn't meet Larissa 20 years ago, I would be so much further ahead in life. So, if spending 10-15,000 scares you. Think how much an unhappy marriage can cost. Mine devasted me financially. The true girls dedicate themselves to their men. Sometimes I find this a bit overwhelming and I have to tell her she is not my slave. It is their culture. I've never bought into the soulmate crap, but if Larissa isn't my soulmate, there is no such thing. Now my life is dedicated to her happiness, she tells me all the time that I'm making her fantasy in life come true. What's unique, is her fantasy is what many of us take for granted each and everyday!
nasfan Thanks for sharing that witn me, it sounds like you found the right girl straight away, your present thoughts reflect our expectation this life can offer. I only want to find someone who can appreciate me for who I am, thats not asking much is it? I am just going through a divorce so I know what you mean about the financial issues, I agree totally with you on this one, you cant put a price on happiness.
I am so excited to start this Journey and hearing the above statment is so nice and so rewarding. I thank my Lucky stars everyday and I know the butterfly feeling at least I hope settles down, OMG I leave tomorrow.
think I am getting sick breath Dave breath.
Your story sounds almost exactly like mine, right down to the "are you disappointed with me". An my divorce did the same to my financial picture. I often think the same...if only I had done this so many years ago. My girl was the first girl I visited, but there were many letters to other girls before I found her. It often takes persistance and determination, but the rewards are worth all the effort.