I have been chatting with a Latvian women for 2 months now, mainly on the internet with a web cam and exchanging emails and sms, and also I have phoned her a few times.
This weekend, I arranged for her to come to London to meet me (I paid for all the plane fares, hotels etc) and we had a really great time together. Everything seems just too good, and this is why I have concerns !
Of course I was concerned about her just wanting money so I deliberately had a lot of cash money in my wallet but it was not touched while I was asleep etc. She has 2 children and is a teacher earning around 300Lvl per month, although she also does some translating work from which she receives up to another 100Lvl per month.
She is married, but seperated from her husband. She says he doesn't want to divorce and she doesn't have the money to pay for the papers to do it herself. Her husband is working a lot in Scandinavia.
She has told me about her sexual past and it is very limited, although she is married since 13 years and seems experienced !
I have her address and have sent things in the post to her. I have only her mobile number but she says that she does not have a landline because of finances.
Everyone I talk to says 'beware' but she seems very genuine. She has not invited me to her country, but when I mentioned about going to visit her she did reply with 'you are always welcome' although she appeared much happier to come back to visit me.
She is pretty, well dressed, well spoken etc etc but does anyone have much experience of these girls and are they capable to live '2 lives'. Are my doubts unfounded ?
From Estonian woman who have british boyfriend : JUST DO YOUR OWN THINKING BLOODY HELL! What advice you want to get here on that board!If you both are satisfied of that lifestyle : who cares! What about "these girls" you think british women dont have lovers????
I really hope that woman dont read that. Be careful of that kind of statements : money wasnt touched in wallet. If my boyfriend will write such kind of crap, I will dump him emmediately!
What doubts you actually have?
If british separated woman who is teacher and who have low income and whos husband works abroad will go to Paris and have love affair with frenchman who pays the bills. What do you think? Why you think "these people" from Baltics are some sort of freaks?
Annika is offended because the only basis he has to not trust her, is that she is a)Latvian and b) he has heard the international dating scams.
It's akin to racism and stereotyping. I think she has reason to be offended. But she likes to chirp about everything, so who knows :)
So SmoothGuy, if you flew her to London, was intimate with her and felt a connection, then you must've developed some trust along the way.
You are supposed to have your hesitations before you actually meet them, as it's very likely if you are getting scammed she would never fly to meet you.
Use your instincts, talk to her and trust her until she proves otherwise.
From what men have written here in the past and based on our engaged forum member JET who has been to Latvia before but is engaged to a Moldavian now ,Latvian women are said to be the most westernized of the pack. Especially women of Riga. But don`t hold me to that even though it sounds as if i am painting them with the old wide brush. I don`t trust their agencies from my past experiences.
SmoothGuy, now go visit her. Also it may happen that your relationship will not work out. It doesn't mean that she scammed you:) Annika is offended because of different treatment of Latvian, Ukranian, Russian women in international relationship. we discuss it lot here already.
one must be always carefull. you can be scammed by any local woman the same way. In your case you both can travel. No problem to get to know each othere better.
I think she sounds just great. You must act on YOUR gut feelings. I know what you mean about "what others are saying" Most of their skepticism is based on jealously and threat.
The fact that she has arrived to you eliminates a "scammer"
She sounds just like a genuine single mother who has had a bad marriage. You do want that marriage closure but !!
Good luck man. Get on plane and visit her, she is possible shy about her living conditions compared to yours. They are very proud people and VERY honest on the whole!!
Don't take to much offence of Annikas comments above. I do not know why she come on here.
I do know why she takes offence though - but she must understand the reason and purpose of this Forum. It is exactly for the purpose you have posted.
We all have negative an doubting issues that need support or advice. Unfortunately as with most bad things - a few FSU women have spoilt the reputation of all the genuine ones.
Annika - lighten up. If you cant stand the heat - get out of the kitchen !!!!!!!
Thank you guys...its great you all actually understood what I wanted to say! I like the heat by the way...
But I still dont understand what is so souspicious?
Maybe people who date baltic people must accept that they like privacy and dont introduce their dates to all village!
Suspicion comes from Propaganda - media - and general assumption and talk.
Unfortunately it has a base that it derived from. Bad news always travel faster and further than the good. There is much hype and crap floating around caused by a greedy few. My experience is that FSU and I am sure Baltic people are very genuine and totally honest.
I am also a very lucky man who has a beautiful Fiancée from Kiev arriving in 8 days.
We all had our suspicions when we stepped into what we were led to believe was a “mine field” of scammers and con artists. But the successful ones see through this façade and venture in and find many beautiful people that your part of the world has.
Aparently you don´t have much experience with wome. BTw I was living 2 years in the London, working in the City! You should not INSULT women by having "much money in your wallet", instead going out and buying them nice stuff they want! And everybody will be happy!