Hey everyone, I'm quite new to this so I would really appreciate the "constructive criticsm," heh, and help. Let me start off with a little info about myself: 19 yrs old. (yea), currently reside in Hawaii, so far established 2 companies of my own dealing with Medical Diagnostics and equipment and services (basically Ultrasound, EEG, EKG, Bone density, holtors, basically most medical exams), at the moment I've expanded into the Philippines about 6 months ago and things are doing really well. Stateside, I've already started moving into Cali and Nevada. I myself is an ultrasound technician, graduated year early from HS, and is a licensed realtor in the state of Nevada, currently trying to get licensed in Hawaii and Cali as well. So as you can see, I've accomplished quite a lot, especially for my age. And yea, I think you're probably wondering why I'm here, heh. I don't want to sound cocky or arrogant, but unfortunately, as much as I'd like to stay humble about it, due to my large success, I've dated and been with "lots" of women, oldest being 26. Normal relationship lasted from a month to 3 or 4. Unfortunately, I've gotten real tired with the women around here, heh, I tend to travel alot this year I've been in and out of the U.S. six times already. Most common problem I tend to find with the girls? 1, love to spend alot & 2, I don't know if its due to the current generation, tend to be unfaithful - alot. Mind you, I don't intend to marry right away, it's just that I've been so in and out of these quick relationships that well, its been a real rocky ride emotionally wise. I've dated a Russian woman before, 21 old, and well, she did blow my mind, problem you ask? Family problems forced her to move... if there were more of her out there, I'd like to find 'em. Main problem I noticed with the women now-a-days here is that they've become more and more unfaithful, hah I know it's something you find everywhere but, it's more common than I guess everyone thinks here. "Big heave here," anyway, like I referred to in the beginning, I'm awefully new to this and I'd appreciate some pointers. I've found several women, but remain hesitant, mainly because I'm not sure how to "go about" this online process, I've heard lots of stories (good & bad), speaking of which I was introduced to this by a very good friend who is at the moment in communication with a woman from Ukraine. So, I'm expecting some of you to say that I'm still young for this and good chance I'll find someone else later, but, it's life, you either make it the way you want it or you sit on your rump waiting for things to happen. Wouldn't hurt to try.
You are 19? You sound very busy. A good relationship with a woman is going to require much of your time and effort. Live a little and allow yourself to grow and mature some more before you try to tackle this. Annika is correct.
I agree with Annika and Neon.
Anyway to be truthful with you it doesn't matter how successful you are you are too young for FSU girls. If a woman is say 20 she is looking for a mature guy between maybe 30 and 35. That is just how it is. Money isn't going to do it, you just don't have enough years. These women are just different than what you are used to. Also because you seem to have plenty of money you would almost certainly end up attracting the same shallow bitches that you can find here in the USA.
This is one of those rare occasions in life where being 40 plus isn't a disadvantage it is a resounding plus!! The ones who are looking for a family life and security usually have already been married and are between 27 to 40. They are looking for a man who has already been married and has the security/stability credentials in place. Youth won't give that. Come back in 10 years as Annika says.
Meanwhile go over there for vacations and pick up a little Russian in preparation you will not regret it. It is another world.
Well I always thought that at 19 years it is a little bit early to start a serious relations, as there is a saying "he didn't romped yet" and it can be applied to this age:) So just have fun and enjoy life at your best:)
Unless you have been diagnosed with a terminal disease that will kill you within a year or two, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to seek a serious relationship with anyone you're not related to..and those should certainly not be for romance.
If you plan to kick the bucke anytime soon, go for it, kid...you'll find odles of adorable women everywhere in FSU willing to marry you, get pregnant with your child to ensure your bloodline does not die with you (as long as she gets to inherit all your money)...
Someone here suggested you live a little...I say live a lot, man.
Do a complete attitude change and learn to apply the FFFF fundamentals of dating.
Find them
Feel them
F..k them
Forget them.
What you complain about other women within your age group not being faithful is the norm. As it should be, mate.
They simply screw around to gain experience, know how and they do it with a conscience completely guilt free. Yours should be the same.
CJ. Don't listen to these old dudes!;-) Go for it!
If anyone will argue with what I'll tell here he will be easily critisized as almost 100% of us here are the vivid example. So....
So the earlier you pass through this, the sooner you divorse, the faster you'll become wise and experienced and will be able to approach all this stuff seriously.
okokokokokok...for a few seconds I did think along those same lines, Felice...but why encourage him to put himself and his money at risk by marrying someone who probably has as little or no life experience whatsoever?
If he marries someone more experienced, he will get fleeced in divorce...let him grow up and play the field until he gets tired of women for bedmates only.
CJ, if you want to a good view of marriage, live with her once you find someone you like. Learn about the miseries of marriage, but w/o being married,..:))
Yes, you are too young, yeah, you probably feel like you are not too young, but trust us, guys who have been around the block a few times, at 19 you do not have a clue.
I remember 19, and I remember thinking I knew something and I look back and laugh because I knew nothing and though I knew everything.
You will do the same thing when you reach about 28.
You need to learn how to become a man before you can have a successful marriage and family.
So if you have money burning a hole in your pocket at 19, then you should travel the world: I recommend Italy and Greece, Japan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
Or buy real estate and rent it out or sit on it, accumulate wealth.
Think of yourself as a stock. You are young and have potential, but your stock is still pretty low, you want to wait for it to peak before you put it on the market. If marry right now, you wont be getting a good price for yourself and will have to settle.
Sounds cold and isn't super romantic, but it's reality and you have to live within the constraints society has created.
Sorry, guys, I forgot that you are living not here and a guy marrying a woman risks his property much higher than here... This is my mistke. Simply here it is not a big problem: if you divorce less than in 2 years after marriage, your wife has no righ for any property accumulated before marriage. So that's not a big deal...
Toad, I have a rejection, your honor... I am just damned sure that you can live with a woman without marriage for as you wish long but after the wedding a woman's brain changes drastically and this is the main reason for a divorce.
No, Felice...I would not live with a woman unless I would hope to marry her eventually.
But kids CJ's age are better off 'cohabitating' to get a taste of married life instead of taking so many unnecessary emotional, legal anf financial risks.
CJ, don't let the put downs we dish you here piss you off. If you truly have the key to the cash flow you mentioned you're way ahead of the game... financially, at least.
But it is is BAD BAD BAD idea to put it all on the line at this stage of your life.
BTW, what does your father say about your plans?
You are too young to get married and ruin your life!
Don't consider marriage until you are 25 at least.
Most marriages amongst young people fail for lack of emotional maturity between the couples.
Live and enjoy your young life...by all means have girl friends and shag around and enjoy yourself and get experience in relationships.
You are too young to consider a Russian/FSU woman and the challenges of bridging the culture gap are too much...get expereince with local girls and don't make a mistake of marrying too young.
Many a man has pissed his life away on a piece of ass.
I personally would not consider marriage to a girl unless you have lived with her full time for at least 1 year or more and now days you don't have to get married to be socially accepted and living de-facto is great as breaking up is far less messy than going through a divorce...with Russian/FSU/foreign girls you have to marry them after bringing them into the country in order for them to have permission (permanent residence) to live there.
Marriage can stuff your life up anyway..more so if you do it too soon.
I would not marry a woman again if I was paid a million dollars cause marriage is crap!
The problem with dating a lady from a foreign shore is that at some point you have to commit simply to maintain the relationship. It's very difficult to sustain long distance romances. It's not necessarily true that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. It also makes you forget!!
It's a bit of a quandary for you. You want to find a good woman, where they are few and far between, but are (arguably), too young to plunge into marriage. It seems you can't have the former without the latter!
Maybe it will work, maybe not. But many here know from painful experience that the decision to marry should be based on actual time spent together, not on a year's writing and a month or two together. With a foreign bride you are unlikely to have that. What you will be doing is plunging into marriage with a stranger. Even though, romantically, you may feel joined in heavenly union. ;-))) And where the cultural differences may seem cute, initially, they could become sources of friction once the rosy glow has ebbed away.
There is a truism in romance. When two people are in love, everything they do is right. When they fall out of love, nothing they do is right. Marry in haste. Repent at leisure.
So, take your time, CJ. You have pleny of it. And when you are entwined in each other's arms and you're replete with spent passion and your pillow talk is about the life you want to spend together and she says she doesn't watch daytime TV and would love to watch you windsurf and only shops at the dollar store. You might just want to give it enough time to check she means what she says. :-)))
hey im 22..not as legally successful as you (growing dope outdoors in the hills of BC..and no i dont care if i talk about it lol its canada..and BC) but i agree with you. maybe learn russian and wait a few years is my advice.
Heh, I appreciate the advice. Father? hah, I was raised by my mother. It's true, guys my age should be doing those FFFF's, maybe I just feel as if I did too much of that that I'm kind of getting tired of it. Mind you, I didn't mean to get married right away, heh I know I'm way too young for that. I was just wondering if I don't know, getting to know some just for starting off, nothing serious. My friend who introduced me to this is 20 and well, made it sound good. Haha. I really didn't talk to anyone else about it 'cept here in the forums, I just wanted to hear what you guys would think.
I admit, there's plenty more life I've got to live, and much more to learn. Turning 20 next week, so, techincally I'm not really 19, heh, w/e still comes down to "still too young." Heh, I literally almost joined the marines right out of HS, matter of fact I almost signed my 4 years away until I had a sudden change of heart, figured best to tell my folks first 'fore I do it. Next thing you know, I'm here where I am now, kind of don't regret not going. Very true sharkhunter, at 19 you think you know everything - but we don't. Same with if I settled down now at my age, not very good - I concur, thus I said in the beginning I'm not looking to marry right away, just wanted to get to know the women for a while.
Heh, most guys fear marriage, you see it in the movies, you see it in the magazine, heck it's turning into some kind of typical stereotype. Prenup's are, sadly, a becoming more and more of a requirement now-a-days. Of course I'll definately consider one, heh. I really don't intend to bring any FSU women stateside anytime soon, like you said aussie, most likely you're going to have to marry 'em. I figured I go there instead, see the sights too while I'm there, travel the world, you know.
I appreciate the advice, really. Quite an enjoyment actually for me to read what you all think. As of now, I do intend to just, well, sit on the sidelines for now. I agree with what many of you had to say, though it was really unecessary to say in the beginning because it was just so, well, obvious heh. Live life, be free, actually enjoy my independent status hah!
If you wish to play the field, don't do it with FSU girls. These ladies are looking to start family and settle down, not casual dating. It would be cruel to play the field with these girls, unless you are very honest from the first letter that you are not ready for marriage and only want to have some fun.